Debugging the Makefile / part 2 /

Debugging methods

In this part, we will talk about common debugging techniques and problems. Ultimately, debugging is a hodgepodge of everything that works in a given situation. These methods work for me and have to rely on them even in case of problems with the simplest makefiles . Maybe they will help you too.

Debugging the Makefile / part 1 /

One very annoying bugs in make

3.80 was the error message in the makefile , where make

the line number and usually the line number was incorrect. I didn't bother to investigate why this problem occurs: because of imported files, assignments to multi-line variables, or because of custom macros. Usually, make

gives a line number greater than it should. In complex makefiles, it happens that the number does not coincide by 20 lines.

Often the easiest way to see the value of a variable is to print it out during the execution of the target. While it is easy to print with help warning

, in the long run it can save a lot of time a little effort adding a general purpose debug

for outputting variables. Here's some example target code debug


       $(for v,$(V), \
         $(warning $v = $($v)))

, debug


$ make V="USERNAME SHELL" debug
makefile:2: USERNAME = Owner
makefile:2: SHELL = /bin/sh.exe
make: debug is up to date.


, V


       $(for v,$(V) $(MAKECMDGOALS), \
         $(if $(filter debug,$v),,$(warning $v = $($v))))

. , , make

( ) :

$ make debug PATH SHELL
makefile:2: USERNAME = Owner
makefile:2: SHELL = /bin/sh.exe
make: debug is up to date.
make: *** No rule to make target USERNAME. Stop.


, shell

. , , , . โ€” :

DATE := $(shell date +%F)
make-directories := $(shell [ -d $(OUTPUT_DIR) ] || mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR))
all: ;


, :

$ make SHELL="sh -x"
+ date +%F
+ '[' -d out-2004-05-11 ']'
+ mkdir -p out-2004-05-11

, .

, , :

FIND_TOOL = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1).exe,$(TOOLPATH))))

. :

$(warning $(TOOLPATH))
$(warning $(addsuffix /$(1).exe,$(TOOLPATH)))
$(warning $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1).exe,$(TOOLPATH))))

, ( ) .



. . , , make

, , . .



    makefile:n: *** message. Stop


    make:n: *** message. Stop.

makefile โ€” . โ€” , , , , , .

, make

, , makefile . , - , - . , โ€” . , make


: , , .



     for f in $SOURCES; \
     do                 \
        โ€ฆ               \

, make




. , f

, :

    OURCES: No such file or directory

. โ€” .

missing separator


    makefile:2:missing separator. Stop.

( GNU make โ€” .):

    makefile:2:missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.


, :, =, . , - .

commands commence before first target

makefile, ( ). make

, , , , make


unterminated variable reference

, . , . make

Lisp! , , Emacs.

: , , , .

" ", .


    bash: foo: command not found

, foo

. , PATH

. , PATH

, .profile (Bourne shell), .bashrc (bash) .cshrc (C shell). , PATH

makefile, PATH



, . , make


$ make
touch /foo/bar
touch: creating /foo/bar: No such file or directory
make: *** [all] Error 1


, . โ€” make

. makefile , . , , make


, @

. .


, make


No Rule to Make Target


    make: *** No rule to make target XXX. Stop.


    make: *** No rule to make target XXX, needed by YYY. Stop.

, make

XXX, make

. make



  • makefile . .
  • makefile โ€” . make

    . makefile , . make

  • , make

    - , , make

    . , make

    . โ€” VCS. , make

    - , - . , .

    Overriding Commands for Target


    ( ยซ::ยป , ). , make


    makefile:5: warning: overriding commands for target foo


    makefile:2: warning: ignoring old commands for target foo

    , ; .

makefile , . , , .

, :

# Create a jar file.
        $(JAR) $(JARFLAGS) -f $@ $^

makefile . makefile:

# Set the target for creating the jar and add prerequisites
jar_file = parser.jar
$(jar_file): $(class_files)

If you inadvertently add a command script to such a makefile , an make

override warning will be issued.

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