COVID-19. Falling out of explanations

Waves, ripples and bursts.

Let's look at the characteristics of a typical infectious disease outbreak. As defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC): [1]

“An outbreak from a single common source is an outbreak in which a group of people are exposed to an infectious agent or toxin from the same source. If the number of cases is plotted on a graph with an abscissa against the time of the epidemic, then the resulting curve has ... usually a steep rise and a less abrupt gradual descent (the so-called "lognormal distribution"). The spread and development of an outbreak occurs as a result of person-to-person transmission [usually] through direct person-to-person contact. ”Spread outbreaks usually show several peaks at intervals of one or two weeks. The epidemic typically subsides after several such cycles.


“Some epidemics have the features of both epidemics of a single common source and epidemics of spread. It is not unusual for an outbreak to occur from a single source, followed by secondary spread from person to person. ” The CDC claims that these patterns can produce multiple cycles or peaks over the next several weeks. But in all cases of outbreaks of spread from natural infectious agents, the timelines follow essentially the same typical curve, perhaps somewhat elongated, but still, with the close location of the time peaks. Here are three graphs from the CDC for illustration. You can clearly see that we have a rise (fast in the case of a single primary source, slow in a spreading epidemic or combined), then a peak, a fade out and a stop.

“ ”

While the literature on the subject is confusing for a variety of factors, there is no evidence to postulate a natural "second wave" of infection. An epidemic or pandemic manifests itself in that it begins, grows exponentially, reaches a peak, then slowly fades and disappears. Perhaps isolated outbreaks may appear later, but they do not cause new epidemics. One of the main unexplained oddities with COVID-19 is that, right from the start, the American media has been passionately preparing us for the "second wave." To make this scenario more plausible, they linked it to the natural occurrence of influenza, which usually occurs when the weather turns cold in autumn and winter. However, it was a deliberately misleading message that included an overwhelming majority of "association games."

Let's remember that this is not a flu virus; this is the SARS virus, another strain, SARS-CoV-2, and there was no reason to expect it to behave like a regular flu and do the same. Indeed, in all countries that had their outbreaks of COVID-19 in March or April, long before the onset of cold weather, the virus had already reached its peak and narrowed in many countries to the point that it almost disappeared in places.

Investigating other recent epidemics or pandemics such as H3N2 in 1968 or H1N1 in 2009, we find no evidence of any “second waves”. H1N1 2009 was typical, albeit prolonged, lasting from April 2009 to February 2010. It peaked in May or June and declined slowly until the end of the year. Other cases are similar. Here are some examples of typical distribution patterns. The tail of the virus spread in China has been truncated due to strong containment measures; the spike was due to data updates as not all infection data have been collated yet. You can see that China has come to a close, Saudi Arabia and Bolivia have almost reached it, India and Argentina have fallen behind. All charts are courtesy of Worldometer. (The "Spanish flu" of 1918 was an anomaly.Note (1) in Closing Notes.)


Western Europe

Note that Western Europe has no “normal distribution” cases and every nation has been hit by a “second wave.” Switzerland, Spain, the UK and many other countries jumped from zero to 20,000 or 30,000 new infections per day that has no historical or epidemiological explanation. It seemed that someone did not do their job properly the first time, and came back to try again. Let's look at a few examples.


Turning to Eastern Europe


Little Latvia is typical for many countries. The initial flare in March was so tiny that it was almost invisible, then it diminished and dissipated. There have been several scattered outbreaks of infection, but nothing to trigger a resurgence. Then, suddenly and inexplicably, there was a huge explosion in early October. Almost all of Eastern Europe followed this pattern, with the exception of Russia and Belarus. Let's take a look at Russia:


I have been watching Russia very closely since the beginning of 2020. For about two months, the infection was stable and the increase was only a few hundred people a day. Russia implemented many containment measures, and it began to seem that the virus would not matter to it. Then, suddenly in April, there was an explosion in the number of those infected, which grew rapidly to over 10,000 per day, and spread almost simultaneously throughout the country. It was painful to watch as Russia for four months tries to bring the level of daily infection below 5000, but in the end - 4900, 4800, and it seemed like the tail of the epidemic was approaching, and then suddenly another explosive jump to almost 30,000, Again at the same time in all regions and is still increasing. There is no infection that would manifest itself in this way without human help.

Yes, there was a high rate of infection in Russia, but a relatively low death rate, to the dismay of many in the West, is so low that Reuters published a startlingly silly article entitled “Experts Want to Know Why Coronavirus Has Not Killed Enough Russians” [2] ...

The words "tasteless" and "deplorable" were the kindest in Reuters' assessment of this "gem". Then they changed the name to - “Experts are wondering why the coronavirus has not killed more Russians,” which, however, did not dispel public confusion. The third reincarnation of this train of thought: "Experts are questioning the Russian data on the death toll from Covid-19." NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg backed Reuters, saying that Russia is "spreading ... disinformation ... trying to change the world order." "Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova dryly remarked in her Facebook post that a 'world order' in which it is considered acceptable to lament why the virus did not kill more Russian people could probably be changed." Helen Buyniski described it in a charming RT article; I recommend that you read it [3].


Then we have the strange case of Turkey. The number of new daily infections was around 1,000, then quickly rose to 5,000, and suddenly jumped to 30,000 - in one day - and continues to increase. As in Russia, there is not a single known natural outbreak of a pathogen that would manifest itself in this way. And the thought comes to mind, if someone wanted to punish for the purchase and activation of Russian S-400 missiles, this would be a suitable method.


Blessed Triumvirate

It should be further noted that while most countries only received the second wave, the United States, Japan and South Korea were blessed with the third wave, seemingly receiving most favored nation status from COVID-19. (I copied this term from Paul Street's Counterpunch article [4]).


Another Curious Manifestation of "Two Waves"

As I noted above, there is no such thing as a natural “second wave” of an epidemic, especially for an epidemic of this specific type: no one has yet addressed the fact that almost all countries in the world were affected by COVID-19 almost simultaneously, in two super-flashes [5]. There were two waves - the first hit 25 countries on all continents, where practitioners confirmed their first home infection within three days of each other. In the second wave, almost exactly one month later, 85 countries confirmed their first internal infection, again almost all within three days of each other, and all at once in multiple locations. Needless to say, no natural epidemic can manifest itself in this way without human help.

A natural virus is simply not capable of infecting 85 different countries at the same time on all continents of the world, with outbreaks occurring in several places in each country and all on the same day. Perhaps even more curious, not all of these countries were infected with the same type of virus, and each country experienced multiple infections in different provinces, so that none of them was able to definitively identify all of their multiple zero patients. Considering the above information in the light of the known basic facts of virus transmission, intuition suggests at least the possibility that there were many people carrying buckets of live viruses. All of this is prima facie evidence of a biological weapon attack.I wrote an earlier article titled “COVID-19 Needs Criminal Investigation” [6] which is still relevant today.

Search for the source

Giuseppe Remuzzi, a senior Italian virologist, has published articles in The Lancet and other publications in which he claims that Italian doctors now recall seeing “very strange and very severe pneumonia, especially in the elderly in December and even November [2019] [7]. This suggests that the virus was circulating at least in Lombardy, and before we knew about this outbreak in China. ”

Italy has found traces of the virus in wastewater samples since summer 2019, and France, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries have made the same discovery. I described them in detail in the previous article [8]. In Brazil, researchers have found COVID-19 samples in wastewater samples since late 2019. France has shown a chest scan showing COVID-19 since early November 2019. Blood samples in Italy showed the virus in September. In Spain, researchers found the virus in wastewater collected in March 2019. The Irish Mirror reported that "many countries are starting to use wastewater sampling to track the spread of disease." Scientists argued that these findings from these studies are consistent with evidence coming from other countries, ”that COVID-19 circulated around the world long beforehow China reported its first cases, all of which, by necessity, had to arise in the US and be transported around the world, because only in the US there was a complete combination of virus strains, which means that the virus circulated (and mutated) there for several months before they contain (pollute) the rest of the world.

Italians have “unequivocally” demonstrated the presence of the virus of the year in frozen medical samples from many people since 2019, taken in other examinations and now tested for COVID-19. Many of them were obtained from cancer screening, chest x-rays and blood donations. The non-American media covered relatively little of these discoveries [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] And if the Chinese and Europeans are somehow aware of all this, then the Americans and Canadians do not know about this, because the owners of their media do not want information about it to be available.

French researchers have obtained evidence of Covid-19 from frozen samples, where they can be stored at -80 ° C for years. This is the same method that allows anti-doping laboratories to store samples of athletes for years as new methods of detecting illegal drugs emerge. For the virus, they use two different methods: a serological test, which looks for antibodies in the blood, and a virological test, RT-PCR, a very sensitive method that looks for the actual genome of the virus, its specific genetic information. ”[17, 18]

French virologists have now concluded that “the coronavirus outbreak in France was not caused by cases imported from China, but a locally circulating strain of unknown origin ...” [19] and, judging by other studies, this strain existed only in the United States. From my information, Italy, Spain and Portugal have come to the same conclusion. The data also show that the earliest cases of COVID-19 in Canada were sourced from the United States, not China. [20]

A number of American cities have found viruses in wastewater samples since 2019. The American media silenced these reports, but something in the local newspapers still got caught. At this point, Mike Pompeo issues an order that hospitals and laboratories are prohibited from disclosing any viral information directly to the CDC and the media, that any transmission must be made through the White House. This blocked all further reports of COVID-19 in America's sewage in the second and third quarters of 2019.

With the accumulated body of evidence, it now seems certain that COVID-19 has been circulating in the United States since June or July 2019, much earlier than previously thought, and that restrictions and (and a ban on large-scale) CDC testing were made in order to bury these proof of. One example, the headline in the US media on June 21, 2020 says: “More than 40 mysterious deaths due to breathing problems in California could radically rewrite the story of COVID-19” in the United States. [21] The LA Times reported on “a cluster of mysterious deaths from for breathing problems ”early December 2019. Local News Site www.bakersfield.comstated that this meant COVID-19 was circulating in California "much earlier than we knew." According to a study published November 30 in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, evidence of COVID-19 was also found in many blood samples collected from residents of nine US states back in mid-December. And let's not forget too quickly that Japanese tourists were infected in Hawaii in September 2019.

There have been many reports on the Internet by Americans, including many doctors, that from September 2019 onwards they have reported infections with very similar symptoms corresponding to COVID-19. Many times I have received messages from Americans in Washington, New York, California, Maryland, Virginia and other states, as well as from Germany and Italy, where it was alleged that such infections were already too numerous, well and well described and so similar so they should not be ignored.

New York Governor Cuomo still claims that "the coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not from China," but it is more of a preemptive move to deflect blame that will surely follow the inevitable conclusion that Europe was " sown ”from the USA. The basis for this statement, apparently, is only that the strains of the virus that infect New York and Italy, are identical. The blame is, of course, attributed to Italian travelers who infected Americans in New York, while ignoring the fact that planes, humans, and viruses travel in both directions with equal ease. However, everything proves the opposite, that the infection went in a different direction [22] [23] since only the USA contained all the varieties of this virus, the most logical assumption is that the travel route was from the USA to Italy.

Another part of the United States used the same line of reasoning, but still without sufficient data to support it. US researchers have traced the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak in Los Angeles and found that most of the early cases could lead to Europe. They examined about 200 patients with reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test results positive for SARS-CoV-2 and found that 82% of the cases bear the closest resemblance to those originating from Europe at the time. once 15% from Asia. This suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 genomes in Los Angeles were predominantly associated with the viral strain in New York and were not associated with Wuhan or China. In July 2020, the US CDC released a report stating that the SARS-CoV-2 samples in New York resemble those circulating in Europe.suggesting the probable origin of the virus from both Europe and elsewhere in the United States as the basis for the local NY variant [24]. Again, they ignore the inevitable fact that travel is a two-way street.

Japan, South Korea, Italy and Iran reported that their internal COVID-19 outbreaks did not originate in China, but were linked to the United States. Japan and Taiwan have documented evidence that several Japanese people became infected in Hawaii at the end of September 2019. In addition, huge mountains of evidence on the disease in Washington DC and New York point to a local strain with little or no significant connection to China [25]. The Australian Prime Minister has stated that 80% or more of all infections in his country originate from the United States [26], while Iceland has confirmed that some of their coronavirus infections have been traced back to Denver [27] [28]. Mayor of Belleville, NJ, Michael Melham said he tested positive for coronavirus antibodies and added that he contracted it in November, two months the first confirmed case was reported in the United States [29]. Anders Tegnella, Sweden's Chief Epidemiologist, said the coronavirus may have been circulating in the country since November [30].

There was also independent research by a Cambridge geneticist suggesting that the coronavirus may have been circulating much earlier than previously thought, and strong circumstantial evidence that the virus did not originate in Wuhan. [31] In an article published in May 2020 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, he reported on three main strains of the virus, which he labeled A, B, and C. His research determined that A was the main option as it was an option , most closely related to the SARS-Cov-2 type found in bats. But the A strain did not exist in China, where only a handful of cases were reported across the country, and even then only in American citizens. Wuhan was infected with type B, a second version mutation from A, which means it could not have originated in China.because it had no prior source from which to mutate.

In addition, a German scientist recently compiled a voluminous set of evidence that the virus in Europe spread from northern Italy [32] (but did not necessarily originate). Germany's chief virologist Alexander Kekule said: “[COVID-19] that is raging around the world is happening not from the central Chinese city of Wuhan, but a mutation from northern Italy. " The Italian strain is called the “G” mutant, which has genetic mutations and is likely to be more infectious than the variant found in Wuhan. He said more than 99% of COVID-19 cases can be genetically traced back to the Italian variant, and even its current cases in China are being re-imported from Europe and the rest of the world. He noted that at least for the European pandemic, "the starting shot was fired in northern Italy."

Further more. Recent studies by British and German experts have shown that the variant of the new coronavirus closest to that found in bats was actually found mostly in cases from the United States, not Wuhan. Experts from the University of Cambridge and their colleagues in Germany analyzed 160 virus genomes that were extracted from human patients around the world and found that the coronavirus had mutated into three different strains. They found that most cases of carriage of the virus type A - the virus - the ancestor, which is a coronavirus of bats with a similarity rate of 96% were observed only in patients from the United States and Australia. And of the five Type A patients found in Wuhan, they were all American who lived there [33]. Type C is a variant of Type B,most commonly found in European countries, as well as Singapore and South Korea, as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan. Their other conclusion was that since the virus mutates significantly faster outside of China, European spread likely occurred between 13 September 2019 and 7 December 2019.

Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese CDC, said that one of the reasons China was able to identify and correctly assess the danger of the epidemic was because they have experience in dealing with SARS, and based on this, the country has created a reporting system for pneumonia of unknown etiology. ... But he said it also easily misunderstood China. Other countries, including the United States, experienced respiratory illnesses that were almost certainly COVID-19, but did not look for an external pathogen and therefore did not find one, as in the case of the vaping epidemic in the United States and the like [34]. He added that research shows a “very high likelihood” that COVID-19 first appeared outside of China.

There is now more or more growing awareness that the Huanan market in Wuhan is the victim of COVID-19 and not its source of origin. Indeed, the first person in China to be diagnosed with the virus had no contact with the market, as did about 30% of the first victims. In addition, the virus strains in Italy, Iran, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea are different from the one that was infected with Wuhan. Since only the USA has all the different strains, it would seem that these infections should have arisen there [35]. Chinese scientists are confident that the origin and spread of the virus can be discovered if all countries cooperate. Unfortunately, the United States refuses to do so, blocking all attempts to cooperate on the issue while demanding that China be investigated.

Prior knowledge. Who knew what and when?

Todas Phillipson, an economist and acting chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), said his team had alerted the White House to the danger of an impending pandemic outbreak about three months before Covid-19 flared in the United States. In an interview with CNN reporter Poppy Harlow, he said he co-authored and published a CEA report entitled “Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Influenza with Vaccine Innovation,” which warned that pandemic flu could kill up to half a million Americans and damage the US economy up to $ 3.79 trillion. He stated that the report was presented to President Trump or his senior officials and that “the White House was fully aware of what was presented by the CEA” [36].

ABC News said a little more about this: “Concerns about [COVID-19] were detailed in a November intelligence report by the Armed Forces National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), according to two officials familiar with the document. The intelligence timeline of this case may be going [even] further back [in time] than we are discussing, ”said a source about preliminary reports from Wuhan. "An intelligence source quoted by ABC went on to say," analysts have concluded that this could be a catastrophic event. " The Washington Post wrote that "... US intelligence reports began in January and warned of the magnitude and intensity of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China [in Wuhan], which could escalate into a" full-blown pandemic. "

"The National Center for Medical Intelligence of the US Armed Forces (NCMI) compiled a November intelligence report in which" analysts concluded that this could be a catastrophic event, "one source for the NCMI report told ABC News. The source told ABC News that the intelligence report was then "repeatedly" brought to the attention of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon Joint Staff and the White House. The Pentagon. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the White House National Security Council declined to comment. " They later denied knowing about the report, but ABC was sufficiently confident in the reliability of its four unrelated sources that they republished the article several times, although NCMI disavowed the report.

Perhaps most striking was that Israeli television and other media outlets claimed that US intelligence agencies warned Israel of the coronavirus outbreak in China in November - long before the Chinese realized the "Game had begun." [37] On Channel 12 news, the US intelligence community learned of the nascent disease in Wuhan in the second week of that month and prepared a classified document. They argued that Trump “did not find it interesting,” but the Americans passed their secret document to both NATO and the Israel Defense Forces, which informed the government and then leaked it to the media. They argued that it is not clear if the NMCI report was the same most that was sent to NATO and the IDF. The American authorities denied this, but the Israeli media were firm in their assertion,that the information was reliable and followed the path they indicated. The Times of Israel has a good reputation for factual reporting and cannot be dismissed as easily as CNN, Fox-News. NYT and WSJ for that matter.

American George Webb has posted several videos in which he claimed to have identified “patient zero,” a female American soldier who participated in the Wuhan Games who had symptoms of COVID-19 and then tested positive for the virus. The woman's name was Mathieu Benassi, who understandably did not benefit from the negative publicity. She and her husband claim that they received messages of hate and even death threats. I sincerely sympathize with this woman and regret that her identity has been established. I don't know if she had a viral infection in Wuhan or not, but if she did, then she was definitely a victim, not a perpetrator. However, I would say that now she knows how China feels when it is constantly criticized in the American media, when China is the same innocent victim and not a criminal.Benassi has to hand her problem over to Mike Pompeo, where she belongs. Either way, Benassi should be left alone because evidence is overwhelming that the virus was circulating both in the US and Europe long before the war games.

However, there were indeed a few Americans who were hospitalized in Wuhan during the Games due to a strange and unidentified illness. One hospital spokesman tried to hide the story by stating that Americans were suffering from malaria, but those claims could not be true. I have no further details, but if the virus was actually transmitted to China during the war games, it would not have been done by first infecting American soldiers and then transmitting the infection to the Chinese, most likely any infections in the military were probably accidental. According to my information, it was the civilian hangers-on who should have been responsible for the spread of the virus - if, of course, the Americans were behind it.

There was initial speculation that the virus entered China (and spread worldwide) from the United States during the Games, but she died due to lack of hard evidence, but it turned out to be premature. Not only have many American troops been infected, but now it is clear that so many soldiers from different countries did return home from the Games infected with COVID-19. Their governments downplayed the issue, and the American media completely censored it, so that almost no one outside Europe knows about it. Here I would like to point out that I am in contact with a group of about 200 scientists, mostly European, but not only, who unofficially united to study the origin of COVID-19 and exchange information. They identified many countries whose soldiers returned home infected from Wuhan, with France possiblywas the most notable of these: half the crew of the Charles de Gaulle (the flagship of the French navy) were infected, and a large concentration of infections (and the first death) occurred at the airport where French soldiers were transiting upon their return.

The Italian newspaper Gazetta Dello Sport wrote that Wuhan “became a hotbed of a pandemic” and that there were testimonies from many Italian athletes who, during and after returning home, were struck by the typical symptoms of COVID-19, including coughing, shortness of breath, weakness and persistent fever. Athletes from many countries returned home sick from Wuhan, and it was not about food. This list includes France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Saudi Arabia, USA and others. There were many media reports, but none of them made it to the US or Canada; since the information has been completely censored.

According to Matteo Tagliariol, the star swordsman of the Italian delegation, “When we arrived in Wuhan, almost everyone fell ill. I had a severe cough. (...) Many had fevers, although their temperature was not very high,” adding that one of his teammates had to be bedridden for most of their stay. A week after returning home, Tagliariol became seriously ill. "I have mild asthma, but in this case it was different. I felt like I could no longer breathe." His partner and two-year-old son also got sick. "When we all started talking about the coronavirus, even without any special medical skills, I realized that I caught it. I am 37 years old, I am an athlete, but I was very bad" [38].

The French pentathlon participant Elodie Cluvel announced herself and her husband Valentina Belo: “We already had a coronavirus. We were in Wuhan for the World War Games and then everyone got sick. Valentine missed three days of training. I also had symptoms that I didn't have before. We did not attach any importance to this then, because no one had yet talked about the virus. There were many athletes at the World War Games who were very sick. ” Clouvel stated that the military doctor had confirmed that they were infected with the coronavirus and repeated the doctor's testimony that “many people in the [French] delegation were sick” [39].

In May 2020, the French media group RTL published a report, which, in particular, said: “In search of the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are growing suspicions, as well as evidence of the World War Games held in Wuhan as the epicenter of the epidemic at the end of October last year ... French pentathlete Elodie Cluvel assured that she was probably infected like her husband Valentin Belo. Italian and Spanish athletes have made similar claims, and now we learn that the luggage of the French athletes went through the Crail military base in the Oise, where the virus spread very quickly across France ... this new element is highlighting a little more attention to these war games, and as always with so much the number of questions and the small number of answers ”[40].

“Dozens of athletes from other countries, including France and Italy, who participated in the games, reported symptoms consistent with COVID-19 upon returning to their home countries. In retrospect, some doctors say these athletes suffered from COVID-19 and in some cases infected others, according to news reports ”[41]. “The fears of French athletes that they were infected with COVID-19 while participating in the games were called“ completely plausible ”by Eric Com, an infectious and tropical diseases specialist at the Pitier-Salpetriere hospital in Paris. [42]

It was funny that the French DGSI, the French special service, also suffered. The symptoms appeared to include massive diarrhea, but as one French news channel reported, “How many are there? What is their health condition? It is impossible to know. The most secret institution in the country does not reveal anything, especially when they have clearly suffered. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is the same system - "Rot-na-Zamke": no confirmation, no information, the secret remains a secret. "

Continuing the story of France, the Oise region in the North was one of the epicenters of COVID-19, and local officials were convinced that the Cray airbase had become the “source of pollution” for the entire area, where there were several serious foci of infection. It was an air base used for the return of soldiers from the Games, as well as for the repatriation of French citizens from Wuhan. Military officials initially claimed that all the arrivals had been checked, but later, during parliamentary interrogation, they confessed to a misunderstanding due to the fact that they “were not doctors” and actually did not check anyone.

One part of the French Ministry of Defense was honest and frank: “It is possible that the virus was spreading by the military, there were more than 9000 participants from 110 countries, which explains the global infection. Upon their return, representatives (415 in France, including 58 gendarmes) infected their families, relatives and colleagues ... at that time nothing was known, because at that time they did not know anything about the problem. But then the French Ministry of the Army was less outspoken: “During and after the return of the war games, not a single case of influenza or the Army's Hospital Medical Service was reported that could be akin to cases of Covid-19. To date, as far as we know, no other country represented in Wuhan has reported such cases ”[44],but then a third military official resolved the matter with typically French finality: "No, definitely not, the military base at Cray is not the source of the infection in the Oise ... I think I can tell you ... probably not ..."

It’s a little crazy that in every case in Europe, as in the United States, the authorities either deny any information about COVID-19 infection among their troops or outright deny it. According to Le Parisien, the cargo of the French delegation (and personnel) passed through Cray Airbase, which was one of the main COVID-19 hotspots in France, with the infection actually starting in November 2019, more than three months before the first "officially confirmed" case. But the version by French officials is that the virus was unknown at the time, so no tests were carried out, although general medical attention was provided. Officials from several European military and defense ministries issued essentially the following statement: “We contacted the athletes to ask if they had any symptoms. None of them came forwardso we assumed that no one was infected. ” There is nothing more to watch here. The Swiss military considered it “unlikely” that their 121-strong delegation would be harmed, although some of the Swiss athletes were hospitalized in Wuhan. And this while the military medical services of several countries say they "cannot remember" a single case of the disease upon their return from Wuhan. This happens at the same time as the same army men give interviews to the media and describe the symptoms of the disease.that they “cannot remember” a single case of illness upon their return from Wuhan. This happens at the same time as the same army men give interviews to the media and describe the symptoms of the disease.that they “cannot remember” a single case of illness upon their return from Wuhan. This happens at the same time as the same army men give interviews to the media and describe the symptoms of the disease.

In the United States, after the Games, about 300 American troops returned home to almost 250 bases in 25 states without being screened for possible COVID-19 infection. According to the Pentagon, there was no reason for this either then or later. A spokesperson posted a succinct email response to the question, stating that there was no screening as the event, which took place from 18 to 27 October 2019, “was before the outbreak was reported.” After this letter, Pentagon officials have repeatedly refused to speak on this topic, officially or unofficially ”[45].

This report in states that "contrary to the insistence of the Pentagon, investigations of COVID-19 cases in the army from official and public sources show that there is a strong correlation between COVID-19 cases reported at US military facilities, which are the bases of US team members. that went to Wuhan ... contamination occurred at at least 63 military facilities, where the team members returned after the Games in Wuhan. " It says that this information appeared, but on March 31, 2020, the Pentagon limited the release of information on COVID-19 cases at facilities "for security reasons." As of June 5, the Department of Defense had 10,462 cases of COVID-19 in the categories of military, civilian, dependent, and contractor.

“When asked why the athletes and support personnel who were in China were not screened as a precautionary measure as soon as the COVID-19 threat became known in January, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said at a press conference on April 14:“ I don't know what you are talking about. " The question and answer were not included in the official written transcript of the Pentagon briefing, as is usually done. The official video of the briefing is silenced when a question is asked, and Esper can be seen - but not heard - responding to the question. Full audio and video exchange remains on the C-SPAN video of this event ”[46].

Twilight Vaccination Zone

There is something potentially much more sinister here, detailed by two medical professionals: Dr. Michael Yeedon, former Pfizer VP and head of their respiratory research, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German physician, lung specialist and epidemiologist, and former head of the Department of Public health care. Dr. Yidon says the Pfizer vaccine [and possibly others] contains a spike protein called syncytin-1, which is vital for placenta formation in pregnant women. He argues that if the vaccine works as intended and generates an immune response against the spike protein, then the female body also attacks syncytin-1, which can cause infertility in women, which may or may not be permanent.His public announcement was mainly that the Covid-19 vaccines are in fact a program to sterilize women. On December 1, 2020, Dr. C. Yeadon and Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European medical agency, to immediately suspend all research on the SARS CoV 2 vaccine, in particular BioNtech / Pfizer variants.

At first glance, this might seem strange if it were not for the knowledge that exactly this protocol [Perev: how the vaccine works] has not been implemented before. Several years ago, WHO, in collaboration with the Rothschild, Sanofi and Connaught laboratories and the US CDC, sterilized about 150 million women in undeveloped countries without their knowledge or consent. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a documented fact. The WHO's own website details how they spent 20 years and more than $ 400 million developing a “birth control” vaccine that was supposed to cause permanent sterilization. They used the female hormone hCg - vital for the implantation of the placenta into the wall of the uterus - in combination with tetanus toxoid and launched massive international campaigns, ostensibly to vaccinate women against tetanus.But they only ran this campaign among women of childbearing age (roughly 14 to 40). The goal and the result was that when a woman's body recognizes the hCg hormone, it attacks and destroys it as an invader and thus prevents pregnancy. When this was discovered, there were massive lawsuits and recriminations, and today there are many countries that do not allow WHO, UNICEF or other UN bodies to enter. When Bill Gates talked about how the world's population would increase to perhaps 9 billion and that with effective planning he could cut that growth by “perhaps 1.5 billion births,” that was almost certainly what he meant. ... Gates is WHO's largest financial supporter. I will not dwell on this in detail here,but I researched this topic thoroughly and wrote an article that is available on this site [47]. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend that you do so. This will give you a powerful understanding of the crime of these international organizations.

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccines promoted by Pfizer and others, I have received a message from medical scientists in two European countries claiming that vaccines may indeed be intended primarily for sterilization, perhaps not for Western countries, but for everyone. the rest. They are also concerned about the sudden campaign by the WHO and the US CDC for cervical cancer vaccinations for adolescents.

Media censorship

We've already read a lot here from Ron Untz and others about how Google suppresses websites, articles and authors that conflict with the official story on any issue, and Twitter and Facebook are doing the same as through the open control policy of “False News” and secretly by other means. But there are still many other and sharper attempts at censorship going on far beyond Google, Facebook, and Twitter. As one example, I knew my email was being tracked, so I got an encrypted Proton Mail account. After that, some (non-Chinese) acquaintances informed me that all mail from this account is automatically sent to their spam folders, and they cannot fix this error. They also inform methat an attempt to send an email to (or reply to) the same account is rejected by their ISP or email program as “spam” and therefore they only have to communicate with me through my public email address that can be tracked. Another European friend now sends in emails with a passphrase like “What are you doing this weekend?” She found that any attempts to send a message with my name or any of my article titles in the subject line would cause Gmail to classify messages not only refuses to send messages, but also deletes the list of intended recipients.which can be tracked. Another European friend now sends in emails with a passphrase like “What are you doing this weekend?” She found that any attempts to send a message with my name or the subject line of any of my articles in the subject line would cause Gmail to classify messages not only refuses to send messages, but also deletes the list of intended recipients.which can be tracked. Another European friend now sends in emails with a passphrase like “What are you doing this weekend?” She found that any attempts to send a message with my name or any of my article titles in the subject line would cause Gmail to classify messages not only refuses to send messages, but also removes the list of intended recipients.

Several important questions remain.

1. Why did the US military collect DNA from ethnic Russians so persistently before the outbreak of COVID-19, with the maximum focus on the ethnic purity of these sources (they were not satisfied with the Ukrainians and the like).

And these samples had to be taken from specific points of the body.

2. Why did the US CDC suddenly completely shut down Fort Detrick for about 6 months? In the immediate aftermath of this closure, there were regular reports of strange infectious pneumonia, including fatalities, affecting the elderly in nursing homes near Fort Detrick.

3. What was the cause of the severe pneumonia and deaths of young people originally attributed to vaping? All of the treating physicians argued that vaping alone could not be the root cause. Obviously, another pathogen was working there, but at the time, doctors had no idea that the combination with COVID-19 could be fatal even for young, healthy people.

4. Why did Mike Pompeo suddenly order that all information about COVID-19 be classified and passed through the National Security Council? Why did he further instruct all hospitals, clinics and laboratories to transmit all information about COVID-19 to the White House and bypass the CDC and the media? When reports began to surface that COVID-19 had been detected in US wastewater samples since 2019, why did the silence order remain in effect?

5. Why was the USA the only significant country that refused to conduct any quest for patient zero?

6. Why did the CDC specifically ban coronavirus testing, except for severe cases already in intensive care units?

7. Why did Dr. Helen Chu receive a formal Stop and Abstain from testing thousands of flu samples in Washington State since 2019?

8. Why did FEMA and the Israeli Mossad hijack aircraft with masks, respirators and other vital protective equipment from airports in China and send them to Israel, and not to the United States, where they were badly needed? [48] Why did FEMA confiscate these materials and equipment from [48]

9. How was Pompeo able to notify NATO and the IDF IDF in November of a mysterious virus that would only circulate in China two or three months later ?

10. Why John Bolton eliminated the entire executive team responsible for coordinating the response to the pandemic in the United States, gutted the national infrastructure for the defense against infectious diseases, eliminating 80% of the department, one of whose tasks was to help other countries to detect and control epidemics from which could they suffer?

A few comments on China

China has amassed a great deal of experience in combating American bio-pathogens, of which there have been seven or eight in just the past two years. When the Chinese authorities learned that SARS-2 was the new pathogen, they already knew the source, purpose and potential consequences. That is why Xi Jinping said, "This is a demon and we cannot let this demon hide." When they knew what it was, they knew what to do.

There have been virtually no internal infections in China since Wuhan was unblocked. Occasionally there were messages one and two in different places, but all other cases were brought in by foreign citizens. Many want to say that China has done poorly with the virus, but look at the results. China's economy is booming. GDP is in positive territory, projected at 7.5% in 2021, foreign trade is up about 15% compared to 2019, while exports are up sharply and domestic consumption is the same. Unemployment is not a problem in China. I'm talking about factories that have to offer a 30 percent bonus to get enough workers. All kindergartens, schools, universities and restaurants are open,domestic train and plane travel has recovered to 95% or more of normal in most cases, and life has essentially returned to normal. Life in Wuhan today is as vibrant and active as it was before the epidemic, with few remaining hints of their early suffering. China is developing vaccines against this virus, but I have not met anyone who would like to get it or think that they need it.

We have no intrusions, no contact-tracing software, and no RFID chips implanted in the back of our heads.

We still wear face masks on the subway and our temperatures are measured when we enter tourist places such as airports and train stations, so vigilance is still there, but does not affect anyone's daily life.

American politicians and major American media still claim that China has grossly underestimated its numbers and that the country did indeed have 50 million infected and 5 million deaths. If that were true, it wouldn't make this rebuilding of the country even more dramatic, would it?


I would like to end this essay on a positive note, but there is little reason for such a message. From the earliest days when it became apparent that this virus would spread, I have monitored the progress of infections and deaths in each country on a daily basis, and all indications are that we are still very far from the end. There are almost no countries that are not affected, and the dynamics of all large countries are still in the growth stage, especially the United States.

Worse, whenever the situation in the country seems to be moving towards stabilization, then it is subjected to a stronger blow. China was one such case, with injection in the Beijing Xinfadi market and then in Xinjiang. Most other countries got the same ratio. Most economies, especially in the West, are in free fall, with no end in sight. In the contrived financial crisis of 2007 - the one that the Fed pretended to end in 2009 but never really ended - the US saw about half of its middle class sink into the lower class. I wrote at the time that they would never recover, because this was only the first step in a deliberate process, and I believe that subsequent events have confirmed my position. Before this crisis is overanother good half of the remaining American middle class will disappear, and now it will never be restored. Americans must trust their leaders who tell them that life will never return to "normal." It will not happen.

With regard to COVID-19, I am 100% convinced that some part of the American government, perhaps acting independently and on behalf of the Deep State, created and deliberately released the coronavirus into the world. Considering everything I know, an alternative to natural flash is nearly impossible. There is still new information that eludes conclusion, and I hope that we will find enough evidence to justify the International Criminal Tribunal, which will unearth all the facts and, possibly, make up some of the damage. The guilty, as always, will be saved.

End Notes

(1) the 1918 flu pandemic, which we now call “Spanish flu”, had three waves, but I ignore this example because

(a) it seems unique,

(b) the massive movement of troops during the war promoted and strongly influenced the spread; and

(c) there are worrying reports with reliable documentation that this deadly pandemic may not have been a natural disaster, but the result of human tinkering, an experimental bacterial vaccine against meningitis grown By the Rockefeller Institute and tested at Fort Riley, where the pandemic began. In truth, the very fact that Reuters conducted a “fact-check” on this topic and declared the statement to be false

(a) enough to arouse damn suspicion in anyone, since Reuters has the same credibility in these matters as the NYT and WSJ. I do not want to dwell on this here, but suffice it to say that the case does not fit as a template for several waves of infection.

You can read more if you're interested here (b), ©, (d).

(a) False statement: the 1918 influenza pandemic was caused by a vaccine;

(b) % E2% 80% 9D


(d) PMC2126288 / pdf / 449.pdf

(2) China has had its own “second wave” in the outbreak in the Xinfadi market in Beijing. I wrote an article on this (d), providing most of the background details, but let me highlight a few points here. Sinfadi is the largest fruit and vegetable market in Asia, covering millions of square feet and with thousands of stores. The authorities found that the entire market "from head to toe" was infected with what I call "COVID-20"to differentiate it from the original Wuhan outbreak. The specificity here is that it was a completely new version of the virus (from strain A), which had not been in China before, a much more virulent strain (at least for ethnic Chinese), which, if it had escaped blocking, would have caused humanitarian a catastrophe of a huge scale. Fortunately, the authorities did not relax their vigilance and discovered the infection almost immediately, closing the market, quarantining the neighborhood, tracing all contacts and bringing it to zero within two weeks and with only a handful of infections. Pompeo must have been furious.


China also saw a 'third wave', a surge in COVID-19 cases in Xinjiang that were similar or the same variety introduced in Beijing. (f) but again, the Chinese government undoubtedly anticipated further attempts to infect the nation, as Xinjiang was almost certainly the preferred location . Thus, the medical authorities never relaxed their vigilance, so the cases were quickly caught and the new virus was eradicated within two to three weeks after several dozen cases. Pompeo must have been furious.


Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and merchant. He has held senior positions in international consulting firms, owned an international import-export business. He was Visiting Professor at Shanghai Fudan University, presenting case studies in International Relations for Senior EMBA Courses.

Copyright Larry Romanoff, 2020

Translated and published with his consent.

Translator: sinc_func (JustMe)

Original article version:




[3] western-media-russia-coronavirus-numbers


[5] www.unz. com / lromanoff / covid-19-two-major-waves-of-global-infection-towards-global-contamination

[6] needs-a-criminal-investigation


[8] www.unz. com / lromanoff / china-reseeded-with-covid-20


[ sputenikews / 202006191079667103-scientists-find-traces-of-sars-cov-2-in-italian-wastewater-predating-2019-wuhan-outbreak

[11] -to-December-2019-study-finds


[13] -emerged-in-italy-earlier-than-thought-italian-study-shows-idINKBN27V0KH



[ 16]

[17] la-maladie-quatre-mois-apres-04-05-2020-8310726.php

[18] de-couteau-en-plein-thorax-05-05-2020-8311272.php


[20] news.

[21] www.

[22] html


[24] 11 / c_139431301.htm


[26] mostly-from-US –P41uG3CfWU / index.html


[28] 13 / three_covid_19_cases_in_iceland_traced_to_denver




[32] Novel-coronavirus-not-from-Wuhan-says-top-German-virologist-VMzm7Cj6ZW / index.html


[34] 11-10 / Expert-Spotting-COVID-19-first-doesn-t-make-China-origin-of-virus-VjaqEE3Mre / index.html

[35] paradigm-shift-covid-19-needs-a-criminal-investigation



[38] mondiali-militari-wuhan-ottobre-tagliariol-370755837301.shtml


[40] actu / bien-etre / coronavirus-les-bagages-des-athletes-des-jeux-militaires-wuhan-ont-transite-a-creil-7800496768

[41] Did-European-athletes-catch-coronavirus-competing-World-Military-Games-Wuhan-OCTOBER.html

[42] 21988912


[44] -en-octobre-deja-990586772177


[46] defense-secretary-esper-general-milley-coronavirus-news-conference


[48] 19-fema-and-mossad-stealing-from-peter-to-pay-paul

A little bit from the translator.

1. The original version of the article was presented on the site of alternative media.

You yourself can assess what the level of elaboration of the texture material and the breadth of analytics can be among the alternatives. Although the author has described himself very modestly, this should not mislead you. He gained analytical experience in an extremely serious organization.

2. In understanding various events, I personally like comparing several and alternative points of view.

3. For us programmers, there is a strong dependence on what is happening in the United States. Now the local squabbles there in those parts are approaching some kind of endgame, and it is desirable to have an understanding of what and who is up their sleeve there.

4. I do not deny that the article contains some politically charged moments that do not correspond to the topic of the forum. But where is now completely without them?

Let's focus here on the evidence from this analysis.

From reading this article, I got a specific feeling that the Chinese, in addition to everything else that was said, cut through some kind of cunning trick.

Our forum from time to time demonstrates itself as a powerful Think Tank and further discussion should be conducted in this vein.

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