FOSS News β„–47 - digest of news and other materials about free and open source software for December 14-20, 2020

Hello everyone!

We continue digests of news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. Linux kernel 5.10 release; presentation of the Creative Commons Legal Database; Slackware overview ("the most Unix"); results of the demographic survey of software developers with FOSS from OpenSSF; analysis of contributions to the development of GNOME and GTK 4; an article on simplifying the writing of articles for Habr; based on Raspberry 4, a modular open PC with 16 GB of RAM and a bunch of interfaces was created, and much more.

Table of contents

  1. the main thing

    1. Linux 5.10 kernel release
    2. Meet the Creative Commons Legal Database
    3. Results of the OpenSSF FOSS Software Developers Demographic Survey
    4. Analysis of contributions to GNOME and GTK 4 development
    5. The most Unix '| Slackware (Overview and First Impression)
    6. Articles are also source code {
    7. Based on Raspberry 4, a modular open PC with 16 GB of RAM and a bunch of interfaces was created
  2. In a short line

    1. news

      1. Implementation
      2. FOSS organizations news
      3. Kernel and distributions
      4. Special
      5. Mobile
      6. Safety
      7. DevOps
      8. Web
      9. Custom
    2. Articles

      1. FOSS organizations news
      2. Kernel and distributions
      3. Special
      4. Mobile
      5. Safety
      6. DevOps
      7. Web
      8. For developers
      9. Custom
      10. miscellanea
    3. Releases

      1. Kernel and distributions
      2. Special
      3. Mobile
      4. Safety
      5. DevOps
      6. Web
      7. For developers
      8. Custom

  3. What else to see

the main thing

Linux 5.10 kernel release

Category : Releases / Kernel and Distributions

OpenNET writes: β€œ Linux 5.10. 5.10 , . : MemTag ARM64, Β«nosymfollowΒ», Ext4, 2038 XFS, process_madvise, AMD SEV CPU, BPF-. 17470 2062 , β€” 64 ( 15101 , 891932 , 619716 ). 42% 5.10 , 16% , , 13% , 3% β€” 3% c ". The next day, update 5.10.1 was released with fixes "in hot pursuit".

Details [β†’ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]

Meet the Creative Commons Legal Database

Category : News / Legal Issues A

user Nutterix published on HabrΓ© a translation of an article about the Creative Commons Legal Database: β€œ Recently, the Creative Commons Legal Database was launched, one of the long-awaited projects from Creative Commons aimed at collecting and organizing information related to with Creative Commons licenses (litigation and legal articles). The project looks promising (of course, there is a forensic classic on open source - Jacobsen v Katzer, albeit in a very condensed form), but so far it is not impressive in its volume - I hope that soon there will be information on Russia, for example. In the meantime, I suggest you find out about this database and the project itself as a whole from the article below . "

Details [β†’]

Results of the OpenSSF FOSS Software Developers Demographic Survey

Category : News / News from FOSS Organizations

Mydibyje writes on

β€œ In order to better understand the state of security and resilience in the FOSS ecosystem, and how organizations and companies can support it, the Linux Foundation conducted a survey of FOSS participants. The results were quite predictable:

  1. Demographics: Most men are 25-44 years old
  2. Geography: Most of Europe and America
  3. IT sphere: the majority develops software and services
  4. Programming languages: , Python, Java, JavaScript
  5. Motivation: customizing something for yourself, learning, hobbies


Details and a link to the original report [β†’]

Analysis of contributions to GNOME and GTK 4 development

Category : News / News FOSS Organizations

OpenNET writes: β€œ Published two reports summarizing the statistics on contributors to GTK 4 and GNOME development. When looking at the dynamics of the number of contributors to GNOME development, the peak was in 2010, in which more than 1400 people contributed to the code. After 2010, the activity began to decline, which lasted until 2017. The peak correlates with the development of GNOME 3.0, which began in 2009 and continued throughout 2010 alongside the GNOME 2.x branch. ".

Details and a link to the original report [β†’]

The most Unix '| Slackware (Overview and First Impression)

Category : Articles / Kernel and Distributions

Popular video blogger Alexey Samoilov has published a new video, this time about Slackware. β€œ This distribution is, perhaps, the most interesting among all relevant and modern, since its concept and structure have hardly changed since the day of its foundation, and therefore it is a living example of what Linux was then, at the dawn of its appearance, while remaining modern and relevant even after almost 30 years ”- says the author in the introduction.

Video [β†’]

Articles are also source code {

Category : Articles / Miscellaneous

User KvanTTT published on HabrΓ© an article about developing an add-on for VS Code for writing articles on Habr: β€œI open VS Code and start typing an article from the very beginning. But here's the bad luck - the markdown format is not entirely compatible with the existing Habr format. It turns out there is no way out and you have to return to the built-in Habr editor. Or not have to? The idea came to my mind to write a utility that converts different formats of markdowns to each other, for example, from the GitHub format to the Habr format. In the end, I developed such a program. Now you do not need to copy articles into the Habr editor to see how it looks, you can continue to write in your favorite VS Code Β»

Details [β†’]

Based on Raspberry 4, a modular open PC with 16 GB of RAM and a bunch of interfaces was created

Category : News / Hardware

The Selectel blog on HabrΓ© published an article about another Raspberry-based development - this time it is a full-fledged (almost) system unit (well, or something similar to it): β€œ A large number of various projects are created based on the Raspberry Pi. Since the release of the first "raspberry", enthusiasts have presented thousands, if not tens of thousands of modifications, improvements, platforms. Now READY! used a Raspberry Pi 4 as the basis for a modular PC called the Model 100. All software and hardware are open source, so this is a great option for the enthusiast. The resulting system is reminiscent of the "nuclear suitcase" shown in some films. Well, or a shaitan-tool with which a hacker can steal any corporate or state secret . "

Details [β†’]

In a short line



The first one went. Rosatom will spend up to 800 million rubles on the Russian OS Astra Linux [β†’ (en)]

FOSS organizations news

  1. openSUSE will provide a predictable release process [β†’]
  2. GitHub has posted a plan to disable password authentication when accessing Git [β†’]
  3. The FreeBSD project announced a move to Git in the coming days [β†’]
  4. OSM Weekly 542 [β†’ (en)]

Kernel and distributions

  1. Oracle has published a toolkit for migrating from CentOS to Oracle Linux [β†’]
  2. CloudLinux has announced the development of an alternative to CentOS 8 [β†’ 1 , 2 ]
  3. FreeRTOS has received long-term kernel and library support from Amazon. [β†’]
  4. - openSUSE Leap 15.3 [β†’]
  5. Chrome OS [β†’ 1, 2]

  1. Collabora Wayland- Wine [β†’]
  2. LabPlot, KDE , Microsoft Store [β†’]

  1. Plasma Mobile KDE. Plasma [β†’]
  2. Huawei - HarmonyOS 2.0 [β†’]

  1. Chrome Web Store RubyGems [β†’]
  2. WordPress- Contact Form 7, 5 [β†’]


Introducing the open source elasticsearch-extractor utility for extracting indexes from Elasticsearch snapshots [β†’]


Firefox 85 will add tracking protection based on network sharding [β†’]


Text editor Kate turns 20 today [β†’]


FOSS organizations news

Embox's experience as a mentoring organization in the GSoC2020 program [β†’]

Kernel and distributions

Worthy CentOS 8 replacements for your production servers [β†’ (en)]


  1. Linux style kung fu: sudo and two-key rotation [β†’]
  2. BetterImage: New Image Optimization Tool [β†’]


  1. The evolution of the Android update system [β†’]
  2. How to set up Android Auto to display arbitrary content [β†’ (en)]


Secure Linux with AppArmor [β†’]


  1. Setting up Ansible for the needs of experimenting with software in 20 [β†’ (en)]
  2. HelmWave v0.5.0 - GitOps for your Kubernetes [β†’]
  3. 9 things to do first on a Linux server [β†’ (en)]
  4. 6 container concepts to understand [β†’ (en)]
  5. Vault + Pydantic: continuation of the saga, local development [β†’]
  6. Everything about OpenShift Egress. Part 2 [β†’]
  7. How to use Kubernetes resource quotas [β†’ (en)]
  8. Integration of Netsparker with AD via Keycloak [β†’]
  9. Configuring Single Sign-On in Zimbra Collaboration Suite 9 Open-Source Edition [β†’]
  10. Integration of Rosplatform with grafana + prometheus via consul [β†’]
  11. The Role of Empathy in DevOps Work [β†’ (en)]
  12. Configuring Continuous Integration for Jenkins and Bitbucket with werf [β†’]


Video broadcast from Oven Media Engine, goodbye nginx-rtmp-module [β†’]

For developers

  1. What web developers like in the Brackets editor [β†’ (en)]
  2. Working with XML in NetBeans [β†’ (en)]
  3. Java development practice by writing a game [β†’ (en)]
  4. Linux Kung Fu: Programming Window Management [β†’]
  5. Radicle β€” Open-Source (P2P GitHub) [β†’ (en)]
  6. QuantConnect Lean [β†’]
  7. 52- Arm64 [β†’ (en)]
  8. , . Intellij IDEA QA Automation [β†’]
  9. ONLYOFFICE Community Server: [β†’]
  10. Flutter [β†’]
  11. VirtualBox β€” Android Android [β†’]

  1. Linux [β†’ (en)]
  2. e3 [β†’ (en)]
  3. Linux [β†’]
  4. Vim Kakoune [β†’ (en)]
  5. du Linux [β†’]
  6. Howl [β†’ (en)]
  7. Linux [β†’]
  8. RPM Fedora Linux ( ) [β†’ (en)]
  9. - Linux: [β†’]
  10. Norka [β†’ (en)]
  11. - Linux: [β†’]
  12. Linux [β†’]
  13. β€œNo Bootable Medium Found” VirtualBox [β†’ (en)]

  1. 2021: [β†’ (en)]
  2. Protocols, not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Freedom of Expression - Part 2 [β†’]


Kernel and distributions

  1. Release of Rescuezilla 2.1 backup distribution [β†’]
  2. Tails 4.14 distribution is released [β†’]


  1. OBS Studio 26.1 Streaming Video System Release [β†’]
  2. VKD3D-Proton 2.1 release, Vkd3d fork with Direct3D 12 implementation [β†’]
  3. PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.4 Release [β†’]


Fifteenth Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update [β†’]


Sequoia 1.0, a Rust implementation of OpenPGP released [β†’ 1 , 2 ]


  1. Kubernetes 1.20 release [β†’]
  2. HashiCorp Nomad 1.0 [β†’]


  1. WordPress 5.6. Easy WP SMTP, 500 [β†’]
  2. OpenBSD NTP- OpenNTPD 6.8p1 [β†’]
  3. Direct Connect ADC β€” EiskaltDC++ 2.4.0 [β†’]
  4. Firefox 84 [β†’ 1, 2, 3]
  5. Thunderbird 78.6.0 [β†’]

  1. GNU Autoconf 2.70 [β†’]
  2. KDevelop 5.6.1 [β†’]
  3. GTK 4.0 [β†’ 1, 2]
  4. Radicle 0.1.5 β€” p2p GitHub [β†’]
  5. Qt Creator 4.14 Qt 6 [β†’]

  1. KDE Apps 20.12. , , Dolphin [β†’]
  2. 4Pane 7.0. [β†’]

  1. Kubernetes 2021, GitHub ( [β†’ (en)]
  2. : GitHub β€”2020 [β†’]
  3. - : IT #31 β€” RedHat CentOS. Linux 5.10… [β†’]
  4. RedHat: - Red Hat OpenShift 4.6, Podman, … [β†’]

That's all, until next Sunday!

I express my big thanks to the editors and authors of OpenNET , a lot of news materials and messages about new releases were taken from them.

If anyone is interested in compiling digests and has the time and opportunity to help, I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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