Improving code readability with Kotlin extensions

In anticipation of the start of the "Kotlin Backend Developer" course , we invite future students and everyone who wants to watch an open lesson on the topic "Revision of the" 12 factors ": creating a modern microservice on Kotlin".

We also share with you the traditional translation of useful material.

Kotlin Terminology: Extension-Functions and Extension-Properties

When you used an API, did you want to add new functions or properties to it?

( ) , . Java Utils

, , . , .

, Kotlin - -. , . Android Studio , Java. , Android SDK .

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, Dog

,  , , .

<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

data class Dog(val name: String, val breed: String, val age: Int)

,  Dog

, , , - . -, , : . this

-, - .


  ,  Dog


<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

fun main() {
  val dog = Dog("Jen", "Pomeranian", 13)

- Java

- , Java . , , , . - printDogInformation()


<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->


- ,

, (nullable). null

-, - nullable- null

. printInformation()

, , .

<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

fun Dog?.printInformation() {
  if (this == null){
    println("No dog found")
  println("Meet ${} a ${this.age} year old ${this.breed}")

, null  printInformation()


<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

fun main() {
  val dog : Dog? = null
  dog.printInformation() // prints "No dog found"


, , . - isReadyToAdopt, , 1 .

<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

val Dog.isReadyToAdopt: Boolean
get() = this.age > 1

- ,  Dog


<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

fun main() {
  val dog1 = Dog("Jen", "Pomeranian", 13)
    print("${} is ready to be adopted")


- . - , - , -, , , , . ,  toUppercase()

, (String),  convertToUppercase()


, , , , . , , - .


Android Studio. Tools/Kotlin/Show Kotlin Bytecode (/Kotlin/ - Kotlin) Decompile ().  printDogInformation()


<!-- Copyright 2019 Google LLC. 
   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -->

public static final void printDogInformation(@NotNull Dog $this$printDogInformation) {
  Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull($this$printDogInformation, "$this$printDogInformation");
  String var1 = "Meet " + $this$printDogInformation.getName() + ", a " + $this$printDogInformation.getAge() + " year old " + $this$printDogInformation.getBreed();
  boolean var2 = false;

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"Kotlin Backend Developer".

" ยซ12 ยป: Kotlin".

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