We announce the winners of the SberCloud.Advanced Hacking from SberCloud, Russian Hackers and Phystech.Genesis


Hello again,% username%. The SberCloud.Advanced Hacking hackathon ended the other day . The organizers named the winners and summed up the results. The competition itself generated a lot of interest. A total of 811 applications were received, and 70 teams (262 participants) took part in the hackathon.

Under the cut, as usual - details.

What is this hackathon?

SberCloud, a member of the Sberbank ecosystem, held a 50-hour online hackathon SberCloud.Advanced Hacking. It was held from 11 to 13 December 2020. Participants - tech startups and independent developers interested in cloud technologies, have implemented their projects using the SberCloud.Advanced cloud platform.

As part of the competition, SberCloud provided access to many basic (IaaS) and high-level (PaaS) platform services: CCE (Kubernetes), FunctionGraph, API Gateway, Document Database Service, Distributed Cache Service, Relational Database Service and others.

Okay, I want to hear about the results

The hackathon was attended by teams from all over Russia and a number of other countries: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tula, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Nakhodka, as well as the Czech Republic, Vietnam and the USA.

Based on the results of the hackathon, the jury determined the best projects. The decisions of the participants were assessed according to 4 parameters: originality, relevance and expediency, the quality of elaboration and the most effective use of SberCloud.Advanced cloud services.

1 placetaken over by the EyeCloud team. She has created a mobile application for recording various parameters of eye examination. The basis of the application is a cloud-based machine learning model, which made it possible to halve the lens fitting time. If you use the app for patients in ophthalmology departments of hospitals, the number of lenses made by mistake will be reduced by five times.

Here is the team captain's comment on the hackathon: « . CI/CD, . , . , CI/CD. , .

MVP, , . MVP .

Online mode did not interfere with us, as we had a well-coordinated team. But for newer teams, the disappearance of individual members can be an increased stress, so next time I would come to a hackathon with a lot of participants
. "

2nd place - team Albra. The essence of her project is to automate the process of diagnosing pneumonia in clinics by radiography using a web service based on artificial intelligence. The product will allow medical organizations to improve efficiency in diagnosing different types of pneumonia and reduce the burden on their budget through the use of inexpensive X-ray equipment.

Team captain's comment: “Regarding the hackathon, there was a desire and hope to test the hypothesis of using deep machine learning methods on powerful servers without a GPU, and these expectations were more than justified. Not only a product was created, but also a tremendous experience was gained in using various cloud services to accelerate the development and implementation of software.

The project will be continued, and there are already proposals from companies for cooperation. I intend to make the service smarter, so that artificial intelligence learns on the fly to recognize other types of diseases
. "

3rd place- estim8.work team. The essence of the project is to create a tool for freelancers and outsourcers for transparent interaction with clients, which helps to form the cost of developing an IT project, generate Invoice and show statistics of the development process.

Team comment: “The expectations for the hackathon were to get together in the digital community and create a cool and interesting product or concept. And also look at modern trends, new tools in our digital environment. Well, and win, of course. All this was justified almost completely.

After the hackathon, we will have a good night's sleep, get back together and discuss future plans. The team really gathered at this event, we need to get to know each other better outside the hackathon and understand who wants what. With an ideal development of events, we will write out everything that users really need, we will implement the very minimum and we will customize ... The

online hackathon is very convenient. There is not enough live communication, of course. But the work efficiency, in my opinion, is higher
. "

Prizes to the winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places amounted to 350 thousand rubles, 200 thousand rubles. and 150 thousand rubles. respectively.

If you want to dive deeper into the details of the hackathon, here is a video of the final pitches of the projects of the participating teams. The duration of the video is 2 hours, but it allows you to appreciate the atmosphere of the hackathon and hear details about the projects of the participants.

What else?

The winners in special nominations have been determined:

  • "The best startup on the SberCloud stack" - the winner was the Subtitles.Love team with a video subtitling service for social networks, which increases the speed of the captioning algorithm by 9 times. Prize - a grant for cloud services SberCloud 100,000 per company / project. In addition, the Subtitles.Love team received the P40 Pro phones from Huawei.
  • « SberCloud» — , . — DJI Mavic Mini Fly More Combo.
  • « 21» — , “” k806 . 21. «», , « 21» — — — Huawei MatePad Pro LTE.
  • « 500» — k806 , . — Sber500.
  • — Wi-Fi Huawei — TechGlove, “-” COVID-19, , .
  • - Huawei Band 4 Pro “ ”, , , .

From School 21, Director of Education Daria Chashkina gave a master class on how to assemble an ideal startup team and win the hackathon.

And finally - the comments of the partners who conducted the hackathon.

Evgeny Kolbin, CEO of SberCloud: “We are proud that the hackathon participants used the capabilities of our cloud platform SberCloud.Advanced to implement their projects that society needs. The teams were able to test their hypotheses, and also implemented various ideas that will be useful to business, medicine, developers and ordinary users. Let me remind you that the capabilities of our platform allow you to quickly create and effectively manage applications and Internet services, IT infrastructure, and minimize the resources required to maintain the operation of corporate IT systems. The hackathon has proven the promise and vast capabilities of SberCloud.Advanced . "

Daria Chashkina, training director of School 21 : “Hackathons are an excellent format of events for developers, where you can try new technologies in a limited time, go from idea to prototype in just a day. I am very glad that 27 students of School 21 became participants, and one of the teams, of which our student became the captain, reached the finals and took several special nominations. We always welcome the participation of our students in hackathons, as this is a great opportunity to test their skills and knowledge gained at School 21. Thanks to all the teams, mentors and partners. "

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