Well water cut forecasting using machine learning methods

Hello Habr! By my main profession I am an engineer for the development of oil and gas fields. I'm just diving into Data Sciense and this is my first post in which I would like to share my experience with machine learning in the oil industry.

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  • ( , , /- , , ..),

  • - , , .

. . , . , . , - . .. Q/(Q + Q)*100%

( ) :


  • Cum oil:

  • Days: ( ( ) ).

  • In prod: /

  • Q oil:

  • wct:

  • Top perf: -

  • Bottom perf:

  • ST: 0 - , 1 -

  • x, y:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import pylab
from pylab import rcParams
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score as r2, mean_absolute_error as mae, mean_squared_error as mse, accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances


data_path = 'art_df.xlsx'
df = pd.read_excel(data_path, sheet_name='artificial')

- . ( ).

ax = df.plot(kind='scatter', x='x', y='y')
df[['x','y','Well']].apply(lambda row: ax.text(*row),axis=1);
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [11, 8]

, " " . . , , .


distance = pd.DataFrame(euclidean_distances(df[['x', 'y']]))

. .

well_names = df['Well']
distance.columns = well_names

. - , .

df_distance = pd.concat([df.drop(['x', 'y'], axis=1), distance], axis=1)

. , ,

df_train_1 = df_distance.drop([12, 13, 14, 15], axis=0)

df_test_1 = df_distance.loc[[12, 13]]

DataFrame X_1. ( ) wct.

x_1 = df_train_1.drop(['Well', 'wct'], axis=1)


y_1 = df_train_1['wct']


y_test_1 = df_test_1['wct']

Random Forest Reggressor, , .

x_test_1 = df_test_1.drop(['Well', 'wct'], axis=1)

model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, max_depth=14)
model.fit(x_1, y_1)

y_pred_train_1 = model.predict(x_1)
y_pred_1 = model.predict(x_test_1)

print('Predicted values from train data:')
r2_train = r2(y_1, y_pred_train_1)
mae_train = mae(y_1, y_pred_train_1)
mse_train = mse(y_1, y_pred_train_1)
print(f'R2 train: {r2_train.round(4)}')
print(f'MAE train: {mae_train.round(4)}')
print(f'MSE train: {mse_train.round(4)}')

print('Predicted values from test data:')
r2_test = r2(y_test_1, y_pred_1)
mae_test = mae(y_test_1, y_pred_1)
mse_test = mse(y_test_1, y_pred_1)
print(f'R2 test: {r2_test.round(4)}')
print(f'MAE test: {mae_test.round(4)}')
print(f'MSE test: {mse_test.round(4)}')


Predicted values from train data:
R2 train: 0.8832
MAE train: 8.2855
MSE train: 131.1208
Predicted values from test data:
R2 test: 0.8758
MAE test: 3.164
MSE test: 11.4485
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=14, random_state=42)

R2 R2 1%. , .

, (blind test)

df_y_test = pd.DataFrame({'Well': df_test_1['Well'], 
                          'wct predicted, %': y_pred_1.round(1), 
                          'wct actual, %': y_test_1.round(1),
                          'difference': (y_pred_1 - y_test_1).round(1)})

df_y_train = pd.DataFrame({'Well': df_train_1['Well'], 
                           'wct predicted, %': y_pred_train_1.round(1), 
                           'wct actual, %': y_1.round(1),
                           'difference': (y_pred_train_1 - y_1).round(1)})


round(sum(abs(y_pred_train_1 - y_1)) / len(y_1), 1)


, 8%, .

, ,

df_train_2 = df_distance.drop([14, 15], axis=0)

, .

WCT () = NaN.

df_fc = df_distance.loc[[14, 15]]

DataFrame x_2. ( ) wct.

x_2 = df_train_2.drop(['Well', 'wct'], axis=1)

y_2 .

y_2 = df_train_2['wct']
x_fc = df_fc.drop(['Well', 'wct'], axis=1)

model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=42, max_depth=14)
model.fit(x_2, y_2)

y_pred_train_2 = model.predict(x_2)
y_fc = model.predict(x_fc)

print('Predicted values from train data:')
r2_train = r2(y_2, y_pred_train_2)
mae_train = mae(y_2, y_pred_train_2)
mse_train = mse(y_2, y_pred_train_2)
print(f'R2 train: {r2_train.round(4)}')
print(f'MAE train: {mae_train.round(4)}')
print(f'MSE train: {mse_train.round(4)}')

print('Forecasted values could be compared with real data!')


Predicted values from train data:
R2 train: 0.9095
MAE train: 6.5196
MSE train: 89.9625
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=14, random_state=42)

R2 .


df_y_train = pd.DataFrame({'Well': df_train_2['Well'], 
                           'wct predicted, %': y_pred_train_2.round(1), 
                           'wct actual, %': y_2.round(1),
                           'difference': (y_pred_train_2 - y_2).round(1)})

round(sum(abs(y_pred_train_2 - y_2)) / len(y_2), 1)


6,5. !


df_y_test = pd.DataFrame({'Well': df_test_1['Well'], 
                          'wct predicted, %': y_pred_1.round(1), 
                          'wct actual, %': y_test_1.round(1),
                          'difference': (y_pred_1 - y_test_1).round(1)})


feature_importances = pd.DataFrame()
feature_importances['feature_name'] = x_2.columns.tolist()
feature_importances['importance'] = model.feature_importances_
feature_importances = feature_importances.sort_values(by='importance', ascending=False)

fig = px.bar(feature_importances, 
             title="Feature importances")
fig.update_layout(yaxis={'categoryorder':'total ascending'})

, - 2- . .

. - .

fig = px.scatter(x=y_pred_train_2, y=y_2, title="True vs Predicted values",
                 text=df_train_2['Well'], width=850, height=800)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0,100], y=[0,100], mode='lines', name='True=Predicted',
                         line = dict(color='red', width=1, dash='dash')))

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  • Well data is not open data, but is the property of the company holding the license to develop the field. Therefore, to illustrate the work performed, artificial well data were generated  that are available for this work.

  • The source code  along with the text of the article is available here:  https://github.com/alex-kalinichenko/re/tree/master/wct_fc

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