Building a Netflix Distributed Tracing Infrastructure

For future students on the "Highload Architect" course and everyone interested, we prepared a translation of an interesting article.

We also invite you to watch the open lesson
"Patterns of horizontal scaling of storages".

Our group -  Kevin LewNarayanan ArunachalamElizabeth CarrettoDustin Haffner , Andrey Ushakov,  Seth KatzGreg BurrellRam Whiteheilling (Ram Vaithilingam)Mike Smith  and  Maulik Pandey

«@Netflixhelps  " " ?» — Netflix Twitter

, , — , . . Edgar, . , , Edgar.


Edgar , Netflix,    , - . , () Netflix, (CDN) . , . , . .

, , , . , . Edgar — , .

Figure 1. Troubleshooting Edgar Session Crash
1. Edgar

Edgar, , . , , Java- . 2017 , Open-Tracing Open-Zipkin, , , Netflix.

Open-Zipkin, Java Spring Boot.  Mantis  , Cassandra. : , . , , . .

: ?

, . , , . . , , , .

. - .   HTTP B3  Open-Zipkin. , , , Java Node, ( paved road). legacy-, , Spring Boot. « », (Python, NodeJS, Ruby on Rails .), paved road.  ,   .

, , . Edgar . , Edgar . , , .

: ?

, , , , . , , , . , , , .

, , , . , .

( ).   , 100 % , . , . , , . - . .


Mantis — Netflix. Mantis , , backpressure. Mantis   Mantis Publish. , . , . Mantis . Mantis  Raven    Mantis (MQL). , .

Elasticsearch: , . , . - Elasticsearch, . , Elasticsearch . - , .  Cassandra  : . Cassandra , .

Cassandra. , . ,    . , :

  1.  Elastic Block Store (EBS) EC2 SSD.

  2. , .

  3. , .

Cassandra, EC2 SSD. EBS Elastic SSD , AWS EBS EC2. , Cassandra . 2019 Cloud Database Engineering (CDE) EBS EBS Elastic.

Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS, « ») Cassandra SSTable, - EBS. , , SSTable , . , Zstd Cassandra . Cassandra 71 % 35 , .

, Edgar 1 % . , , , , . Mantis . , Edgar. , , , , , . 20 % . , .

, . Edgar 10 . . , , . , Cassandra Cassandra S3.  Cassandra, , , S3.

Table 1. Timeline of storage optimization

Edgar, .

,  Telltale  Netflix. Telltale -  Atlas. .

- , -    (FIT).

, ,     . , , AWS.


data science  A-/B-  , A/B.


Netflix . Edgar :

  • . , , .

  • , Netflix .

  • , , , .

, Edgar , « " " ?». , Netflix , « »!

, . ,   .

"Highload Architect".

" ".

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