Internet of defenseless "things". IoT encryption algorithms

I was looking for similar articles about security in Habré and other sources, but I could not find anything similar, so I wrote this review for you. Begin!

Every day the number of "things" increases. It can be like cameras that stand on the streets of Moscow, various sensors and sensors that are used in production, medical devices that monitor your health, as well as various household items (smart refrigerators, smart doors, etc.) that surround us everyday.

Some devices store very sensitive and private information. For example, a door lock system in an apartment stores the lock code number. In addition, medical systems use devices such as ECGs, smart monitors, computed tomography and many others that can directly affect important areas of people's lives.

This gives rise to the explicit problem of ensuring the security and privacy of data transmitted by "things". Unfortunately, designing a completely secure system in the IoT is not an easy task. First, because IoT systems are very heterogeneous, they consist of different devices that have different operating systems, hardware, and use different protocols. Secondly, the systems are very large-scale, they can be, both within one apartment, and spread to cities and even countries. Third, and very important in the context of this essay, many "things" have limited resources: memory, processing power and battery capacity, etc.

In this essay, we will focus on one of the most important security methods - data encryption algorithms. Let's analyze the current methods of encryption in the IoT and how they take into account the fact of limited resources of "things".

To better understand the problem, let's look at the IoT architecture, dividing it into logical layers that can interact both vertically and horizontally.

1. The level of "things"

Special features - Collection of necessary information by sensors and sensors (Little data). Remote control capability, low-power, resource-limited devices, low power consumption. 

2. The level of communication. 

Special Features - Wired and wireless data transmission. Various communication protocols. Various networks and their architectures. Interoperability of both devices between each other and devices with the cloud


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  3. IoT Security: Ongoing Challenges and Research Opportunities

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  11. McKay KA, Bassham L, Turan MS, Mouha N (2016) Report on lightweight cryptography. NIST DRAFT NISTIR, pp 1-29 

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