Dive into autotesting on iOS. Part 1. How to work with the accessibilityidentifier of objects

Hello everyone!

My name is Boris. I am an AQA iOS-engineer at Vivid Money.

This is an introductory article in a series of articles on iOS automation, in which I want to talk about the benefits of ui tests on a project, their effective use and writing.

iOS-, , XCUITest ui-.

, :

  1. ui- .

  2. .

  3. ui- accessibilityidentifier.


'', -. - , ?

ui-. !

β€” , : , , .

, , , , . .


, , .

UI , , , .


  • , manual QA;

  • ;

  • ;

  • β€” - 100500 ;

  • .

, , ? :

  • , ;

  • ui-;

  • ;

  • unit- ( β€” ui- );

  • unit- (unit- , ui- 5).

, , , ui- .


ui-, . , UI- .

, ui- :

  1.  File > New > Target.

  2.  UI Testing Bundle.

  3.  Next  .

  4.  Finish.

Xcode UITest . .

, , ui . β€” Accessibilityidentifier .


Accessibilityidentifier β€” ui-.

Accessibilityidentifier ui- .

ui- accessibilityidentifier, , . accessibilityidentifier ui , , β€” .


accessibilityidentifier .

, storyboard

  1.  storyboard.

  2.  the Utilities.

  3.  Identity Inspector.

  4. storyboard.

  5. Enabled.

  6. identifier ( : button).

, SwiftUI

  1. View.

  2. .accessibility(identifier: "nameOfID") .


  1. ViewController.

  2. accessibilityidentifier viewDidLoad .

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var button: UIButton!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        button.accessibilityIdentifier = "button"



, accessibilityidentifier , , id .

Accessibility Inspector

Xcode. , id .


  1. .

  2. Xcode.

  3. Open Developer Tools.

  4. Accesibility Inspector.

  5. Accessibility Inspector .

  6. .

  7. .



  1. Label β€” , .

  2. Value β€” , . , TextFields.

  3. Traits β€” (: Button, Static Text).

  4. Identifier β€” id .


, . , .


Class β€” .

Address β€” .

Controller β€” View Controller, .


. id.

Console (lldb)

, , :

po XCUIApplication().debugDescription

po β€” print object , .

XCUIApplication β€” , ui .

debugDescription β€” , .

Attributes: Application, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
Element subtree:
 β†’Application, 0x6000026290a0, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
    Window (Main), 0x600002629180, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
      Other, 0x600002629260, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
        Other, 0x600002629340, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
          Other, 0x600002629420, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
            Button, 0x600002629500, {{40.0, 156.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x6000026295e0, {{40.0, 162.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            StaticText, 0x6000026296c0, {{144.0, 161.0}, {42.0, 21.0}}, label: 'Label'
            Button, 0x6000026297a0, {{40.0, 216.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, identifier: 'ButtonID', label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x600002629880, {{40.0, 222.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            Switch, 0x600002629960, {{183.0, 245.0}, {51.0, 31.0}}, value: 1
            Button, 0x600002629a40, {{40.0, 268.0}, {46.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Button'
              StaticText, 0x600002629b20, {{40.0, 274.0}, {46.0, 18.0}}, label: 'Button'
            TextField, 0x600002629c00, {{133.0, 374.0}, {97.0, 34.0}}
    Window, 0x600002629ce0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
      Other, 0x600002629dc0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
        Other, 0x600002629ea0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 667.0}}
Path to element:
 β†’Application, 0x6000026290a0, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'
Query chain:
 β†’Find: Target Application 'fox.UiTestssProjects'
  Output: {
    Application, pid: 67835, label: 'UiTestssProjects'

, , , , , , , identifier.

Test Recorder

Test recorder β€” Apple, . .


  • UI test target() ;

  • , test.

record . id β€” ,  β€” , .


Ui- β€” , . , , , . .

, , ui- iOS- ui-.

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