Comparison of the three most popular Managed Kubernetes platforms.
Kubernetes , . , .
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
. , .
Kubernetes , . Kubernetes Google, , Google Kubernetes Engine — 2015. , AKS EKS, 2018, GKE .
Azure Kubernetes Service Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service , , . , .
, GKE . control plane, . AKS , ( , Microsoft). EKS , .
GKE AKS . , , . GCP, , , Azure .
EKS CloudWatch Container Insights. , CloudWatch , , . .
GKE Cloud Run for Anthos. Cloud Run, . . , Google Cloud Run. , Kubernetes. , .
AKS . Kubernetes Azure Container Instances, , . Cloud Run for Anthos, Kubernetes, . , .
EKS Fargate — Amazon . AKS — , . , Fargate Amazon Application Load Balancer (ALB), Azure .
Google Cloud Code, VS Code IntelliJ, , IDE . Cloud Run Cloud Run for Anthos.
Microsoft Kubernetes VS Code, AKS — Bridge to Kubernetes. , .
Google Microsoft Kubernetes. kubectl Kubernetes API, EKS , EKS .
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Kubernetes . Kubernetes, .
GKE Google Cloud Console
, GKE Kubernetes, Google. .
GKE , , Stackdriver Google - GCP. GKE CLI, . , GKE .
, Google , . , GKE . Kubernetes.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Kubernetes. , Microsoft/Azure, GKE, .
AKS Azure
AKS GKE, , . Azure , GKE . Azure , . AKS CLI, . .
Azure , . Azure AWS GCP. , Azure — - , — .
, AKS . GKE, , , Azure . Azure Microsoft, 365 Active Directory, AKS. — , control plane, Kubernetes, VS Code .
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
, Kubernetes , . , AWS .
EKS AWS Management Console
GKE AKS, , Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) . IAM . . - CLI .
, terraform-aws-eks Terraform CLI eksctl, , . eksctl, , CLI, AWS. , .
EKS, . , . , EKS — , bare-metal .
EKS, , , AWS — , .
Kubernetes, GKE. , , , - CLI.
AKS — , VS Code, .
EKS , , . EKS AWS .