About the nature of the universe and the reason for the origin of life - and what to do

For thousands of years, people have been looking for the meaning of life and were able to find it only in religious faith in its divine purpose, which stipulates the observance of sacred covenants. The scientific approach, on the other hand, offers a trivial solution, consisting in the unnecessary randomness and transience of life, thereby freeing us from all moral obligations.

As the autistic Sonia Shatalova said at the age of 10: " Science is knowledge based on doubt ." Not many scientists dare to express their doubts about scientific ideas about life and mind. And there are practically no doubts about the foundations of the universe and there are practically no doubts - and we can admire all the new dresses that mathematicians sew to their "Queen of Science" according to centuries-old patterns. However, completely newthe idea of ​​the essence of the phenomena set forth in  Chapter 7 prompted me to express some science fiction hypotheses, however, no more fantastic than those of scientists, which I propose to the readers' judgment.

1. Why could life be created?

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Let us first consider the religious concepts of belief in the divine creation of life. And immediately the question - why was it created? What prevented the Creator from enjoying eternal life without creating any insects? We will immediately reject the assumption that he just got bored, because voluntarism does not imply a logical explanation. We will assume that if something is done, it is only due to an iron necessity .

The theists' speculations that the Creator, then rather God, could eternally exist in the higher dimensions outside and above all universes, too, we reject, because then, firstly, again, it is impossible to explain the need to create insects and life by him, but secondly, the existence of "higher dimensions" is not confirmed by the practice of observations and is based only, alas, on a dubious hypothetical identification of reality and a fictional abstract mathematical space.

It turns out that without the creation of life, the hypothetical Creator could not exist on his own. There are good reasons to believe that every emerging universe is inevitably doomed to destruction. About this here in  Chapter 9.... And if the Creator could somehow survive this, then he would continue his continuous existence in the next universe - and then there would be no need for him to be concerned with the creation of life. But, since life is clearly there, it means that it is a necessary condition for the existence of the Creator himself . Not now, but in some future. For if the Creator had been “in all power” from the very beginning from the beginning of the universe, then there would be no sense in the evolution of life - if there is already an original, why try to repeat it from scratch?

2. About the spontaneous generation of life

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Let us now consider the materialistic concepts of the origin of life. In one way or another, they are based on belief in its spontaneous generation and further evolution, for there is no scientific evidence yet about the possibility of its spontaneous generation. But scientists believe that such evidence will emerge in the course of further scientific progress. Or they rely on the inevitable manifestation of the synergistic self-organization of dissipative structures in nonequilibrium energy processes according to the theory of I.R. Prigogine. For example, when a liquid poured in a thin layer is uniformly heated from below, the energy is released into the environment by means of thermal conduction.
But with an increase in the energy flux, convection processes arise and, as a result, a lot of flat hexagonal cells (Benard cells) are formed in the liquid.
Life, as it is assumed, could arise as a result of such self-organization, because it is precisely characterized by the most effective mechanisms for the dissipation of solar or chemical energy.

Scientific genetic theory believes that the image and all characteristics of an organism are determined by a set of genes (in chromosomes) that are responsible for the production of proteins necessary for the development and functioning of organisms. One protein can be encoded even by different DNA fragments located at a great distance in the genome, the products of which (RNA or polypeptide chains) combine to form one polypeptide as they mature.

It is assumed that new genes are obtained as a result of random "point" mutations, that is, breakdowns and incorrect replications of genes. The gene encoding the protein comprises tens to thousands of base pairs. It is clear that a whole chain of such mutations is needed for the appearance of any trait useful for survival. Therefore, it is clear that the production of a new useful gene as a result of mutation is almost as unlikely as spontaneous generation in general. Nevertheless, there is no evidence to deny this mechanism of evolution.
According to science, life is based on the work of the genetic mechanism (GM) carried out by ribosomes, an extremely small of which should consist of at least a hundred (according to the latest data 110) protein bases, and any structural or compositional changes immediately make it inoperable. And GM can only work in an enzymatic environment that exists only in living cells. But alas, the chance of accidental synthesis of such a ribosome in our Galaxy over the entire existence of the universe is less than one to one with 97 zeros, if we take the rate of spontaneous mutations due to background radiation of the order of 1-2 acts per second in a Petri dish (experimental fact) ...

3. About technologies of evolution by copy-paste method

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Note that the entire practice of obtaining new species is associated with the transfer of new genes from one species to another (crossing), or with the inclusion of previously "silent" genes in the work. This is precisely the nature of the "gene explosion", when as a result of the shuffling of genes, silent genes begin to work in DNA, which is why new species appear.

A new species can also be obtained if a gene belonging to another organism is inserted in some way into the hereditary DNA of one organism, it does not matter whether it is of the same species or completely different and even of animal or plant origin. It is much more likely to get a new "sensible" text by shuffling already prepared words and phrases than if you randomly change letters in words.

Now let's turn our attention to the functional activity of viruses. Note that during the reproduction of a virus in a cell infected with it, genes from the hereditary DNA of the host cell can be incorporated into the viral DNA, and then, after infection of new individuals with this virus, the genes captured by it can be incorporated into the DNA of new cells. The own DNA of some oncoviruses even seems to coincide with the cellular gene denoting the beginning of the gene reading site in the DNA and, being inserted in front of the "silent" gene, leads to its activation. The virus multiplies during the epidemic, replicating also the genes captured by it, thereby scattering them throughout the population.

Viruses and virus-like particles are, by the way, the main tool in the creation of genetically modified organisms. It is logical to assume that viruses can play a significant role in natural evolution and much more productive than the notorious point mutations. Moreover, the body, as a rule, develops immunity to those viruses that it has already encountered, that is, having the same genetic set, and becomes infected again when the virus is modified.

Nevertheless, such phenomena as aromorphoses are known, when, as the genetics themselves describe the phenomenon,
" As if a new idea starts to float in the air, for example the idea of ​​the appearance of mammals "
encompassing related groups of reptiles, which simultaneously and independently acquire similar progressive characters over a large area occupied by the splitting maternal subspecies. In the light of the viral hypothesis, it is clear what is "in the air" there and why throughout the entire territory of residence. Although this may not be the main driver of evolution, see  Ch . 12 .

Biologists are now more and more actively studying the mechanisms of "horizontal" gene transfer and even note signs of the participation of this phenomenon in evolution. See drawing.
With the age of the Earth 4.5 billion years (half a billion years in a heated state incompatible with biostructures), life (algae, cyanobacteria) developed on it 3.5 billion years ago. It seems to be too fast for the invention and development of the genetic mechanism. Rapid mutations of molluscs during environmental disasters (Aral Sea) are also hardly explained by random point mutations. In general, the evolution of organisms is most conveniently explained by copy-paste of genes from a common bank .

4. Is there no “blueprint” of an organism in the genome?

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But the problem is also that the information capacity of DNA, for example, of the studied human chromosomes, is somewhere around 700 megabytes. Moreover, the gene itself usually takes hundreds and thousands of "bits", and even more than 95% of genes are "junk" and not used. According to the researchers' estimates, there are 43162 complete genes in the entire volume of genetic information of the human genome, of which 21306 encode proteins and 21856 do not encode. This is hardly enough to describe the structure and functioning of even cells, especially organs and behavioral instincts.

Some scientists naturally come to the conclusion that the realization of morphogenesis is not determined only by the functioning of the genetic material. Biology professor Michael Levin reportsthat the genome of Xenopus tadpoles does not encode a hard-coded set of instructions for changing various organs during metamorphosis from tadpole to frog.
“The emerging picture in this area is that anatomical software has a modular structure - a key property that computer scientists use as subroutines and that most likely contributes significantly to biological evolution and evolutionary plasticity. A simple bioelectric state, evoked endogenously during development or induced by the experimenter, triggers very complex morphogen redistributions and gene expression cascades that are required to construct various anatomies. "
For a long time there has been a concept of morphogenetic fields that determine the structure and development of organisms, including, probably, influencing the switching on or off of genes in cells of different organs and types of organisms. I quote :
The most developed concepts of the embryonic field belong to the Austrian biologist P. Weiss and two Russian-Soviet scientists A.G. Gurvich and N.K. Koltsov [...] According to all these concepts, the field develops in the same way as the embryo. The initial effect of the field leads to the implementation of some morphogenetic process (for example, the formation of a certain bookmark), which results in a change in the field, and this, in turn, leads to further morphogenesis. Thus, as development progresses, more and more new fields are formed that control the development of various structures (organs) "
So in the course of embryogenesis strictly ordered morphogenetic processes are realized,
And with a very high spatial accuracy, an organism of a specific species is formed, possessing a certain structure and much richer information than the genetic information of a zygote. "
A cell, taken, for example, from the liver and transplanted onto the cornea of ​​the eye, becomes transparent and indistinguishable from other cells of the cornea during metabolism. This means that now different genes were involved in it and different proteins began to be produced - the same as in the cells of the environment. One can, of course, assume that cells are simply exchanging enzymes. But Academician V. Kaznacheev divided tissue cultures with quartz and other screens. And in this case, the effect of distant damage to healthy cells from isolated, but located next to them, diseased cells was observed.

In experiments (1923) by A.G. Gurvich and G.M. Frank, the tip of the bulb root stimulated the growth of a nearby other root (Frank determined that this is ultraviolet radiation in the range of 190-325 nm. However, low radiation intensity and an abundance of light from external sources question the conclusion). Taken together, these facts indicate the possible presence of a mechanism of non-contact, field influence on the genetic apparatus of cells, which determines whether to divide it and which genes in their chromosomes work and which do not.

And although many characteristics of the phenotype of the organism: eye color, hair, blood type, etc., and even a tendency to seek novelty and new impressions (with a genetically determined reduced sensitivity to dopamine receptor proteins), including the strength of maternal instinct and the degree of aggressiveness - associated with its genotype (in terms of biochemistry and hormonal balance), I quote:
Many problems of shaping remain unresolved. The theory of morphogenesis is still absent, and its driving forces remain undisclosed . "
In this regard, Walter Hering's experiments with fruit flies are interesting, from which it follows that there are control genes that trigger the genes subordinate to them.
He placed “eyeless” genes that trigger eye formation (its mutation (ie, damage) causes flies to be eyeless) into DNA regions that are active in the formation of a specific region of the developing embryo. So he managed to get flies in which the development of eyes on the leg, wings, antenna was observed (see Fig.). Even if instead of the “eyeless” gene, the “Small eye” gene of the mouse was used, the eyes were still formed, moreover, fly eyes, not mouse ones.

A considerable, and perhaps most, part of scientists believe that these experiments refute the idea of ​​some biological fields outside the developing system and determining the formative processes. Therefore, these processes are based exclusively on internal molecular genetic events, in which the specificity of the form is determined by the sequence of tissue-specific and organ-specific syntheses. In their opinion, I quote :
«… , . , , «» . ».
If we approach it logically, then, according to this concept, the image of a potential individual must somehow be displayed on the egg in advance, and the role of genes is reduced to the prevalence or suppression of the manifestation of elements of the form already embedded in the egg. But the microscopic homunculus has not yet been found in it.

5. Physicists are serious: the brain and consciousness are formed by superpositions of quantum states

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But future organisms begin with the act of cell division. And in this cellular process, as well as in general in the structural organization of cells, special organelles "microtubules" play an important role. The cytoskeleton of a cell, its structure, is determined by microtubules. They are also involved in the mechanisms of cilia and flagella of movement of unicellular organisms. In the process of cell division, it is they who are involved in pulling apart the halves of the chromosomes and equally of the other contents of the cell.
And it is through them that the necessary proteins are transported. This is how it is done by the "walking" protein kinesin.

Larger molecules (cargo) are transferred along the microtubules "from hand to hand" by means of bridges from whites associated on the surface, as in the figure.
Since the cytoskeleton of a cell determines its internal structure and shape, the ideas of Roger Penrose (an English physicist and mathematician working in various fields of mathematics, general relativity and quantum theory, winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in physics) about the possible participation of coherent quantum states of microtubules in the formation and growth of brain structures and even constituting the basis of conscious understanding, as outlined by him in  [ 1 ] and  [ 2 ] .

There are other attempts to find quantum effects in brain activity, which can only be welcomed. As for microtubules, there are reports  [ 3 ] about the detection of quantum oscillations of microtubules inside the neurons of the brain. Penrose in  [ 2 ] also notes that an identical effect of anesthetics was noticed, causing both loss of consciousness in higher organisms and immobilization of the cilia of unicellular paramecia and the effect also on " amoebas and even on green slime molds ", which is not a fact of itself simply connected, for, for example , curare poison causes muscle paralysis when fully conscious.

6. Scientists would like to have a more comprehensive theory

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In the act of formation, the problem arises of the transition of the state of quantum superposition to the macrostructure, which, according to classical quantum mechanics, occurs in the act of measurement. In the absence of an experimenter, a mechanism of " objective reduction of the state vector " is needed , which Penrose denotes with the abbreviation OR , and which / mechanism /, in his opinion, should be in agreement with
“The correct quantum theory of gravity - PCTG, which has yet to be discovered! ".
And he:
Can we expect that something similar / radical rethinking / will happen with quantum theory? I think that the likelihood of such an outcome is extremely high. […] It is extremely difficult to imagine the nature of the forthcoming change in speculation now. Moreover, it will undoubtedly look like real nonsense! "
Quite justifying these expectations, further in  Chapter 8 we will try to consider some approaches to this SCTG.

By the way, having said "A", it is logical to say "B". Assuming the participation of quantum mechanisms in the formation of brain structures is similar, as Penrose notes, the formation of crystals, the structures of which
" Are simultaneously" tested "in a linear superposition (in much the same way as it probably happens in a quantum computer ... ")
it is also logical to admit the participation of quantum-computational superpositions in the morphogenesis (like crystals) in general of the structures of organisms .

7. Explanation of the nature of SRT phenomena

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It turns out that touching on the topic of the living , we move from the field of chemistry to the diocese of the coolest physics, and even that, it turns out, is not enough. So let's continue. We will have to start with a revision of the materialistic foundations of physics, or rather their absence.

Materialistically expressed grounds began to be absent from the moment of recognition of the abstract-mathematical space of Minkowski, as if objectively existing in the real universe, and as if the physical reality of its curvature in Einstein's general relativity. The recognition that light has an unimaginable property to have the same speed relative to any frame of reference can be mathematically expressed by mysticalthe property of the existence of an irresistible limiting speed. Adding a curvature, mystically associated with mass, to space-time is just a matter of technology.

The principle of relativity (PO) proclaimed by Einstein fit very nicely into a number of seemingly obvious properties of the universe along with homogeneity and isotropy, and at the same time relieved of the worries of searching for a physical cause of the PSS phenomenon. Physics has become a branch of mathematics, phenomenologically describing the relationship between, as it were, and those that do not need physical content .

As a result, it became meaningless to ask what is mass and why it is equivalent to energy, what is an electric charge, a field, etc. In principle, these and other parameters could be mutually consistent properties of a single entity, but now it has itself been rejected from the picture of the universe, as a result why these properties themselves began to appear as different quality material entities. For example, an electromagnetic field. With sweeping use of Occam's razor, Einstein cut off exactly the only thing that could hold back the imaginations of mathematicians.

I mean, of course, the ether, which at that time everyone, both Lorentz and Poincaré, including, imagined as a kind of environment in which physical fields EXIST and propagate along with material particles of matter QUALITATIVELY DIFFERENT from this etheric medium.

And such ether , as the Michelson-Morley experiment showed, does not really exist. That is, there are no separate material particles, and a separate medium for the transmission of field interactions between them. Probably any theories in which real particles are independent entities, and not changed parameters (i.e. properties) of the field propagation medium, do not agree with the theory of relativity...

But at the same time, physicists recognize the existence of a certain "physical vacuum" (PV), which can even generate particles. True, they avoid a specific discussion of where it is located and why it should be considered at rest in any laboratory CRM, and not somewhere specifically in the universe. Strictly speaking, PV cannot exist for the same reason as the notorious ether.

However, these fears are completely unnecessary if we agree with the obvious fact that it is the physical fields that induce movement and determine the location in space of material particles and their components. Well, not because of their "free will" they move? And thenall the phenomena of the theory of relativity are easily and clearly explained, even if this physical vacuum continuously fills the entire universe, moreover, in no way conflicting with Michelson's experiment. Everything is mathematically, and very accessible, substantiated in the article  [ 4 ] . From the article it is clear what caused the Lorentz contraction and why mass is a measure of the compression energy of the substance of the physical vacuum, from which (see Chapter 6 in  [ 4 ] ) E = Mc² and relativistic equations of dynamics are derived.

But the PSS postulate becomes completely unnecessary... The speed of light ceases to be a world constant and acquires an understandable physical meaning of the speed of transmission of interactions in a specific area of ​​the physical vacuum. The principle of relativity turns out to be not the root cause of phenomena, but their consequence. And according to the Lorentz transformations (PL, derived, and very simply, in Chapter 4 of article  [ 4 ] ), the principle of relativity (see Chapter 5 in  [ 4 ] ) is carried out automatically in any IFR. Moreover, the derivation, for example, of the relativistic formulas for aberration and Doppler shift is carried out in an elementary way without any reference to the PL (see  [ 6 ] ).

Refute the stated in article  [ 4] ) will not work, you can only disagree and, most expected, ignore. Typical reasoning - why should we abandon the Minkowski space if the calculated results of both models coincide? It's just that the same phenomena can be described in two ways - both in an abstract mathematical 4-dimensional space (which allows using a powerful formal apparatus), and as in a physical 3-dimensional plus time.

It is reasonable to remember that the Ptolemaic system for more than 1000 years also well calculated the movement of the luminaries - just did not explain why they are peculiar to some epicycles, etc. I will give a quote :
« «» ?», « » , , « , « » ». « , (concepts) ».
Note that after the treatise of Copernicus, it was still possible to consider the geocentric and heliocentric equal calculation schemes (in order to avoid conflicts with the church and being a canon himself, Copernicus positioned his theory this way). But Newton, having shown the reason for the orbital motion of the planets, no longer left room for confusion.

So here too - resorting to the Minkowski space, we are deprived of the opportunity to find out what caused the Lorentz contraction and other SRT phenomena, because a priori we agree to recognize some mystical properties of space-time. But in article  [ 4 ], the very reasons for relativism are very clearly explained .

But now, knowingthat all interactions are carried out directly by physical fields, both outside and inside particles, that any energy is always the compression energy of the PV medium, and continue to believe that this does not affect fundamental provisions in other branches of physics.

8. On the nature of material particles

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From the fact that the processes inside microparticles obey the principles of SRT and from the properties of physical fields, it follows that elementary particles should be a special state of the PV substance, and it itself should be solid and elastic , naturally, up to a certain limit. (I think it would be rash to refuse the possibility of shear wave propagation. Moreover, in a liquid or gaseous medium, the Lorentz contraction is hardly possible).

But particles cannot squeeze through a solid medium, which means that when they move, they disappear where they were, and are created anew in the place where the fields controlling their movement create sufficient stresses in the PV substance. Moreover, the initiativedisplacement belongs to fields. This means that the fields external to the particle interact with other surrounding physical fields, and their superposition determines the next location of the particle.
The process of moving particles is analogous to the “movement” of a car in the given technoinstallation, where all points of the PV substance ultimately remain in their original places.
The hypothesis about the origin of real particles and the nature of their properties, which are realizable in the PV environment precisely in 3-dimensional physical space , is presented, as logically as possible, in the article  [ 5 ]... I will not insist on the a priori truth of all the concepts in the mentioned article. The hypothesis can be completely refuted, but only by specific calculations of the Coulomb forces, gravity, etc. for this model. And the official science until there are no representations about the physical nature of electric charges, magnetic fields, and so forth. What does not prove the validity of the proposed hypothesis t vordogo £ Physically in akuuma (TPV), but it is not a denial.

It is generally accepted that particles are the source of physical fields. On the hypothesis of TFV, the opposite is true. In the beginning there were the fields that led to the emergence of the microparticle. For example, as a result of the superposition of high-energy fields, the limit of the "mechanical" strength of the PV can be exceeded, as a result of which the matter of its substance somehow collapses, forming a stable corpuscular dislocation that preserves, as it were, the configuration of external fields "frozen in", which led to its appearance. Moreover, the size of the corpuscle and the magnitude of these fields at its boundaries have interrelated fixed concrete-constant (quantized) values ​​determined by the properties of the PV substance (see Chapter 5 in  [ 5 ] ).

In collisions and other interactions of particles, a general configuration of physical fields is formed, which does not depend on the nature of the initiators, which then relaxes in the format of some new set of particles, in which the sum of the quantized values ​​of the fields frozen in them maximally exhausts the total values ​​of the fields of the excited unstable configuration. And the surplus is expressed in the kinetic energy of particles and is partly carried away in the form of photons and neutrinos.

The main idea of ​​the TPV hypothesis is that for the stability of particles, external pressure in the PV substance is necessary , which keeps the corpuscle in a collapsed state... A decrease, in the act of collapse, of the corpuscle's resistance to external pressure causes a decrease in the PV pressure near it to the level necessary for fixing the corpuscle. And the degree of compression (and its energy) during the collapse of the PV substance determines the mass of the corpuscle. If two or more corpuscles are brought together, then the particles will begin to "attract" to each other, pushed by the action of a higher pressure in the surrounding PV region. This is exactly how the TPV hypothesis explains the nature of gravity, and in it the inertial and gravitational masses are the same in nature and equivalent . At the same time, the pressure energy in the entire mass of the PV that fills the universe should lead to its expansion, which, apparently, is manifested as " dark energy ".

According to the hypothesis, with the expansion of the universe and the tendency to decrease the compression of the PV medium in it, the super-compressed PV substance - enclosed in black holes formed at the initial phase of the evolution of the universe and became the centers of galaxies - passes into an elastic spatial state, thereby maintaining the constant pressure in the PV substance and hence the immutability of world constants. This is described in more detail in Chapter 10 of the article  [ 5 ] .

Since both the formation of particles and the values ​​of the fields at their boundaries are determined by the same value of pressure in the substance of the PV, then there is a theoretical possibility of revealing the interdependence of gravitational and other properties of physical fields and particles. It can be assumed that this is approximately what Penrose meant in Chapter 10 of the book  [ 1 ] , speaking of the correct theory of quantum gravity, “ which has yet to be discovered! ".

A change in pressure in a PV near material masses should also lead to a change there, for example, the speed of light, which would affect the speed of physical processes, etc. Let me assume that theories of gravity based on the immutability of world constants are most likely erroneous.

9. What is most likely the end of the world

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In the concept of the TFV hypothesis, the values ​​of the world constants at a particular point in space should depend on the pressure in the PV substance that determines gravity. As the universe expands, a decrease in pressure in the PV substance filling it and a change in world constants is expected. And at some point, the pressure will become insufficient to keep the particles in a collapsed state, and then they will “straighten” into an elastic spatial state of the PV, which will lead to the disappearance of matter (and life) in general in the universe - and someday this will certainly happen. The reasons for the currently observed stability of world constants are indicated above in  Chapter 8 .

10. About the essence of the wave function, its collapse and the "arrow of time"

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In the article  [ 4 ] it was shown that the motion of particles is determined by the interaction of fields, and in the article  [ 5 ] that the particles are recreated in the place and image formed by the configuration of the fields as a result of this interaction. Therefore, it is natural to expect that the wave Fourier transform of a particle, as it is represented in quantum mechanics, quite statistically adequately describes the phase coordinates of its possible localization. The most consistent with this concept is the theory of the "pilot wave" de Broglie - Bohm.

According to it, in an experiment with two slits, the Fourier transform seems to pass simultaneously through both slits, just as the real physical fields driving the particle would do the same and in the same way. That is, an interference picture should actually be obtained, but not as a result of mystical particle-wave dualism, but because all interactions are transmitted by waves of fields in the PV that determine the place of particles.

When a particle driven by the fields has an opportunity to be embodied in a specific place of the PV, the field values ​​at its boundaries take discrete quantized values. And its motion will further be determined by this residual field stresses in superposition with other fields, which also changed in this act, carrying out, as it were, quantum calculations "choosing" a further trajectory. Wave collapse Ψ-Functions are, of course, a purely conditional act, since a psi-function is not a physical object, but only an approximate mathematical abstraction, not equivalent to all global existence , and therefore has nothing to do with cats in boxes next door.

Penrose  [ 1 ] points out that the Schrödinger equation describes the finite Fourier transform of the result in exact amplitudes and
“The evolution [of the image] occurs in accordance with the unitary evolutionary procedure  U (Schrödinger equation), but at some points in time, when it is assumed that“ observation ”(or“ measurement ”) occurs , the R ‑ procedure is applied and the state vector jumps to another state vector ... "
so the actual location of the particle is just probabilistic. He further concludes
Therefore, I think it is quite obvious that the R ‑ procedure cannot be time symmetric (and, by the way, as a result, it is not deducible from the time symmetric U procedure  )
Landau and Lifshitz also wrote about this:
« ; . , . . ».
According to I.R. Prigogine, the paradox lies in the fact that the reversible Schrödinger equation can be verified only with the help of irreversible measurements, which this equation, by definition, cannot describe. From this he concludes that quantum mechanics cannot be a closed theory. According to Prigogine, a fundamental role in modern physics (and not only in quantum mechanics) is played by the concept of the “arrow of time” and, therefore, irreversible processes.

Based on the TPV hypothesis, the violation of the temporal symmetry occurs at the moment of the collapse of the field structure into a particle state or into a new energy state of the system. A rollback in time of all field configurations to the state of the moment of collapse cannot lead to the restoration of the status quo, since it will correspond to the state after the collapse. But it would still be necessary to extract energy from the mass of a particle (system) in order to increase the pressure in the PV substance with it, which just caused the collapse, which is clearly not in the competence of quantum mechanics.

Thus, even having the exact coordinates and impulses of all particles of the system (universe), it will not be possible to predict its future or past state, because it is determined by the parameters of the fields, and not just the particles - and each reduction of continuous states of the fields into the discrete format of the state of the particle system is irreversible changes the configuration of the leading fields.

It at least follows from this that quantum mechanics is not the basis of the universe, but is only a mathematical way of representing the system in the form of an image of a quantum state for the statistical description of wave interactions of possible real fields, etc.

11. About the structure of the physical vacuum and its vibrations

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So, the movement of the material hypostasis of the universe, as a special state of the primary matter of the PV, is completely determined by the configuration and dynamics of physical fields in a solid and elastic "crystal" of physical vacuum. Taking into account the complexity and variety of properties of elementary particles, it is logical to assume that the PV crystal is characterized by the complexity of the symmetry of the force bonds. And, perhaps, nothing more can be said about him so far. The approximate scale of the microstructure of the PV crystal could be determined by determining the speed of real particles at which deviations from the values ​​of the corresponding SRT formulas would begin to appear. Which modern Newton would take up untangling knots of interweaving of strings of matter PV?

Since it is necessary to consider all types of motion and formations that are feasible in the medium of a 3-dimensional solid PV, it cannot be ruled out that various vibration modes can exist in the crystal lattice of the PV itself. The nature of the vibrations of the PV "crystal lattice" proper, I believe, is qualitatively different from the quantum states associated with matter. The latter are a massive wave process involving a multitude of "crystal-cells" indifferent to their structure and describe the redistribution of the energy of compression of the PV for a system of particles over any vibrations.

Oscillatory processes in general in nondissipative crystals can exist forever, can resonate (i.e., amplify at resonance) and form complex configurations with many degrees of freedom, representing, as it were, multidimensional (in mathematical formulas) manifolds that interact with each other and follow along certain regular trajectories. The figure shows vibration modes of a 2-dimensional plane. In 3-D real, the forms of "Chladni figures" (see, for example, PhysRevB https://habr.com/ru/post/406637/ ) can be much more complicated.

The size and shape of the resonator play an important role in the formation of figures. In real life, such a resonator can be real structures.

It is reasonable to further assumethat some vibration modes can play the role of a sample, creating configurations of redistribution of the average pressure level of the PV (a kind of standing waves) that build real physical fields that control the motion of real particles. The process can be selective and mutually active, so that the vibration modes themselves will adjust according to the material configuration and then can more definitely and specifically contribute to the formation of exactly the same material structures. And as a result of, perhaps even an accidentally arisen partial resonance, their action can intensify and manifest itself even remotely, leading to duplication of material structures and the maintenance of just such modes.

12. Where and how can “blueprints” be stored?

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And if you really need to get to the bottom of morphogenesis, then it is absolutely impossible to abandon the scientific method, the number of tools of which includes the need to put forward hypotheses, which naturally require theoretical substantiation and experimental verification. R. Penrose, on the formation of the brain:
Here I will take the courage to suggest that this growth or contraction could theoretically be governed by principles such as those that govern quasi-crystalline growth. In this case, not one of the possible alternative arrangements is "tested", but a complex linear superposition of a large number of such arrangements "
In fact, if some "miracles" are happening in the brain, then the same should happen in the cells of other organs - there are the same microtubules and their quantum states. Note that the crystalline action always leads to the same in a small number of variants, and the quasi-crystalline, like the growth of frosty patterns on the window, never seem to be repeated. In the acts of morphogenesis, we see a clear repetition of very complex structures.

In  chapters 7 and  8it was substantiated that the primary cause of motion and the very existence of matter is a change in the configuration of fields in the volume of the universal PV. Accordingly, the movement of living matter is also determined by physical fields. This means that any configuration of the molecular structure corresponds to certain stable configurations of fields that move under the influence of probably more general fields. In  Chapter 11 , it was shown how, presumably, these stable field configurations could be created with the participation of vibration modes of the crystalline substance of the PV, how they could be duplicated and affect real particles.

In esoteric sources, as a rule, mystical phenomena are explained by the height of the "tone of vibrations" and their concentration by affinity in "egregors" with the subsequent influence on the psyche. But in esotericism, paranormal phenomena are usually explained by the action of entities and forces, which, in the concepts of modern science, simply cannot exist. There is a completely different world and a fictional "different reality". Of course, science does not observe anything of the kind and is not going to study it yet.

From esotericism, I will only use the term " egregor"To refer to certain fairly stable configuration field structures. It is reasonable to assume that the appearance, the phenotype of organisms is largely determined by the configuration of the field, which characterizes this type of organisms and appears as a morphogenetic field in the formation of organisms, what was in  chapter 4 .

Fields Configuration egregor, as it were, is an informational image of a biological object, imprinted in the PV as a carrier of information. Its metaphysical essence is expressed in  Chapter 16. It is also reasonable to assume that similar to the sets of genes distributed throughout the biosphere, there is also a bank of image elementsthat can be operated by egregors in combination with the genotype. And, let's say, the "main gene" may only lead to the activation of egregor, which executes the algorithm for the formation of the organ.

Images can probably even be copied and mirrored. The cells are dividing! If you create a similar, but mirrored, image close to a certain image, then this will possibly reduce the volumetric stresses in the PV medium outside their joint localization, which may be energetically beneficial. Symmetry is generally characteristic of organisms. And we sometimes even see the birth of mirror twins. Egregors, as field structures, can probably enter into "quantum" superpositions, serving as a model for new organ modifications.

The strength of the egregor's influence on individual aspects (modes) of the structure of the body and its organs may depend on the frequency of the use of phenotype fragments in all individuals of the species, and perhaps even on collectively experienced emotions about the desired type or method of using certain organs. Egregor undoubtedly provides a more flexible and dynamic adaptation to the changing environmental conditions of the entire population than single "blind" random mutations in one individual. Natural selection then can manifest itself not only through the genotype, but also through the egregor, muffling the unsuccessful "modes" (which have become rudimentary) due to the extinction of the carriers of these, previously seemed useful, properties.

13. Information technology Dataflow in evolution

To the content

Noting the phenomenon of aromorphosis (see  Chapter 3 ) and the role of the main genes (see  Chapter 4 ), it is logical to assume that although their presence is important for starting the formation of organs, since there is no proper information in the genes and cells, then it seems , is located in egregors, which can be considered as software modules for processing data represented by organisms and biostructures , the structure and composition of which are described on a common principle of organization for all according to the genetic code. As new organs develop and emerge, adequate egregors are connected, or the evolutionary process of their creation (invention) begins.
The role of recording and storing data in "computer memory" is performed by the material representation (creation and existence) of bioforms in the real world .

As an example, the life cycle of a cell is shown (see fig). The cells in the body make no more than 50 divisions. Some cells live as long as the entire body, others quickly die off and are replaced by the same from stem cells.
The cycle change is determined by the appearance of specific "data" - cyclin proteins. Whether or not cell division continues in each organ is also determined by the level of growth hormone.

In fact, we are observing a cybernetic data-driven processing systemwhich can do without a central master process requiring a once and for all programmed algorithm.
That is, the evolution of the living is not based on the execution of the main leading program, which in this case should be called "Almighty" or "God" and which would systematically lead the process to a predetermined goal.

But there are technologies for increasing the intelligence of algorithms (see further in  Chapter 15), eventually contributing to the emergence of Reason. Technologies for the formation of egregors (evolution technologies) lead to the regrouping and integration of data (biostructures and organisms) in real life. Then the organs and organisms are passed through the filter of natural selection, thereby determining the direction and progress of the evolution of living things, both in terms of improving biostructures and appearance, and in terms of adaptive behavior.
As a result of the combined action of all factors in the formation of cellular structures, we get the result, for example, as in these photos.

Given that the differences in the genomes (in the coding part) of both beauties are less than 1%.

The presence of a new datum in the form of a wedding coloring in the first one suggests the beginning of a new cycle.

14. Experience of IT evolution of life "to life"

To contents

Since the evolution of "chosen" according to the control technology, it is advisable to take an interest in it, and developers and nformatsionnyh t echnology ( IT ). Now the sequence and dependence of the processes of processing all the data of the task are described in the central leading program and, when data of a new type appears, it is necessary to provide for the launch of the algorithm for their generation, and organize the moment and method of their use (rendezvous) with other programs. But for this you still need to be able to find out the data structures from their owner. And if previously independent data, according to the logic of integration development, begin to intersect, then a new, more comprehensive, leading process will need to be developed.

Therefore, more and more forces and means are required only to maintain systems in a working condition, which are becoming more and more monopoly and less and less observable. New processing algorithms are often simply superimposed on top of old ones, partly reworking what they have done, but not eliminating unnecessary work (see m1rko https://habr.com/ru/post/423889/ ).

Data management could completely solve all these problems, while parallelizing and speeding up data processing hundreds of times. In addition, it would forever rid computers of the presence of monstrous operating systems and eliminate the monopoly on the development of almost any application and system. The latter, alas, may turn out to be unacceptable for the "Almighty" in the IT field.

But if "suddenly", then for this, at least, you need:
  • to establish, like a single genetic code, a single structure of hierarchically distributed databases (DB);
  • describe the purpose of each data within the same structure and in the same database;
  • provide streaming computations of the output data as the initial data appear anywhere in the distributed database network and in the presence of the proper situation (this is also the initial data).

How all this can be done right today , although it should have been “yesterday”, is described in sufficient detail in article  [ 7 ] . I will warn you right away that the principles of the architecture of a single database are not disclosed there - but what one did, others can do in many, alas, (and this should be avoided by standardization) ways. Technically, this problem is solved by the development of unified gadgets.

15. About the unity of information technology evolution

To the content

However, not only morphogenesis is not explained by the content of genetic information. The motives of instinctive behavior are also unlikely to be found in the genes of germ cells. It is doubtful that the signs of intelligent instinctive behavior, for example, in collective organisms (bees, termites, etc.), can be reduced to a "homunculus" in germ cells. These considerations again bring us back to the concept of morphogenetic fields, and not only. The combination of instinctive behavioral acts of animals, as well as the combination of properties and functions of cells and organs in their organisms, can be assumed to be determined by egregors.

Moral behavior can be easily explained by the concept of "reasonable egoism": when caring about colleagues, you can expect help from them. But unicellular organisms, forming a colony, get a kind of "pleasure" from sticking to their own kind, as if from capturing prey, and when they grow larger, they themselves become more difficult prey.

Or the instinct of imitation, when adopting the style of a successful model, they expect to redirect to themselves a part of the “profit” that the “standard” receives. But even in nature, at the level of organisms, we find the phenomenon of mimicry.

It is logical to join the leader or leader in order to have their share of pleasures under the auspices of the authority of the idol (by the way, religion is in trend). But this is the logic of a parasitic instinct. It starts with mutual benefit within the framework of symbiosis, and becomes parasites when vital organs atrophy part.

In society, those close to the elite and rendering services to it constitute its "retinue", spreading in stages from top to bottom to everyone. Therefore, attempts to abolish the elite will be resisted by all strata of society, unless a more satisfactory basis of well-being is offered. Parasites are known to even modify their hosts' behavior to their advantage. Either with the help of pheromones, like Lomehuza beetles in an anthill, or ideologically, when the elite and the approximate part of the retinue begin to parasitize.

Like bugs changing the scheme of food distribution in an anthill, the elite establishes production relations that guarantee the power elite the continuation of its well-being, supporting the mechanisms of its self-reproduction and power influence - adaptive to any productive forces, which are always just a background or an instrument (if possible use) on the development scene plot by the main actors (elites).

The traced analogy in the technologies of the formation of organisms and the behavior of communities suggests the presence of universal and logical technologies of development, which are manifested adequately to the already achieved level of complexity. They are characterized by chance (or free will) in the choice of the criterion for structural or functional division into different objects before a single one. And then by the method of natural (or reasonable) selection, depending on the conditions (or goals) in the environment of existence, stable relations of interaction between new entities are formed. That is, there are always three factors in dialectical development - a pair of, as it were, “opposites” (according to the criterion of difference) and something common (which unites them in a new combination). The corresponding new integrated egregor (or ideology or belief) supports the reproducibility and stability of new combinations of objects.

Development goes in the direction of differentiation and specialization, and in the direction of integration. Well, yes, "the unity and struggle of opposites ." In the most explicit form, we can observe dialectics in our processes of awareness and thinking - yes, the same initial technologies, but at a conscious mental level. From here they were exported by Hegel into his World spirit and dialectic of development. These technologies of progress not only ensure biological evolution, but also, on the mental level, probably encourage creative activity.... The success of the technology is encouraged by a sense of pleasure. For example, the mental foresight of the further development of the melody and the reinforcement of this de facto through the ear is perhaps the essence of enjoying music.

16. The real embodiment of the ideal

To the content

In nature, there is such a phenomenon as structure, configuration, which have meaning and significance only if you use their informational essence. And only in the information aspect, differences in structures generally play a role, and in this context the most significant in terms of samples of material structures. Thus, the universe potentially has a dual nature: the material world and the world of ideas, images, expressed in structures. It's like ink blots and streaks, or writing on paper - the latter differ from streaks only for those who can read.

There is no dualism in reality if the emerging structures are random and indifferent to their formation and existence. Then, various objects will predictably appear in the world in proportion to the probability of their formation and, just as naturally and predictably, disappear, transform, as the supporting resources are exhausted. Material nature is one in all aspects of its existence.

Thus, dialectical materialismwith its seemingly struggle of opposites, as laws of the development of matter, there can be no - there is only mechanism and statistics. It can be easily shown that, as it were, the manifestations of dialectics in the material world are always associated with the assessment and judgment of the subject and with his attribution to objects of "qualities" in the subjective system of concepts.

And only when information structures get the opportunity to choose the direction of their movement or change, that is, initiative and will, then the world of ideas is isolated from the material world. When the egregor can initiate creation in spite of materialistic improbability, the universe becomes dual, dialectical and unpredictable , for the self-organization of structures ceases to be random.

It can be assumed that some (bio) structures are adjusted according to the affinity of the resonance of a certain set of vibration modes from a publicly available set, creating a spectrum of the "psychophysical shell" with which a self-conscious person identifies his "I".

Awareness of reality is expressed in concepts, including understanding ourselves, as an understanding of the presence of understanding, and understanding and foresight (in the imagination as a “second” reality) of the result of actions, forces us to exercise free will in our actions. Comprehension is informational coding of a concept on a material medium. In the coding technology itself, as in the physical representation of codes, there is no dialectic. Physically, the text "YES" and the text "NO" are the same in nature and are not antagonistic. But in the world of concepts there is dialectics. Because there is that only concepts can arise from "nothing", can mutually contradict and exclude each other, and they do this as they develop.

Penrose shares his impression:
Personally, it seems to me that whenever the mind grasps a mathematical idea, it comes into contact with the world of Plato's mathematical concepts. (Remember that, according to Plato, mathematical ideas have their own being and inhabit a certain ideal world ...) "
In the light of the above, the mental is actually found in the world of information images that are different from objects of material reality.

Neurons of the brain, it can be assumed, interact at the informational level of vibrations (and even in microtubules) with the information components of the egregor's personality spectrum, where an emotional assessment is created in terms of its informational "I", which is the basis for free choice, the predicted results of which are also are emotionally assessed at the same level of informational modes. Free choice can only be at the level of the root cause, that is, it can be expressed in the field effect.

But electromechanical machines can hardly have free will, because their movement is subject to iron-determined laws, through which it is impossible to gain access to the manipulation of the fields directly carrying out the movement. Those. fields will participate, but only within the limits of the hardware allowed by mechanics, as in the Turing machine. And although free will can be imitated by a random number generator, such machines are a priori devoid of any consciousness.

17. "There are many things in nature, friend Horatio ..."

To the content

If we start with ourselves (with homo sapiens), then it is no longer possible to assert that a self-conscious person is only a product of the activity of a personal brain, since this contradicts reliable cases of the so-called “reincarnation”.

This refers to cases when, after unconsciousness caused by a serious illness or injury, or during a hypnosis session, often in childhood due to the still incomplete formation of his own personality, or even sometimes, as if for no apparent reason, someone suddenly realizes himself as another person who lived in past times, and indicates not only the circumstances of death, the names of then friends and relatives, but sometimes begins to speak in the previously unknown language of this person's nationality. This should also include those cases when the physical body of a person is alternately owned by two or more personalities, although information about such facts of splitting of consciousness is given in psychiatric, and not in ufological or esoteric sources.

You can try to build a diagram of the relationship between the elements of consciousness with the alleged properties of egregors, which would somehow explain such anomalous phenomena. They are abnormal because their manifestation is not mandatory for the functioning of the mechanisms of consciousness, and they manifest themselves, as follows from the anamnesis, just when these mechanisms fail. And, by the way, it is not surprising that the built scheme, outwardly only of course, is very similar to the long-established ideas of esotericists.

The above phenomena are most likely connected not with the "past life" of a particular individual, as is commonly believed among esotericists, but with the "psychophysical shell" of the self-consciousness (like the soul) of a certain alien individual, weakened by certain stressful influences - that is called "obsession." A lot of examples can be found on the Internet, but the degree of their reliability is close to zero, which does not mean that this has never happened. I will only refer to a completely reliable episodewhen journalist Edward Samson, "exhausted to the limit," dreamed of a volcano explosion on the island of Krakatoa. True, in his dream this island was called "Pralome". Interestingly, it was only many years later that the Dutch Historical Society discovered an old map where the island of Krakatoa was called Pralome by its native name.

If there are facts of clearly field interaction of consciousnesses and mental representations, then the hypothesis of the existence of egregors , i.e. informational field copies of existing and working biostructures and organisms no longer seem completely absurd at the moment . In any case, no more absurd than the presence of microhomunculi in cells ... But since these are not available in the cells, then somewhere else such information should still be.

Further arguments in the article are not even hypotheses - just possible extrapolations of the egregore hypothesis are not yet supported by unambiguously interpreted facts. But in one aspect or another, these ideas have been known for a long time, some are even mentioned by K. Saymak in the collection " Fiends of the Mind". I formulate only those that could, in principle, receive scientific substantiation in the future, but I do not consider this to be at least some proof. Here is the point: maybe Hooke spoke about the universal law of gravitation, but he only managed to prove it with accurate calculations Newton By the way, it was R. Hooke who probably discovered the Boyle-Mariotte law (perhaps he just tried a pneumatic cylinder instead of a spring), but a note about this was published in Boyle's scientific bulletin. And in this scientific aspect of Newtons, we are still waiting!

By the way, in the episodes with the sharing of other people's souls, it's good if the alien turns out to be a human, not a demonic entity. Yes, it is logical to assume that if somewhere there are somehow fragments of the "self-conscious souls" of living people, then there may be "souls" of animals and some "consciousness" that never had bodies, some of which, it is possible, lead parasitic existence.

It is known that revelations came to some lucky people in their dreams. Sleep in general is probably necessary precisely so that the collective mind of egregors can use the brains of the living as a tool to ensure their intellectual functions. This assumption can somehow explain the periods of special activity of brain activity during sleep, and also explains the very need for sleep. Perhaps the phases of dreams ("REM sleep", etc.) are transitional stages between changes in the "host" of the brain, ending in the end with awakening. It can be assumed that it is precisely with this change of owner that the brain (and body) can sometimes go not to the original owner, but to an aggressive "outsider" (perhaps present in the status of a second psycho-shell while the first (master) sleeps), which outwardly manifests itself as somnambulism.

The breakdown of the individual's life support mechanism, that is, his death, may in this case not lead to the destruction of the entire accompanying field structure, which is able to continue functioning in more general and collective information processes. In any case, it is sometimes reported that someone received in a dream information from deceased relatives about the hidden inheritance or indications of their killers.

Scenario projects, which are possibly thought out or declassified by egregors in this way, are then sometimes implemented. In some cases, someone recalls the information told by the egregor as his own dream - and then it turns out to be prophetic.

18. Peace and Reason: God cannot but exist!

To the content

So, let the Reason be. And what are the prospects for him?

In  Chapter 9 , it is substantiated that the universe is not eternal, that at some moment all matter in it will turn into empty space, or, alternatively, collapse into a black hole - together, of course, with all and every population. Any intelligent civilization in the universe must understand that there is no meaning of existence if everything ends in nothing .

The way out is obvious - the Reason must find for itself a way of eternal existence, despite the limited duration of our mortal world. Considering that in front of ours there were such worlds and have already disappeared innumerable, and if at least one of them arose Mind, albeit not a protein one, then we can assume that he was puzzled by a similar problem and, perhaps, even solved it, for example , in protein version. Considering the practically zero (10 -97 , see  Ch. 2 ) probability that Life could spontaneously generate in our Galaxy, the most probable assumption seems to be that Life is an artifact, i.e. created here by that preceding our universe, Reason .

The logically correct conclusion, which does not appeal to excessive assumptions, is apparently the only one and consists in the fact that Reason, as a phenomenon, has eternal existence, but not its carriers and not even our Creator . The Relay of Reason is passed from world to world without letting it fade away. But in each new world only "seeds" of Life are transferred. Much like humans - everyone starts from the embryo and then becomes a parent.

So, we can finally formulate a solution to the problem of proving the existence of God, which is exciting the minds of many generations of philosophers, which consists in the fact that God cannot but exist!This is an imperative from the fact of the existence of Reason. But not as a supernatural immortal and self-sufficient subject, but as a way of preserving Reason in a series of generations of universes.

Of course, one may ask, how did the very first Mind appear, or was it always? Alas, so far there is no answer, but this is absolutely not important, because it does not affect the conclusions that inevitably follow from the very fact of our existence - it does not matter whether our Life spontaneously originated, or was created, which, I repeat, is more likely.

The meaning of each new Life (civilization) is unambiguous: to grow up, to rise in intelligence to a level that allows you to give birth to new lives in other worlds in order to pass on the baton of Reason to them before it dies along with the World, which was its former cradle and home

No other tasks or any prescribed conditions are set. One, however, is, but it is not commanded, but logically justified: giving, the creation of Life should not force it to follow any commandments. For it is impossible to predict in advance the properties of the infinite Cosmos and it may turn out that the inviolable commandments based on past experience will just lead the new life to ruin. There must be free will, which means that any aggression to limit it must be suppressed.
If we, for example, wanted to create independently developing intelligent artificial intelligence (AI), we would have to somehow determine the purpose of its actions, so to speak, "the meaning of life." But in the process of AI work and changes, including as a result of this, the habitat, any formulation over time will not be adequate to the new conditions, which can lead to a fatal result. And if we could not be forever a "nanny" for AI, then the only acceptable goal for it can only be to ensure its continuous existence , which can be realized in a multivariate manner, i.e. without main master program . It seems that such a goal is in front of us, as carriers of Reason, and is set, but for now we, in our "sandbox", must look for ways to achieve it.

We can say that diversity is the key to success and is Good , and restriction of choice is fraught with death and is Evil in its metaphysical categories. The rule, which is reduced into everyday practice, means that one should not suppress dissent, etc., but one should not allow and aggressively impose harmful ideas by speculating with this rule. If we turn to the experience of evolution, we will see that although organisms, in principle, are ready to accept the factors that stimulate further evolution, they categorically suppress the infections masquerading as them, which they have already known. Resources should be allocated to everyone, but in proportion to the expected benefits in the future, which is impossible without knowledge. That is, one should follow the path of knowledge and Goodand correct mistakes in time . It is banal, but, alas, not easy - for the problem of the boundaries of the usurpation of the right to truth by the elite, as well as the question of who and why can and should be considered the elite, have not been resolved.

19. Superorganism as the goal of evolution

To content

In a multicellular organism, initially consisting of identical and equal cells, over time, each cell chooses for itself to perform the function that it is best at, which is then consolidated and improved by natural selection, leading further to the formation of specialized organs of the functional systems of the body. Social progress, which is undeniable, is also carried out through specialization.

Egregors are probably the next step in the hierarchy in the organization of living things, controlling the structure of organisms and the instinctive behavior of animals. For example, flocking behavior is characterized by the appearance of signs of intelligent and purposeful activity in a community of individuals, while isolated individuals have no signs of it. It is most clearly manifested in seasonal migrations, not only of birds, but even of some butterflies (as well as lobsters, squid, locusts, etc.).

But evolution doesn't stop there. Due to the longer duration of the evolution of insects, some of their species have already reached the stage of some kind of collective intelligence (like ants and bees), for which they are classified as superorganisms. They are characterized by the specialization of groups of inhabitants to perform special functions, which is also expressed in the specifics of the differences in their organisms: workers, soldiers, nannies, queens, etc. The superorganism as a whole exhibits much more intelligent behavior than its individual constituent individuals. There is even a kind of "culture" in it, supported by the training of juveniles by mature individuals.

A superorganism is distinguished from a flock by the fact that it lacks dominance. In a flock, as a rule, there is differentiation by sex and age, which is reflected in behavior, as well as by rank, which is manifested in admission to breeding or prey. But in a superorganism, the functions performed by individuals are precisely those to which they are adapted, and everyone receives the necessary means of life in due measure without competition within the community. Specialization and distribution of vital resources according to need, like in organs and cells inside any organism, allows us to consider a community as a single organism.

It can be concluded that the hierarchical distribution of roles in social and social animals, including humans, established in the process of competition and the settlement of mutually contradictory requirements, testifies to the still ongoing evolutionary process of formation, as a result of which a society is similar to a superorganism only being in some dynamic balance of interests of role groups. In humans, the stage of the superorganism is apparently ahead. And it would be very helpful if this superorganism was accompanied by a collective superintelligence.

20. To be or not to be - reason or instincts?

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I hope it is impossible that further evolution will lead to the emergence of specialized breeds among humans. The evolutionary process is constantly shuffling the combinations of psychosomatic properties of individuals and our task is to manage this diversity as efficiently as possible, which exactly corresponds to the path of “Good” according to the criterion of  Chapter 18 . And this is possible only if there is no economic compulsion to choose an occupation and when objective usefulness and demand are in high esteem, i.e. various scientific and productive - on a par with managing and other necessary, including cultural and creative - activities.

The collective mind will possibly manifest itself in decisions that come at the right time and not necessarily from their own heads. So, even now we occasionally observe miracle counters, who acquire abilities possibly associated with unconscious "quantum calculations" performed at the level of field interactions. Or maybe the collective mind will manifest itself somehow differently - we'll wait and see - if something else doesn't happen.

The other lies in wait for us from the side of instincts. If above we were talking about a hypothetical future, then everything is happening now and in reality. The instinct to defend the territory plus the instinct of domination and procreation (now it is capital, means of personal life support, choice of a sexual partner and inheritance) pushes to seize as many resources and benefits as possible. The instinct of imitation (mimicry), in order to pass for "successful", provokes an exaggeration of the importance of personal labor input, which makes it possible to partly parasitize. We are quite capable of comprehending our motivations and - from the point of view of benefit for ourselves or for society - we find logical explanations for our instinctive behavior, which, as a defensive reaction, tends to automatically turn on when threats to personal well-being.

A caste society emerges as a “natural” tendency of an influential clique, following the instinct of domination, to forever secure privileges by dividing society according to the level of the available share of common resources. And it would seem logical if belonging to a particular class with the "set" level of benefits for it, will also be fixed for descendants. Money, as a universal means of erasing social barriers, must therefore be abolished, and with it free initiative. Chipization of the population easily solves the problem of everyone's access to the prescribed share of benefits. Naturally, such a society will be characterized by stagnation in all manifestations, except for entertainment, and a desire to preserve established relations.

Oriented to the elite's immediate pleasures, caste society is unlikely to be concerned with the rational use of planetary and human resources other than limiting access to them and the number of applicants. Moreover, he will not be interested in the problem of passing on the baton of Reason, since there are no opportunities for the elite to relocate alive to new universes. But it is unlikely to stop at the creation of special castes of people (or already animals?) Designed to deliver exclusive services to the elite. Such a society is very similar to an anthill, but unlike ants, people, as thinking creatures, are unlikely to be happy in it. However, "happiness" in such a society most likely lies in "consumption" and it is not difficult to replace it with surrogates according to caste and rank, especially if the population is correspondingly cultural,pharmacologically or genetically debilitated.

The caste and the societies striving for it fundamentally cannot provide freedom to various initiatives, and therefore, limiting the diversity of ideas and spending planetary and intellectual resources to please the whims of the elite, they are the personification of "Evil" according to the criterion of good and evil in  Chapter 18 .

Some suggestions on how to more or less economically organize society, without special political preferences, are very briefly expressed at the end of the article  [ 8 ] , and the creation of a single trade union regulating all issues of employment and payment, I believe, would now be very useful in social terms.

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13. Dataflow

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