Manual transmission: what is this system and why there will be much less illegal bus transportation

From December 2020, the bus ticket will be supplied with metadata that can be checked through the manual transmission - this is a single system that operates throughout the country. That is, the passenger will be confident in the carrier, the route and its officiality, at the start, on the intercity route.

"Singe" buses are the scourge of the transport system of our country. We are talking about a wide range from "Largus" and PAZiks, which are disguised as private transportation on the services of finding fellow travelers, to just whole large buses, whose drivers do not owe anything to anyone. We heard everything: the landing of passengers right in the field, and when the driver refused to carry two people because he did not want to go to the final destination, and the wonderful transformation into a convertible because of the rusty roof on the move.

An official flight differs from an unofficial one in several important things: guarantees to passengers, mandatory performance, a driver's medical examination, vehicle inspection, plus the presence of route maps and a license. That is, the driver has passed a medical examination, his shift is short enough so that he does not fall asleep at the wheel, there is a second driver for long distances, the bus does not fall apart. If it leaves at the wrong time or without you, the carrier will pay for it and will be liable under the law on consumer protection. Of course, gray carriers may not comply with this.

Several years ago we (Tutu) began to participate in the civilization of this market. It was interesting for us to do electronic tickets, because this is the future, progress, light and cleanliness. But today's story is about something else. If you are sending voyage data to some kind of GIS, then there is a high probability of control. This week we were the first to launch the integration with the manual transmission in test operation, just a system created to control legality, and at the same time capable of helping with electronic tickets. I'll tell you what kind of animal it is.

What is manual transmission?

Unified Federal System for Monitoring and Control of Passenger Transportation by Bus (ESF MKPP). She does the following: when a ticket is booked in the sales system, the data is sent to the manual transmission, where a unique ticket identifier is generated. The manual transmission responds with a QR code, which must be applied to a paper or electronic ticket so that the passenger can check the flight data on the IllegalovNet.RF website. When buying and issuing a ticket for Tutu, the ticket identifier in the system is re-checked and the passenger receives an itinerary receipt with a QR code and a guarantee of a successful check in the manual transmission.

What can you check?

  1. Specific bus: admission for passenger transportation for this particular vehicle with a specific number. That is, no bus replacements without official documents. The bus will definitely undergo technical inspection (with this strictly in official transport) and will definitely be normal.
  2. : . .
  3. : . , , , .


You can send a complaint about any jamb that happened on the road. It is clear that "the driver was rude" at this stage is of no particular interest to anyone, but if the driver smoked on the bus, refused to board passengers or took "left" passengers, the bus did not go on schedule or there was something else bad, for example, there are no belts security, broken chair, rode standing, then before you had to write to the carrier. If the carrier is large, the situation was usually resolved in favor of the passenger, but more often the passenger was left without comment and solving the problem. Now, if there are complaints from passengers, real measures from the regulatory authorities will be taken with regard to the carrier, for the jambs will be severely punished.

What could go wrong?

In general, anything. Usually "wrong" with scheduling and safety. Here are three examples of typical reviews from the vastness of our country, for each of which an internal investigation was opened (and twice it ended up disconnecting the carrier from our system):

โ€œWe drove from Rostov to Gudauri for 17-18 hours. The drivers, besides the two of us, took as passengers five purebred puppies and a kitten, which no one but us followed. In the Krasnodar Territory, the car broke down, which is why they stood for 5 hours. The driver invited us to the house of an Armenian family, who kindly received us and gave us tea ... During the return trip, we received a call and warned that the bus was delayed for an hour. Arriving at the landing site, it turned out that there is NO space for our luggage in the cabin! And our things were loaded onto the roof. On the way it started to rain, then snow. "

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If something goes wrong (first of all, if the flight will be without registration at the manual transmission), then at the very first document check the bus will be noticed. It works like this: if, when crossing the border between regions, a passenger bus does not have the correct set of documents (manual transmission or "charter"), then a fine will certainly arrive. The second time - another fine. The third time - the license will be revoked or the bus will be arrested. Severely, but it will quickly clear interregional transportation from "gray" players.

Will the ticket be more expensive?

No, this is believed to help improve the loading of official flights. They are already quite expensive due to the high cost of procedures (medical examination, driver change), therefore, due to the redistribution of the flow to them, the carrier will ultimately benefit. To work with the EFS manual transmission, you do not need any new equipment on board.

UPD: I translate: it is believed that the price for the passenger will remain the same, the carrier will recoup the additional costs by increasing the passenger traffic.

What is all this for?

The system was developed on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2019. A unified federal system for monitoring and control of passenger traffic was to be created before December 1, 2020. The goal is to reduce the share of illegal carriers, which reduces the level of road accidents, improves tax collection and civilizes the market. Well, there will be opportunities for electronic tickets, because all tickets will fall into one database (finally, not a zoo of 200 systems). Now, according to experts, the share of electronic tickets in railway is 60%, in aviation - 65%, and in the field of bus transportation - about 6-7%.

What is already there?

The following QR code falls on the tickets:

Not only does it make the ticket now a full-fledged electronic one (the record is stored in a single register), but it can also be checked. For now, it is still necessary to print this piece of paper for a number of flights, but soon it will become an atavism.

If you follow the link from QR, the flight will be checked as in the picture above, here it is again:

What will happen?

Personally, it seems to me that at first there will be a hell of a cry and cry, and then up to 80% of illegal carriers will leave the market. All these "we are going by car, looking for a fellow traveler, leaving from Lenin, 13" will be replaced by civilized transportation. Yes, intra-regional and international flights are not yet controlled, but there will be some. For international, for example, you need to agree on both sides of the flight, and this communication is almost at the level of the Foreign Ministry.

In November-December 2020, tests are underway and in areas where an extract of the unique identifier of the EFS manual transmission is already available, users can see the mark, and if it is not there - while the story about this system.

We also collect our own statistics, launch, in partnership with carriers and bus stations, the opportunity to use electronic tickets for boarding flights and enrich the schedule with our own data - passenger reviews, services on the flight and other useful information.

I am sure that at the stage of test operation with manual transmission, we will find a bunch of places for improvement, but the initiative itself is doing the thing that should have been done long ago. The most important thing for our clients is that with a QR code, there is a 99.9% confidence that the passenger will leave.

We are now disabling unreliable carriers from issuing manually and based on reviews. It will now be an automated flow.

Past posts: how intercity and suburban bus transportation works in our country- the first post about marvelous discoveries in this market, 2018, about some features of the schedule and GIS , FAQ about the rights of passengers on buses .

PS Just to clarify again, we have not developed a manual transmission, but use its API so that passengers can see that they are traveling with a legal carrier. And this is important to us.

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