New version of GNU Bash 5.1 shell is already in service

Today it became known about the release of a new version of the GNU Bash 5.1 command interpreter . It took two years to develop it. In addition, there is more news - the release of the readline 8.1 library has been formed , which is used in bash to organize command line editing.

About what's new and useful - under the cut.

  • . SRANDOM, 32- . LCRNG getrandom/getentropy, /dev/urandom arc4random. , , , .
  • Readline (bracketed-paste), escape- ("\e[200~" "\e[201~") . , , .
  • . / ("[key]=value"). , - , .
  • . , «U», «u» «L» , , «K» — /.
  • , BASH_COMPAT. Compat50 5.0 .
  • , , , . 4.4. «» POSIX, .
  • POSIX- , . «diff <(sort file1) <(sort file2)».
  • asort, mktemp, accept, mkfifo, csv cut/lcut.
  • wait "-p ". PID , «wait -n» wait .
  • rl-clear-display .
  • read select. trap- read. SIGINT.
  • The shell-transpose-words command, introduced in readline, uses the same word definition as shell-forward-word. By default, keyboard bindings are used for the shell-forward-word, shell-backward-word, shell-transpose-words, and shell-kill-word commands.
  • New operator "test-N" determines time with nanosecond precision.
  • Writing to the BASH_REMATCH variable is allowed.
  • Ulimit now has the "-R" command to view and set the RLIMIT_RTTIME resource.
  • When exiting a shell, bash closes all FIFOs, regardless of the termination of associated processes.

The full list of changes can be found here .

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