Welcome to DINS DevOps EVENING (online): tags in AWS and namespace in Kubernetes


At the meetup, Mikhail Kabanov from DINS will talk about how DevOps engineers can influence the company's profit, and Pavel Selivanov from Mail.ru Cloud Solutions will explain what opportunities namespacing has in Kubernetes. Participation is free, but you need to register . The program is under the cut.


19: 00-19: 30 - How tags in AWS save us $ 5,000 every month (Mikhail Kabanov, DINS)

Mikhail will share his experience and tell how DevOps can affect the company's bottom line. The talk will cover AWS, tags, service policies, tricks and pitfalls of working with them.

It will be interesting for cloud DevOps engineers and those who are not indifferent to money.

Mikhail Kabanov is a FinOps manager at DINS. Helps the company manage its cloud infrastructure costs. He worked with the infrastructure of computing centers and telecommunication systems.

19: 30-20: 00 - Is the namespace so simple in Kubernetes? (Pavel Selivanov, Mail.ru Cloud Solutions)

Pavel will share the best practices for using namespace in Kubernetes. You will learn how to best divide the infrastructure: by teams, applications or environments, learn to restrict developer rights and automate the preparation of environments for development teams. In addition, we'll talk about scheduling, authorization, labels and annotations.

The report will be of interest to engineers who support Kubernetes and developers who work with this tool.

Pavel Selivanov is a Lead DevOps Engineer at Mail.ru Cloud Solutions, a certified Kubernetes administrator. He has dozens of built infrastructures and hundreds of written pipelines on his account. Pavel is a regular speaker at Russian and international IT conferences, the author of courses on Kubernetes and DevOps.

How to join

Participation is free, preliminary registration is required . On the day of the meetup, we will send a link to the broadcast to the email specified during registration.

How are the meetings

You can watch the recordings of previous meetups on our YouTube channel .

About us

DINS IT EVENING is a meeting place and exchange of knowledge for technical specialists in the areas of Java, DevOps, QA and JS. Several times a month we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies. We are open for cooperation, if you have a sore question or topic that you want to share - write to itevening@dins.ru !

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