Four Quick Tricks for Unity3D Development

More flexibility, less code - more productive development.

Unity3D β€” , 8  β€” , , -. , Unity -, , .

, , , - β€” , . - 24 72 ,  β€” , GitHub Game Off, .

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 β€” (, , ) β€” :

  1. : , .

  2. : , .

Unity : Unity, .

, Unity3D .

: Unity 3D Technologies ( ).


 β€” . Unity .

 β€” [Serializable] .  β€” Unity:

public struct PlayerStats
   public int movementSpeed;
   public int hitPoints;
   public bool hasHealthPotion;

, , .

List of player stats in the Unity property inspector

: , ,  β€” , .

( )  β€” , . :

List of player stats with sprites and enums in the Unity inspector
public enum PlayerType

public struct PlayerStats
    public int movementSpeed;
    public int hitPoints;
    public bool hasHealthPotion;
    public Sprite face;
    public PlayerType type;

, Unity  β€” .

2. RequireComponent

 β€” . , , , Rigidbody .  β€” RequireComponent.


  1. .

  2. .

  3. , .

RequireComponent :

public class PlayerScript : MonoBehaviour
    Rigidbody rigidbody;

    void Awake()
        rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

. Awake Start, .

. , RequireComponent . ,  β€” .

, , null, β€” , .


, , : Unity . Unity , , , , .

,  β€” .

OnClick: , , .

, , onClick Unity, . :  β€” ( setActive(true) ),  β€” ( play() ) Animator β€” ( setTrigger() ).  β€” .

Example of a list with OnClick events

. . . , . :  β€” , .

4. Unity

Unity UnityEvent, OnClick Unity. UnityEvent, , , OnClick:

One UnityEvent variable named EventsToBeCalled
UnityEvent EventsToBeCalled

, , UnityEvent . , UnityEvent Invoke:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class CallEventsScript : MonoBehaviour
   public UnityEvent eventsToBeCalled;
   public void CallEvents()

CallEvents UnityEvent. , , .  β€” .

Animation timeline with added event that calls the CallEvents method
, CallEvents

UnityEvent , , , Awake, Start, OnEnable, OnDisable  . . , , Start, β€” .

 β€” , : , . UnityEvent:

public class TriggerBoxScript : MonoBehaviour
    public UnityEvent eventsToBeCalledOnCollision;
    public List<string> objectsTagToActivate;

    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (OtherHasWantedTag(other.gameObject))

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (OtherHasWantedTag(other.gameObject))

    private bool OtherHasWantedTag(GameObject other)
        var found = objectsTagToActivate.Find(other.CompareTag);
        return found != null;

    private void InvokeEvents()

, ( OnTriggerEnter, OnCollisionEnter). , .

Example of required components for a trigger box

, . , Β«PlayerΒ»  β€” , . : , , ,  . .

,  β€” Unity.  β€” .

(OnClick UnityEvent) ( ) ( ).

, , : . , , , . Unity, .

,  β€” , , . , , .


Coast, brown sand.  Albert Edelfelt (1935) [USEUM]
, . (1935) [USEUM]


Alconost , 70 . - , , API, , 24/7, .

β€” , , , , , , , Google Play App Store.

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