A simple Telegram bot that asks 1 question

gimp creativity
gimp creativity

The main idea of ​​the bot is to counter spam - registrations in the Telegram group.

Below I will tell you about the process of creating a Telegram bot that performs a simple function - asks a new user of the group a question and provides an opportunity to choose an answer to it.

For everyone who wants to see the code at once and in full - welcome to the end of the article (there are links there)


  • PHP 7.4

  • Laminas Framework (formerly Zend Framework)

  • Php-telegram-bot / core library

  • Documentation from the official Telegram website

  • Created bot via @BotFather in your messenger

  • Postman - for testing without resorting to a smartphone

  • Docker ( )

  • ( )

. , . Telegram.

, - Combot, Terminator ( , ) .

  1. (, -, )

  2. ( ) — . ( ?). — « » « ». .

  3. - « » , , .

  4. , backend .

  5. — « », .

  6. - , , « »

json- Telegram URL (webhook) .

Free enough picture of the scheme

backend Telegram, Telegram. — ( ).

Telegram API PHP

  1. danog/MadelineProto — , , «».

  2. php-telegram-bot/core — , . , xdebug-


«» class Longman\TelegramBot\Telegram. json- - .

Longman\TelegramBot\Telegram , ( ).

, , Interop\Container\ContainerInterface Laminas .


( Laminas)

use Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\SystemCommand;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;

class GenericmessageCommand extends SystemCommand
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'genericmessage';
    protected $description = 'Handle generic message';
    protected $version = '1.0.0';
    public function execute(): ServerResponse
        /** @var \Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message $message */
        $message = $this->getMessage();
        return Request::emptyResponse();

Telegram - . , , , — .

, . .


, . callback_data — . ( ) id . id .

use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\InlineKeyboard;
use QuestionKeyboardMap;

class KeybordQuestion
    protected $curentUserId = '';
     * @return array [reply_markup => InlineKeyboard]
    public function getQuestion()
        $keyboard = new InlineKeyboard([
            ['text' => ' !', 'callback_data' => QuestionKeyboardMap::CALLBACK_ANSWER_BOT.$this->curentUserId],
            ['text' => ' !', 'callback_data' => QuestionKeyboardMap::CALLBACK_ANSWER_HUMAN.$this->curentUserId],
        return ['reply_markup' => $keyboard];
    public function setCurentUserId(string $curentUserId)
        $this->curentUserId = $curentUserId;
        return $this;

. framework- Laminas, .

use TelegramApi;
use Laminas\EventManager\EventManager;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Commands\SystemCommand;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\ServerResponse;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Exception\TelegramException;
use Events;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;

class NewchatmembersCommand extends SystemCommand
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'newchatmembers';
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'New Chat Members';
     * @var string
    protected $version = '1.3.0';
    public function execute(): ServerResponse
        /** @var TelegramApi $this->telegram */
        /** @var \Laminas\EventManager\EventManager $eventManager */
        $eventManager = $this->telegram->getServiceManager()->get(EventManager::class);
        /** @var \Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager $serviceManager */
        /** @var \Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message $message */
        $message = $this->getMessage();
        /** @var array $members */
        $members = $message->getNewChatMembers();
            ['message' => $message,'members' => $members]
        return Request::emptyResponse();

processRequestToJoinGroup Events

use Laminas\EventManager\EventManager;
use Laminas\ModuleManager\Feature\ConfigProviderInterface;
use Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent;

class Module implements ConfigProviderInterface
    public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
        /** @var \Northmule\Telegram\Events\Events $eventsService */
        $eventsService = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get(Events::class);
        $eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get(EventManager::class);




. .


use Laminas\EventManager\Event;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\User;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\User as UserEntities;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;
use KeybordQuestion;
use TelegramRestrict;

class Events

     * @param Event $event
    public function processRequestToJoinGroup(Event $event)
        $message = $event->getParam('message',null);
        $members = $event->getParam('members',[]);
        if (!($message instanceof Message)) {
        /** @var KeybordQuestion $keybord */
        $keybord = $this->serviceManager->get(KeybordQuestion::class); //  
        $keybord->setCurentUserId((string)$message->getFrom()->getId()); //  
        /** @var  TelegramRestrict $restrictionService */
        $restrictionService = $this->serviceManager->get(TelegramRestrict::class);
        $question = $keybord->getQuestion();
        try {
            //     ,    
            if ($message->botAddedInChat()) { //   
                return  Request::sendMessage([
                    'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(),
                    'text'    => " !",
                    'disable_notification' => true,
            $member_names = [];
            /** @var UserEntities $member */
            foreach ($members as $member) {
                $member_names[] = $member->tryMention();
            return  Request::sendMessage(
                    'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(),
                    'text'    => '! ' . implode(', ', $member_names) . '! ,  ?',
                    'disable_notification' => true,
        } catch (\Exception $e) {


, , , « »


use Laminas\EventManager\Event;
use Laminas\EventManager\EventManager;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\CallbackQuery;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\Message;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Entities\User;
use Longman\TelegramBot\Request;
use EventsMap;
use QuestionKeyboard;
use TelegramRestrict;

class Events

    public function checkUsersResponse(Event $event)
        $message = $event->getParam('message',null);
        $user = $event->getParam('user',null);
        $callback = $event->getParam('callback', null);
        if (!($message instanceof Message)) {
        if (!($user instanceof User)) {
        if (!($callback instanceof CallbackQuery)) {
        $approved = false;
        if ($callback->getData() === QuestionKeyboard::CALLBACK_ANSWER_HUMAN.$user->getId()) {
            $approved = true;
        /** @var  TelegramRestrict $restrictionService */
        $restrictionService = $this->serviceManager->get(TelegramRestrict::class);
        try {
            if ($approved) {
                $eventManager = $this->serviceManager->get(EventManager::class);
                    ['user' => $user,'message' => $message]
                        'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(),
                        'message_id' => $message->getMessageId(),
                return  Request::sendMessage([
                    'chat_id' => $message->getChat()->getId(),
                    'text'    => " !",
                    'disable_notification' => true,
        } catch (\Exception $e) {


Laminas. ( )

( ) — - .


  • «» , « ». . , Telegram webhook.

  • « » ( Telegram), «» . «» .

  • «» ( ) — ( ). , «» , - . ( , Longman\TelegramBot\Request). «» - Request.

  • , , webhook Telegram backend ( ) 100- , 101- «» . , webhook- ( allowed_updates)

. . , ( ).

, , «» id . .

Json example from Telegram service with string concatenation field and user ID
Json Telegram c

. . ( ), . cron, .

, .

«» . , — .

. , , «» .

Before joining
The user is about to join the group
User replied - I'm human

  • API Telegram php-telegram-bot/core

  • Laminas

  • Laminas


P.S.: PHP, ,

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