ETH: a new model of money

Dear Crypto Enthusiasts.

I don't know about you, but it saddens me when in 2020 ETH is called "altcoin". It's like calling a Lamborghini a horseless carriage.

Looking at cryptocurrencies as  "Bitcoin and everything else"  was acceptable 7 years ago. To this day it is simply unprofitable to maintain such conservatism in views  .

Bitcoin still plays one of the key roles in the digital asset market, but this industry has long gone beyond the capabilities of the first cryptocurrency. Ignoring this fact means staying on the sidelines of progress and, as they say, leaving money on the table.

If you are an unrecognizable bitcoin maximalist who is comfortable sitting on the sidelines, then there is nothing wrong with that. If you are not ready to sacrifice potential profit for the sake of dubious principles, but want to get to the bottom of the fundamental essence of digital assets, then this article is for you.


By  David Hoffman , Founding Father of  Bankless

Key message of the essay in two paragraphs:

Ethereum - , . . . , , , , . Ethereum (ETH).

ETH . - , , . ETH Ethereum , . , - .


  • ETH Ethereum 2.0 ( 1 ) βœ…

  • (EIP-1559) βœ…

1: Ethereum

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The missing layer: the value transfer layer

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. . , - , . BTC.  Bitcoin .

Ethereum:  , ETH.  ERC-20 - . Ethereum .

Ethereum , .


Ethereum - . , .

Ethereum - . Ethereum:

  • Ethereum - .

  • Ethereum , , , .

- , . Ethereum , Ethereum.


, . (Web 2.0) - . Web 2.0: Facebook, Google, Amazon.

Ethereum . ,    . Web 2.0 , Web 3.0 , .

Comparison of the development of the Internet and Ethereum

, 2018 Ethereum MakerDAO . ( Ethereum), . . .  2018 , , : , .

Ethereum , . , . , , Ethereum .

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  • Ethereum

  • ( Ethereum 2.0)

  • Ethereum

Ethereum - . , . (MakerDAO, Compound, dYdX, Uniswap), . , .

Ethereum . . , . , Ethereum. . - Ethereum.


. (ETH) - . , .

ETH .  ETH . . .

Ethereum 2.0 . , . , , ETH .

ETH, Ethereum . , , .

. , 10 . ETH, 5,72% ETH.

ETH . , .

2020 Ethereum  1,5-2 . . . (~$390) 4500 ETH . 135000 ETH (52 . .) .

, .

With the implemented EIP-1559, 970 thousand ETH (360 million dollars) would have been burned in the last 365 days
EIP-1559 365 970 . ETH (360 . .)

/ . .

, . . . .

Try to imagine a world without energy ...

. - , , .



β€œ ”. . Ethereum . , - ETH.


  • DAO



ETH Locked in DeFi ( ETH   DeFi)? , ETH . β€œβ€ -. β€œβ€, - // Ethereum.

ETH blocked in DeFi on October 30, 2020
ETH DeFi 30 2020

, Ethereum .  "dApps". , - "DeFi" (Decentralized Finance). Open Finance, .

, DeFi- - (, USDC, USDT, ), . , . , , , .


, .  USDC ETH MakerDAO, DAI.

30 2020, 337,6 . 928 . DAI . 382,8 . - USDC, 115,3 . - WBTC.

, DeFi- . , , . , , .

. , Ethereum: WBTC, BitGo, tBTC renBTC, . , .

, , , .

, ETH .

  • ETH =

  • ETH =

  • ETH DeFi =

- ( , ) . . , ETH .

ETH has characteristics of each of the three asset classes

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ETH ( ), Maker, DAI, ETH DAI Uniswap, .  ( )  ETH DAI ( )  Compound DAI.

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- , β€œβ€ ETH Compound Uniswap.


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Trends in the purchasing power of the US dollar

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ETH Ethereum


  • - ETH DeFi

  • - ETH

  • - Gas


  , Ethereum

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Ethereum, - ETH.

ETH Ethereum

ETH - .


, ETH , ETH. . , β€œETH locked in DeFi”.

113,22 . ETH,  43 . .

8,8 . ETH  3,3 . .  7,7%.

. . , ETH, .

43 . . 3,3 . . DeFi, .

. Ethereum :

, , .

Ethereum. .  , .  - .

2019 1,7 . . . ETH 45 .

73 . . Ethereum -. . 73 . ETH 1950 . .

, , , , , . ETH Ethereum . ETH .

, Ethereum , 100 . . 1 . .

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  • DeFi ETH. DeFi- . . (Maker, Uniswap, Compound), ETH.

  • DeFi Ethereum 2.0. , DeFi, , . DeFi ETH.  DeFi, , . , DeFi . .

  • ETH .  . DeFi ETH , , , .

, , , ETH , DeFi. , ETH. ,    () DeFi- .

As long as the number of applications on Ethereum and their users grows, the price of ETH in dollars will not be able to stay low for too long.

Original:  Ether: The Triple Point Asset

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Not financial advice.  This blog is for educational purposes only. It does not provide investment advice and does not encourage the purchase or sale of assets or other financial transactions. Do your own research.

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