What is CRM for? Personal experience

I thought about this question even before I started working as a sales manager for the first time. I started my sales career with cold sales in b2b. He sold car paints and body repair products.

So I started thinking about CRM even when I didn't know that they exist. After thinking about what to do and where to work in my senior years, I realized that going into sales is the best option for me. Having made this decision, I decided to prepare a little for the future and began to study what it is and how things are in general.

At that time, I had two main questions: how to sell and how to work with a customer base. By the way, they are still on the agenda, but of course they have become much deeper over time.

So the question β€œHow to sell” is certainly interesting, but this is a separate topic.

I approached the question β€œHow to work with the client base” as I understood at that time - Excel is our everything. Just enter there all the potential customers that were found, write down the progress and you will be the richest and most successful seller. Well, this is in theory, so I thought before even starting to try to sell. Although a very large number of salespeople and directors still think so.

But how did it turn out in reality?

So I went to my first place in sales. And in the first three days, which were devoted to product training (the director called it training, even then it seemed to me β€œslightly” exaggerated. Sometime later I will write about my opinion and experience of adaptation of new salespeople. About what to give them, what to provide, what to practice and so on) during the day I tried to understand what I need to sell, the nomenclature, characteristics, prices, discounts, delivery, product groups, and so on. And in the evenings, coming home, I collected my β€œgolden” Excel file, which should contain my entire future database.

What came of it

  • Having shown my work to the director on the third day, I suddenly learned that the company does not have a common base. More precisely, it is in 1C, but there, except for the accountant, no one understands. In fact, it is not.

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