In the 17th century, every advanced Dutch farmer wanted to get hold of a tulip, in 2017, an advanced internet user wanted to buy Bitcoin. Nowadays, every advanced construction company dreams of using 4D-7D BIM in their planning and the competitive advantages that this technology will bring them.
BIM . BIM- , , - , $10 , , - BIM .
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IFC buildingSMART
BIM, 2030 ?
, BIM -> -> , , STEP. , 3D-. . « » , .
1991 . , .
" " , , 3D STEP , ( CAD) .
, 80-, AutoCAD, Autodesk, 4 2D .
DWG 2D Autodesk - 3D , , DWG STEP.
STEP , , , 3 . STEP -, Autodesk, , AutoCAD, , , . Autodesk , STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) Application Protocol 225 .
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1994 IFC, STEP. , Autodesk, , - , .
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1997 . - International Alliance for Interoperability. 2005 IAI - buildingSMART.
C Revit
, 1997 , - -, , , - Charles River Software - 3 Revit. 1998 , Irwin Jungreis Atlas Venture. 2000 Revit.
Revit , , , , BIM.
Revit (, Archicad) , « », , , , .
3D- IFC Autodesk AutoCAD. Architectural Desktop - Autodesk Architecture (DWG-BIM), , Civil3D, Autodesk BIM , .
, 5 , Autodesk 2002 133 .
, 2002 , Autodesk Revit . 4 Autodesk 15 000 Revit . Revit . 2005 Revit ( Civil3d) 15% Autodesk, , 2006 ., - 25%.
2007 Revit Autodesk, , , $3,4 . , Revit Autodesk.
Revit , Autodesk , , , , BIM360. , 2002 , Autodesk.
2019 (Mitchell Hughes - Forbes Councils Member): , , , . 777 . Revit, BIM, ".
2000-? IFC, STEP, Revit . Archicad Revit. Allplan, 3D , Revit, .
, (CAD) .
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: Lobbyist Wars and BIM Development. Part 1: Format STEP, IFC and the creation of the REVIT program