Financial service architecture - reports with YuMoneyDay

Quite recently, we heroically held the first online conference YuMoneyDay - for 7 hours our IT specialists talked about their experience live and answered all kinds of questions from the audience. Now we want to share useful materials on Habré.

We start with reports of the "Architecture" direction. Under the cut you will find videos of expert speeches with timecodes. Happy viewing!

YMoney architecture evolution

Denis Lykov, CIO

How the service architecture has changed and developed in connection with business development

0:52 Dynamics of the number of IT department in YuMoney

1:18 About the development department

1:58 About the operation department

2:37 Top-level view of the entire IT system

3:50 Product business logic: what's under the hood?

6:49 How it all started: idea, payment core

9:09 Development of architecture: first components (monoliths), analytics and accounting, anti-fraud

11:57 Growth of complexity in business processes

13:52 Patterns: process orchestrator, multifactoriality, event broker

15 : 31 About ABS, PC and RBS

17:36 What have we learned over 20 years of existence: conclusions

We disassemble the spacecraft. Payments by bank cards under the hood

Valeriy Churkin, Lead Java Developer You can

pay with your card on the Internet with one touch. How many laptop touches are needed by architects, developers and QA to build Internet acquiring at UMoney? We understand how accepting card payments works, and how it is constantly being modernized.

1:14 What is acquiring? And what has the construction of a spacecraft to do with it.

2:40 Problem statement: where to start?

4:45 PCI DSS standard (what is and how it is implemented in UKassa)

5:56 Description of the processes of receiving and saving card data

8:15 Charging money from the card: acquiring banks, mutual settlements

10:01 About fraud and methods of combating it: anti-fraud -system

10:503D Secure process

13:06 Availability metrics: uptime, success rate

14:38 How to work to improve availability

15:16 Performance metrics (TPS). And what to do with it.

16:32 Once again about the chain of interaction, external dependencies

18:15 Routing by acquirers

19:33 Diagnostics of the state of the equirers

20:57 Briefly about the main thing : the results of the construction of the spacecraft

Payments on board

Alexander Nikolaev, Leading Systems Analyst

Report on the architecture of Internet acquiring in the absence of the Internet. A story about how to accept payments in an online store, which is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters and moves at a speed of 900 km / h. And also about the difficulties we faced before the solution "flew" in every sense.

1:56 The card is accepted everywhere ... or is it not?

3:40 How Internet acquiring works

6:05 Internet acquiring on board: user story

7:40 What we had to solve this problem

8:43 Why the standard payment scheme is not suitable

10:19 About offline terminals and why another story

12:00How to solve a problem, or what's inside a suitcase?

13:29 Necessary technologies and options for the work model (+ its disadvantages)

17:20 How to protect data

22:39 Creation of a separate component in the PCI DSS perimeter - working model diagram

23:10 Potential risks

25:02 Summing up: once again about what were our tactics and how we didn’t stick to them

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