.NET 5 was released a few weeks ago. On the Microsoft website you can find a detailed announcement with all the changes, but the main question for me, as a developer, is so what? What do I have with the release of the fifth dotnet, how can I use it, does it make sense to switch to the new version right now? I will try to answer these questions further.
— . Microsoft .NET Conf. , , .
TechEmpower. Microsoft .NET 3.1 .NET 5. , — TechEmpower . — 38 Plaintext, 42 Json 20 Fortunes ( TechEmpower).
TechEmpower, Microsoft . , JSON 20% , .
Fusion . Medium , ( 20 105 ), .NET — .
? , GC, . , GC C#, , . Microsoft.
JSON . !
private MemoryStream _stream = new MemoryStream();
private DateTime[] _array = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(_ => DateTime.UtcNow).ToArray();
public Task LargeArray()
_stream.Position = 0;
return JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(_stream, _array);
— . - 20% , .
.NET 5 C#. Microsoft, — ?
— record-, DTO. — . Equals, HashCode, Copy, Clone, PrintMembers ToString — , . Equals , .
with, :
var person = new Person { FirstName = "Mads", LastName = "Nielsen" };
var otherPerson = person with { LastName = "Torgersen" };
— pattern matching. , . :
DeliveryTruck t when t.GrossWeightClass switch
< 3000 => 10.00m - 2.00m,
>= 3000 and <= 5000 => 10.00m,
> 5000 => 10.00m + 5.00m
— ( main), new ( ), init-only .
C#, — source generators. . , partial ( ) (, / ).
F# 5. (, nuget ), slicing , quotation expressions computation expressions. C# . , F# . Microsoft.
— . C# 9 — , . , - , , . , .
Microsoft .
, . WinForms WPF - .NET Core — , .exe, … , . Windows.
, Windows , , . — WinForms WPF, .
-. MAUI .NET 6, Microsoft . ( Uno Platform — ).
- Blazor. — Microsoft , WebAssembly Blazor . . , CSS/JS , . , Blazor, — production-ready .
, . Docker-, gRPC, OpenAPI , . , Azure .NET 5 .
Microsoft Project Tye, . , Tye , .
— Microsoft . WinForms, WPF Blazor — .
, .NET Core 3 .NET 5?
Microsoft , Blazor, . application.json, . - .NET 5 .NET 3.1:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0
, — , Alexandre Malavasi Fusion — , - . , . , . .NET Conf.
. ?
, , — . . — GC JIT — . , , , .
— Blazor WPF/WinForms. , .NET 5, . , Blazor .
C# 9 , . , — , ( ) .
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