Playing with the 3090 and trying MIG on the A100

Every time the cherished question arises, whether to upgrade the cards in the server room or not, I look through similar articles and watch such videos (no, marketing materials from Nvidia, of course, cannot be trusted, as the recent case with the number of CUDA cores showed).

Channel "This Computer" is very much underestimated, but the author does not deal with ML. In general, when analyzing comparisons of accelerators for ML, several things usually catch your eye:

  • The authors usually take into account only the "adequacy" for the market of new cards in the United States;
  • The ratings are far from the people and are done on very standard grids (which is probably good overall) without details;
  • The popular mantra to train more and more gigantic grids makes adjustments to the comparisons;

You don't need to be seven inches in the forehead to know the obvious answer to the question "which card is better?": Cards of the 20 * series did not go to the masses, the 1080 Ti with Avito is still very attractive (and, oddly enough, probably this reason).

, Multi-Instance-GPU 100 TF32 Ampere (3090 100). :

  • Ampere? ( β€” );
  • A100 ( β€” β€” );
  • , A100 - ( β€” );
  • MIG ( β€” , );


. :

  • 3090 30-40% . ;
  • A100 . Nvidia 1 , ;
  • , PCIE A100 ATX ( Nvidia , , "" );
  • 3080 ( , ) , .. , - ( , 1 , );

β€” β€” . , , "" ( ) - - .

Nvidia, 3090 100 15-20 , Maxwell Pascal. , :

  • 4 * 1080 Ti (Pascal) 75-80 100% ;
  • 3 * Titan X (Maxwell) 85 100% ;
  • 3 * 3090 (Ampere) 60-70 100% ;
  • , , " ";
  • "", ;

"" β€” 3 :

  • ;
  • 3090 , , ;
  • 3090 ( - , );

, - ?

, , ( , ), gpu-burn

. , , .

Test GPU Gflop/s
./gpu_burn 120

Titan X (Maxwell) 4,300
./gpu_burn 120

1080 Ti (Pascal) 8,500
./gpu_burn 120

3090 (Ampere) 16,500
./gpu_burn 120

A100 (wo MIG) 16,700
./gpu-burn -tc 120

3090 (Ampere) 38,500
./gpu-burn -tc 120

A100 (wo MIG) 81,500

MIG , .

, 1080 Ti Titan X "" ( ). Nvidia, / β€” - 3-4 . . A100 Nvidia . 1080Ti , 50 100 .

Titan X (Maxwell) 12G 10,000 ()
1080 Ti 11G 25,000 ()
3090 (Ampere) 24G 160,000+ ()
A100 (wo MIG) 40G US$12,500 ()


3090 A100 c MIG


β€” . , 3090 100 2-3 1080 Ti, 1 2-3 1080 Ti 4 PCIE 12 ? 3-4 PCIE A100 , compute instance MIG?

β€” , β€” , .

? , 8 β€” 16 4-5 , ATX . DGX Workstation DGX 50% , Mikrotik Gigabyte.

( PNY c Quadro, ). 7 ( 7 PCIE ), "" ( ). PCIE 4.0 , .


  • β€” Spech-to-Text ;
  • - β€” 50 β€” ;
  • AMP ( , ), . , . β€” , ;
  • β€” sequence-to-sequence, . ( ), ;
  • , ( );

, . , .

β€” Distributed Data Parallel PyTorch (DDP, "" ) 1 1 . 1 1+ . 2 1 , IO / compute / RAM. 1080 Ti 2 1 ( 5-10% 40-50%). β€” exception.

RuntimeError: NCCL error in: /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1603729096996/work/torch/lib/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:784, invalid usage, NCCL version 2.7.8

. - - , - TF32 ( ), - MPS 3090 :

  • Titan X 1080 Ti (~16 GB 7-8 GB);
  • 3 , Titan X (Maxwell);
  • [ 1080 Ti];
  • β€” 90%;

2 DDP 1 , 2 "" , β€” . 2 * 3090 :

| Epoch   time, m | Type | Workers | Batch   | Params               |
| exception       | DDP  | 4       | 50 * 4  |                      |
| 3.8             | DDP  | 2       | 50 * 2  |                      |
| 3.9             | DDP  | 2       | 50 * 2  | cudnn_benchmark=True |
| 3.6             | DDP  | 2       | 100 * 2 |                      |

, Nvidia MPS 2 , PyTorch RPC-. , ( ).

, 3090 . , , "" (, ), 2-3 . 2-3 , .


  • 3090 ( β€” 3090 2 8- , 2000- 4-5 , 2 );
  • 10-20 ;
  • (, ), β€” ;
  • β€” ;

A100 MIG

, , 100 , 3 1 . AMP / FP16, 100 .

A100 MIG (Multi Instance GPU). " " "" Compute Instances, .

, , :

| GPU instance profiles:                                                   |
| GPU   Name          ID    Instances   Memory     P2P    SM    DEC   ENC  |
|                           Free/Total   GiB              CE    JPEG  OFA  |
|   0  MIG 1g.5gb     19     0/7        4.75       No     14     0     0   |
|                                                          1     0     0   |
|   0  MIG 2g.10gb    14     0/3        9.75       No     28     1     0   |
|                                                          2     0     0   |
|   0  MIG 3g.20gb     9     0/2        19.62      No     42     2     0   |
|                                                          3     0     0   |
|   0  MIG 4g.20gb     5     0/1        19.62      No     56     2     0   |
|                                                          4     0     0   |
|   0  MIG 7g.40gb     0     0/1        39.50      No     98     5     0   |
|                                                          7     1     1   |

, , A100 ( FP16) 2 3090? 4 A100 12 1080 Ti? "-" ?

. , Nvidia.


MIG supports running CUDA applications by specifying the CUDA device on which the application should be run. With CUDA 11, only enumeration of a single MIG instance is supported.
CUDA applications treat a CI and its parent GI as a single CUDA device. CUDA is limited to use a single CI and will pick the first one available if several of them are visible. To summarize, there are two constraints:
- CUDA can only enumerate a single compute instance
- CUDA will not enumerate non-MIG GPU if any compute instance is enumerated on any other GPU
Note that these constraints may be relaxed in future NVIDIA driver releases for MIG.

, , , 2 , . , , , 1 "" ( ""). , Nvidia , "1 β€” 1 " " 7 ".


There is no GPU-to-GPU P2P (both PCIe and NVLINK) support in MIG mode, so MIG mode does not support multi-GPU or multi-node training. For large models or models trained with a large batch size, the models may fully utilize a single GPU or even be scaled to multi-GPUs or multi-nodes. In these cases, we still recommend using a full GPU or multi-GPUs, even multi-nodes, to minimize total training time.

MIG , (slices), Compute Instances β€” . It just works.

( DP DDP), A100 10, 20, 30 ( ), 1 .

1 A100 β€” 2-3 ,

Avg epoch time, m Workers Batch GPUs CER @10 hours CER @20 h CER @30 h Comment
4.7 2, DDP 50 * 2 2 * 3090 14.4 12.3 11.44 Close to 100% utilization
15.3 1, DP 50 2 * Titan X 21.6 17.4 15.7 Close to 100% utilization
11.4 1, DDP 50 * 1 1 * A100 NA NA NA About 35-40% utilization
TBD 2, DDP 50 * 2 2 * 1080 Ti TBD TBD TBD

1080 Ti 1 .


  • , . x2 . AMP β€” x3-x4;
  • , , . - 30-40% ;
  • . ;
  • β€” 2 8- ;


  • , ( 2-3 3090);
  • , Nvidia β€” , ;
  • ( 1080 Ti PNY Quadro) , value for money;
  • MIG;
  • 40 GB compute, ;
  • PCIE ATX , "" ;

Update 1




Test GPU Gflop/s RAM
./gpu_burn 120 A100 // 7 2,400 * 7 4.95 * 7
./gpu_burn 120 A100 // 3 4,500 * 3 9.75 * 3
./gpu_burn 120 A100 // 2 6,700 * 2 19.62 * 2
./gpu_burn 120 A100 (wo MIG) 16,700 39.50 * 1
./gpu-burn -tc 120 A100 // 7 15,100 * 7 4.95 * 7
./gpu-burn -tc 120 A100 // 3 30,500 * 3 9.75 * 3
./gpu-burn -tc 120 A100 // 2 42,500 * 2 19.62 * 2
./gpu-burn -tc 120 A100 (wo MIG) 81,500 39.50 * 1

Update 2

3 gpu-burn


Update 3

DDP MIG PyTorch.

() .

def main(rank, args):
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.ddp.mig_devices[rank]
    import torch

With NCCL I got the same exception. Changing nccl

to gloo

it started ... but the work was sooooo slow. Well, conventionally, it is ten times slower and the utilization of the card was at a very low level. I think there is no point in digging further.

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