How to enter the European Market efficiently and cost effectively?

Many successful companies from China and Russia want to enter the EU markets but do not know how to get started or make the same mistakes.

Using the example of one Chinese company that we have successfully promoted, I will share my experience.

Several years ago we were approached by a Chinese company - a manufacturer of compact video cameras (action cameras, worthy analogues of GoPro, but at times cheaper) with a request to provide access to the EU markets.

At that time, their experience in sales in the EU consisted of one-off small-scale B2B shipments through the Alibaba platform or B2C retail sales through Aliexpress.

We took this job and achieved impressive sales in a year and a half. 

Here are some useful findings:

Country of entry to the EU? Estonia

Estonia is convenient in terms of logistics (especially for Northern Europe and Germany), no income tax, inexpensive customs storage services, and so on. Well, we are here physically.

Market research? Not necessary

Expensive and presentable was not carried out, since it was enough to study the customs base of imports into the EU.

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On the other hand, the fact of having a VAT payer number increases the level of B2B sales in this country, since the Buyer reads out the VAT upon purchase.

Anything else to say? Yes

Much remained unsaid (mobile applications, software, design, expo, advertising, online support, financing, relations with competitors, etc.).

If the article turns out to be interesting to readers, I will write a sequel.

All success and good luck in entering foreign markets!

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