Admins will rise, and no one, except me, will enter the mode of generating digital new texts

The article is based on scientific observation. The author of the experiment may be a simple observer, but his results strongly influence the choice of rational assumptions in the study. The choice of study depends on what data were obtained. The source may be digital or the person may not know it, but scientific experiments are usually illustrated with digital illustrations, many of which are very important for evaluating effectiveness.

System programming, as a field of knowledge in which the knowledge of various sciences has been absorbed, however, does not fully use the knowledge of classical mathematics and natural sciences. Of course, classical mathematical and natural mathematics is modern computer science. But there are specialized branches of mathematics, such as probability theory, algorithm theory, game theory, economics, biology, medicine. There are also various sections of physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and history. All this is far from all. Moreover, many of these topics may not be as important as mathematics and science, but they can be included in articles that represent the history of basic research, demonstrating how scientists have tried to create digital new texts.

In our time, people have almost no time to read: the media are taking us further and further away from sources, from traditional instruments. In addition, it is difficult for a person to set a bar for himself: to read, or not to read. All research is aimed at mastering digital new texts. It is based on artificial intelligence algorithms, the creation of which requires writing, first of all, scientific articles. They are very different, with many functions, but they have one thing in common: highly converged digital texts. A scientific article is that text that can be perceived as a program, regardless of its authorship and orientation.

The language determines the structure of the article, its style, the structure of the text, the structure of links and links to other articles. The language determines the appearance of the article, its lifespan, and also determines the information load. It takes a lot of time to write a good scientific article. Also, sometimes the age of the author plays a significant role, the conditions and methods that he uses to create a scientific article. Even without the habit of seeking out and copying scientific articles, scientists sometimes risk losing their articles written in their native language and published in scientific journals. Different scientific articles consist of different parts, grouped into three categories: descriptive system, bibliography system and information system. The original text can be assigned to this first group, or to that contained in the description system.

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Articles generated by a neural network are unlikely to be able to deceive people who are versed in the affected areas, however, a person who does not have such knowledge is likely to mistake it for a full-fledged complex scientific or technical text. In this case, the neural network becomes a kind of Dr. Fox from the famous experiment.

More texts generated by me using this neural network can be found on this page.

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