Why amateurs are more confident than pros, and what to do about it

How to test yourself for the Dunning-Kruger effect and overcome it?

The professional is not ready for publicity

Sergei (not his real name) called me late in the evening and, stammering, confusedly began to explain why tomorrow morning he would not be able to star in a TV story. He is extremely uncomfortable in front of me and in front of the TV people, but he is not ready for filming, and in general, not ready for publicity.

We worked for several months to  create his personal brand . Created a concept and strategy for Sergey's promotion. We prepared and conducted a series of successful negotiations with the owners and management with proposals for optimizing the work of his direction. We changed its image, removed the informal notes that interfered with the image of an expert. Trained public speaking skills. Sergey opened a blog, wrote there regularly, participated in various thematic chats and groups.

And now the crown of our work is an interview for a federal news program. It took me a lot of work to persuade a friend of the editor to interview Sergei, who worked as the head of a department in a large financial structure. And the program was just making a story about new financial trends in connection with the pandemic.

Why did Sergey want to refuse?

I suggested that I do a Skype session right now, at night, and sort out his limiting beliefs. At the end of the session, we decided that the morning was wiser than the evening. At 8 am Sergei had to make the final decision and inform me ...

Working with people's requests to create a personal brand, the following pattern can be identified. Most of the applicants for personal branding are amateurs who believe in their own peculiarity, demand and professionalism. But real, serious professionals somehow do not rush to their own branding.

Why is this happening?

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Let's go back to Sergey. Has his interview taken place? The day before, we overcame the phase of reactive denial,  rejection of our achievements , our level of competence. And in the morning, despite having spent a sleepless night, he was surprisingly cheerful and energetic. The interviewers liked the interview. And they want to contact him regularly.

Psychologist, coach Alexander Kichaev

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