Telepathic cyborgs on the battlefield: American soldiers will communicate with the power of thought

The U.S. Army is investing in neuroscience research trying to decipher the meaning of various brain signals. The final goal of the study (probably still in the distant future) is to create a system that would allow soldiers to communicate only through their thoughts. This bold initiative demonstrates how medical research can change the nature of war and the soldiers themselves.

Competent mindset

The US Army Research Organization (ARO) has already committed to committing $ 6.25 million to the project over the next five years. Obviously, this is a big change, and in reality, the military is still far from forming telepathic cyborg troops.

Using the algorithm, mathematics and the results of testing on monkeys (they reached for the ball, and the researchers recorded brain signals for this or that movement and external stimuli), ARO neuroscientists were able to distinguish among all signals those that control movement and those that are responsible for behavior ... It's not really mind reading, but it's an important step towards interpreting brain signals. The research is aimed at forming a connection between the brain and the computer to create the possibility of silent communication in the field. The device will always be with the soldier, it will allow you to communicate with the devices of your comrades, as if broadcasting their thoughts.


You can read anything, but understand ...

The next step, as explained by Hamid Krim, program manager for the Office of Army Research, will decode other categories of brain signals so that the computer can eventually interpret the soldier's thoughts. The brain signal must be broken down into words so that a person can synthesize it, as if he were studying his vocabulary and the alphabet familiar to him. The computer, according to scientists, should actually be in full-duplex communication with the brain, which will allow taking corrective action before something happens. Researchers believe this is a great way to keep the soldier safe and healthy.

Keep calm

Scientists have also focused on the signals of stress and fatigue that enter the brain before a person really realizes it. This development will help the fighters understand that it is time to take a break (although this is very difficult in a war). The only limitation for the miracle device to work is imagination. In addition, it often happens that all thoughts are intertwined, and it is quite difficult to isolate something specific from this "mess", especially in conditions of severe stress.

Of course, scientists still have a lot of work to do to release a combat-ready device that reads human thoughts. The previously mentioned Hamid Krim believes that this could take decades of serious work.

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  1. Andrew Eversden. Could soldiers silently communicate using brain signals in the future? [ ]. URL:
  2. Dan Robitzski. The US army is developing tech that reads soldiers’ minds [ ]. URL:

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