Smart nation, or what is interesting about Singapore's digital transformation experience?

Recently, Moscow hosted a round table “How to Form a Smart Nation”, where the experience of digital transformation of public administration in Russia and Singapore was discussed. In this post we want to tell you more about the achievements of the Asian state and the issues posed by the new film "Smart Nation".

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Much has been written and said about the “economic miracle” of Singapore. This city-state is consistently among the world's leading economies in terms of GDP per capita, and has long become a technological and financial hub for international companies. It is a sales center for innovative technologies in the region - cloud solutions, artificial intelligence, data analysis solutions - for various industries, including healthcare, energy, aviation, education and others.

In the fall of 2020, the country topped the Asian Digital Transformation Index, which once again confirmed the level of digital transformation of public administration, urban infrastructure and public life.

“Singapore is one of the states that is cited as an example when talking about digital transformation and public administration reform. Delegations of our civil servants within the framework of foreign modules of educational programs have repeatedly come to this country to exchange experience. We came to the understanding that the valuable experience of Singapore, to which so much attention has been riveted on the part of specialists, must be made widely available to all who may find it useful. And at the same time, the film “Smart Nation” can be called the tip of the iceberg, because behind a 40-minute video there are hundreds of hours of footage that are used in our educational programs, ”emphasizes Maria Shklyaruk, Academic Director of the Center for Training Leaders for Digital Transformation at the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA.

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