Deadly Palette: Dye Toxicology

Today we know a lot about the world around us, but not everything. Any geneticist, astrophysicist, microbiologist or chemist will tell you about this with interest. Perhaps now a discovery that would change our ideas about the world, turning everything we know upside down, is not easy to do. It may be nearly impossible. But what if you were once told that what you know is a lie. That one of the products of modern chemistry, which we use everywhere and in everything for many years, is killing us, and research, scientific articles and everything that we have discovered, invented, written in books - all this is complete nonsense, and every second item in your apartment poisoned. And so throughout the world - from the head of state to the last poor man with his meager belongings. This is what happened onceand today we will briefly plunge into the history of toxicology and the amazing discovery of Dr. Henry Leteby, which none of his contemporaries believed.

Emerald green

The rich green color was actually not all that straightforward new and unusual. Since antiquity, we have used abraded malachite or green earth pigment from various silicon compounds. The colors were pale, and you will not be able to see bright juicy greens on canvases until the end of the 18th century. Everything changed when they were able to get the real emerald green color. It was obtained in 1775 from Scheele Greens. The dye is named after the Swedish scientist - Karl Wilhelm Scheel, the one who discovered lactic acid and chlorine, and which I wrote about in an article about milk. Unfortunately, in those years, when describing discovered substances, it was necessary to indicate also the taste. By 1786, Charles's research on heavy metals and their various compounds began to combine into symptoms.He developed skin lesions - darkening of the epithelium was supplemented by thickenings and ulcers, a terrible combination of diarrhea and drowsiness appeared. The talented chemist soon died. Presumably, the cause of death was kidney damage.

Left: A fresco in the Church of St. Francisco in Montefalco, Italy, by Pietro Vannucci. Right: Pietro's self-portrait. Early 16th century, green pigments: malachite and silicon.

"Green Scheele", against the background of the faded paintings of the Renaissance, took pride of place among the bright colors available to mankind. And gradually they began to joyfully produce it on an industrial scale. This went on for almost 100 years, until we finally began to notice the obvious.

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They lasted until the middle of the 20th century and were so successfully persistent that in the cinema and some other arts the image of the poison was attached to the green liquid, and the green color of the skin will be associated with witch's potions and poison for a long time.

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