How not to buy your own organic - a guide to incrementality in marketing

Hello reader! My name is Artyom Saigin, I run the Growth Lab project  , in which I talk about digital marketing and the growth of IT products.

Every day, companies lose a significant portion of their budget for users that they would have received for free. Imagine if you could know how much of your marketing budget is wasted and save it. In this article, we will learn how to do this.

What we'll talk about in the article:

  • What is incrementality.

  • How to calculate it.

  • Incrementality and attribution.

  • Where incrementality is most common.

Let's get started.

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Product Owner.

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6 . : , CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) , โ€” .

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Incremental โ€” .

Paid โ€” .

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Incremental :

, , ยซยป , โ€” cannibalization.

Cannibalization = , .

cannibalization :

Cannibalization, Incremental โ€” ( Paid) cannibalization.

, , % Incrementality ( : Incremental / Paid):

Incrementality, , .

, . , , ..

โ€” Incremental ( ), , % . Incremental.

1. incremental A/B-

., .

โ€” ( , ..), . , > 35%.



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First Touch โ€” , .

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revenue by months

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, , , - 30% revenue.


- ( , SEO), , % Incrementality ~ 10-30%.

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3. .

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, Churn Rate ~ 10%. โ€” 5 .

, . , .. Churn Rate 10% (90%) , .. โ€” 10%.

4. OEM .

OEM ( app, web) CPI, CPA .. (), .

, WeChat Meizu 1 . . (CPI) N-.

, , , . WeChat , 70-80% ( , ) โ€” .


An approximate calculation of the dependence of the price on the incrementality

, Meizu 20-30% , ( ) , 100% .

10 100% $1000 (CPI - $100), 20% CPI $20. $1000 20 , 10 , . CPI โ€” $100.

, , .

That's all. I hope the article was useful and the knowledge gained will help you make your marketing strategy more effective. More such articles can be read on my telegram channel  "Growth Lab"  or on the  website .

Do not forget to share with colleagues or simply with those who may be interested in the article.

Incremental sales to you!

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