ECMAScript 4: a version that didn't exist

We invite future students of the course "Javascript Developer. Basic" to visit the demo day , during which you can learn more about the learning process and the course program, as well as ask questions to our experts .

In the meantime, we have prepared a traditional translation of an interesting article.

, ECMAScript 3, ECMAScript 5 . ECMAScript 4 . ?

, ECMAScript 4 , .

, ECMAScript 4 1999 . 2008 .

ECMAScript 4 , , ECMAScript 3. ECMAScript 3, ES4 .

ES4 , , ES4 .

2008 ES4 , ES3.1 ES5. , ECMAScript.

, ES4 ActionScript 3 Flash-. AS3 , Flash .

auth0 ES4 . .


- ES6, , .

class C {

 var val
 var number = 500;

 const pi = 3.14

 // A function
 function f(n) { return n+val*2 }

 // Getters and setters
 function set foo(n) {
   val = n;

 function get foo() {
   return val;

, . «», .

, this. , ES4 , .

ES4 :

  1. static

  2. final

  3. private, protected, public.

  4. prototype β€” . , , , , - .

ES4 . , Typescript.

interface MyInterface {
  function foo();

ES4 .

function add(a: int, b:int): int {
  return a + b;

type, Typescript. Typescript :

let a : number | string;

ES4 :

var a: (number, string)

ES4 :

class Wrapper<T> {
  inner: T


ES4 , . like .

function getCell(coords: like { x: int, y: int }) {


, ES4 , , , Typescript.

ES boolean, object, array, number, BigInt. ES4 :

  1. byte

  2. int

  3. unit

  4. double

  5. decimal

ES decimal, , , :

const allowance = 1.50m

ES4 m, (money).

Hello my name is "Evert" ES4 :

const hi = """Hello my name is "Evert"""";

. , , ES6, .


package com.evertpot {

  // Private
  internal const foo = 5;

  class MyClass {




const myObj = com.evertpot.MyClass;


import * from com.evertpot;
const myObj = MyClass;

, .


. Β« Β» Typescript, .

class Foo {

  generic function addItem(x);

  function addItem(x: int) {

  function addItem(x: number) {


addItem  β€” int number. .


E4X β€” ES4, .

E4X ECMAScript XML. , , :

const myClass = 'welcome';
const name = 'Evert';
const foo = <div class={myClass}>{"Hello " + name }</div>;


, , JSX, , JSX.

ES4 , E4X Firefox .

  • let const . ES5 (const) .

  • (yield).

  • .

  • , ( XML), .


ECMAScript 4 , , ES4:

<script type="text/javascript;version=4" src="..."></script>


<script type="module" src="..."></script>

, , JavaScript. ECMAScript: , Typescript JSX, β€” ECMAScript, 2007 .

, ES4 , Babel, Webpack Typescript.

"Javascript Developer. Basic".



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