SwiftUI 2.0: the future is declarative

The translation of the article was prepared on the eve of the start of classes in the new group of the course "iOS Developer. Professional" .

SwiftUI , ยซ ยป Apple. , SwiftUI,   Combine.

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, WWDC, , . iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS watchOS API.

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Shift Remote E05: MOBILE. .

: SwiftUI, .  โ€” .

SwiftUI, Apple , Apple. .

. tableView  collectionView .


  • : Apple โ€” Mac iPhone Apple. , , iOS macOS.

  • : , iOS 13 ( ), . . SwiftUI @Environment, .

  • : , SwiftUI, , , (, Text) .

. , , โ€” .

Flutter React Native , build-install-run, . , . , .

. , xib , , , .


Apple. , , , , , .

, SwiftUI , Apple : ยซ, ยป. , - , . , , Objective-C, UIKit/AppKit SwiftUI.

, . , SwiftUI . . Xcode/Swift SwiftUI. . . , , UIKit, .

, - (, Lists) UIKit/AppKit, .

, SwiftUI iOS 13 . . . , .

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Apple Mail.

Apple Mail. , ( ), , .

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, , UI , UI. , : . , , .

:  โ€” , , , . , , , , AR Bluetooth,  โ€” 2020  . , . , .

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iOS- โ€” , . , , .

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SwiftUI, , . , , , , , , โ€”  โ€” . , , . !


SwiftUI . , . , , SwiftUI . , .

: -> -> . UI . , . , .

, SwiftUI , , WWDC, .


SwiftUI . , , , .

UI, , , , , .

  • TextEditor โ€” . (TextField), SwiftUI . UITextView UIKit, , .

  • ProgressView โ€” , (, ).

  •  โ€” : FileDocument, , , DocumentGroup, , .

  • LazyHGrid LazyVGrid โ€” SwiftUI , , , , . , , , .

 โ€” , . SwiftUI LazyHStack LazyVStack, ( ) . , , . , , .

SwiftUI , : matchedGeometryEffect, ScrollViewReader, ColorPicker, DisclosureGroup  . Capsized Eight!

, SwiftUI, , .

  • @AppStorage โ€” UserDefaults

  • @ScaledMetric โ€” Dynamic Type

  • @StateObject โ€”

  • , @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor, @Namespace, @SceneStorage

iOS 13 UIHostingController ( NSHostingController Mac), SwiftUI, , App, @main.  โ€” AppDelegate .

, , :

SwiftUI โ€” , .

Apple . macOS , .

, Apple, , Mac Apple Silicon iOS/iPadOS, , .

SwiftUI , . , Apple.


Kata Juras.


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