Argumentless methods are evil in OOP, and here's how to treat it


The idea is to use lazy cached properties everywhere in immutable objects, where we would normally use processor-heavy methods with no arguments. And the article - how to design it and and why.

Accessing a lazy property of an object visually



1) - , — ,

2) (, SRP)

3) ,

TL; DR at the very bottom.

Why evil?

. , Integer, :

public sealed record Integer(int Value);

Value int. , :

public sealed record Integer(int Value)
    public Integer Triple() => new Integer(Value * 3);

, , . ,

public int SomeMethod(Integer number)
    var tripled = number.Triple();
    if (tripled.Value > 5)
        return tripled.Value;
        return 1;


public int SomeMethod(Integer number)
    => number.Tripled > 5 ? number.Tripled.Value : 1;

, , , . , , Tripled .


  1. . , , .
  2. . , , ( — ).
  3. . immutable object, , Equals GetHashCode , - , .

, , . , :

public sealed record Number(int Value)
    public int Number Tripled => tripled.GetValue(@this => new Number(@this.Value * 3), @this);
    private FieldCache<Number> tripled;

, , Cacheable. source- , - . — , .


1 ( ?):

public sealed record Number(int Value)
    public int Number Tripled => new Number(@this.Value * 3);

( )

2 ( Lazy<T>):

public sealed record Number : IEquatable<Number>
    public int Value { get; init; }  //   ,   
    public int Number Tripled => tripled.Value;
    private Lazy<Number> tripled;
    public Number(int value)
        Value = value;
        tripled = new(() => value * 3);  //        ,      this-   

    //   Equals,    ,    ,    Lazy<T>  
    public bool Equals(Number number) => Value == number.Value;
    //     GetHashCode
    public override int GetHashCode() => Value.GetHashCode();

, . , ? , .

, with, , (-). Lazy, .

3 ( ConditionalWeakTable):

public sealed record Number
    public Number Tripled => tripled.GetValue(this, @this => new Integer(@this.Value * 3));
    private static ConditionalWeakTable<Number, Number> tripled = new();

. ValueType ConditionalWeakTable -. , - ( , , 6 , , ).

4 ( ):

public sealed record Number
    public int Value { get; init; }

    public Number Tripled { get; }
    public Number(int value)
        Value = value;
        Tripled = new Number { Value = value * 3 };

stackoverflow, , "" — , .

  1. , , . ?
  2. Equals GetHashCode true 0 . , , . , Equals GetHashCode , .
  3. . , , .
  4. , GetValue, , ConditionalWeakTable. -, Lazy<T>.
  5. with, initialized holder, — .


, :

public struct FieldCache<T> : IEquatable<FieldCache<T>>
    private T value;
    private object holder; //       ,    generic 
    //    , ,   Equals     
    public bool Equals(FieldCache<T> _) => true;
    public override int GetHashCode() => 0;

GetValue :

public struct FieldCache<T> : IEquatable<FieldCache<T>>
        public T GetValue<TThis>(Func<TThis, T> factory, TThis @this) where TThis : class // record -   .   ,    
            //        (,   - null)
            if (!ReferenceEquals(@this, holder))
                lock (@this)
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(@this, holder))
                        //    ,    FieldCache   ,  -         . , ,     ,      
                        value = factory(@this);
                        holder = @this;
            return value;

, :

public sealed record Number(int Value)
    public int Number Tripled => tripled.GetValue(@this => new Number(@this.Value * 3), @this);
    private FieldCache<Number> tripled;

, .

, , FieldCache — Lazy<T>.

Method Mean
BenchFunction 4,599.1638 ns
Lazy 0.6717 ns
FieldCache 3.6674 ns
ConditionalWeakTable 25.0521 ns

BenchFunction — - , , . . , FieldCache<T> , Lazy<T>.

, , , .


: , .

And the well-known existing approaches, apparently, do not allow it to be done beautifully, so you have to write your own.

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