Why are there no sales on the site?

A situation with a lack of sales, or other conversion actions on the site can arise in any business. In our marketing project, when analyzing the situation, we have seen enough of everything.

Top reasons for lack of sales

No traffic. Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but some entrepreneurs believe that by creating a website and placing it in Yandex, 2Gis and Google directories, they have resolved the issue with website visitors. Let's take a look at Metrica, or Google Analytics. What will we see there? From 3 to 15 crossings per day from organic issue, including a couple of crossings from 2Gis. Is this a sufficient number of visitors to complete the sale? I don’t think so. Of course, it all depends on the "severity" of your niche and the complexity of the decision-making process to buy your product. Most likely, for a pipe rolling plant with wholesale sales throughout Russia and the CIS countries, the number of 15 crossings is a dead poultice. When the minimum contract obviously involves millions of dollars in expenses, it should be about hundreds and thousands of clicks per day.

An opposite example is the story with businesses of "impulse" or "easy" purchases, "mass segment". Well tell me: Do you think for a long time about buying a replacement unit for a razor if you have it dull? I think the answer is no. In this case, it will be enough for the site to receive 2-5 clicks on the card of a specific product for the client to add it to the cart and enter the contact information, or the data of his card.

In other words, many entrepreneurs are not aware of how many clicks are needed to get their first sale. If your business has 10 clicks to the site per day, and the conversion potential is equal to one percent, then you can start waiting for a sale from the 10th day. Small bottom line: in a situation where there are no transitions on the site, and you really want sales, you should buy search or targeted advertising.

The question is always the price, even when the client claims otherwise.

Despite the widespread customer bragging that the issue is not about the price, only "the style is not very good, let's go some more." But you and I understand that this is a significant drain due to the price? A person may, in principle, not be ready to pay that kind of money for a product. I am not saying that your product is expensive. It's about a person's readiness to contribute such an amount. To make it clear, I will give an example from my humble life.

We moved to a new apartment after 8 years of living in the old one. There we had a kitchen of 5 squares and the same small kitchen set. In that post-student life, we bought a headset for 35 thousand rubles.

My jaw didn’t lift off the floor during my first trip to the kitchens. First I came in, then the jaw. This is because the kitchen in the new apartment is not 5, but 10 meters. The level of requirements for materials and accessories I have is Napoleonic, and the idea of ​​prices from the time of Tsar Pea. When I saw the minimum check of 200K after my wet fantasies about the price for 80-90 thousand, I lost confidence that I was not being played now.

Total: in the first two salons, I behaved like a Neanderthal, pulled my wife to the exit, sending curses at these sellers. Only by 3-4 stores did I realize that the market now looks exactly like this and I need to proceed precisely from the numbers that were announced by the sellers.

Why such a long eyeliner?

Moreover, the price should not be the lowest. The buyer may simply not be ready for the order of the numbers due to their ignorance. This is just his first reaction. It is important to return such customers with retargeting, this is a key task. After he looks at the price on several sites and forms a rough idea of ​​the potential expense, he will need some time. The one who will remind such user of himself in a couple of days will sell and gently invite him to the salon. By the way, I have nothing to do with the kitchen business at all. It's just that this case sunk into my soul, along the way.


If the question is still not about the price, then it is about trust.

So, we figured out that some clients are strapped for funds and do not admit it (then there is nothing we can do). And there are just such unprepared guys. You can work with them. But there is an even more attractive audience for which the issue is not really about the price! Money is not a problem for them, it is important for them to understand: what kind of contractor is working with him, what are the reviews about him, what is the information background. A young business may not have such a background for the first two or three years. By the way, it's not so bad. It is better not to have any information background than to have a negative background of dissatisfied buyers with reviews, or a hate from the expert community.

If you are clean, like a bunny after a bath, the client has money, but he does not press the coveted button "buy", "order a call", then he simply does not trust you. That is, there is no such thing that you are suspected of dishonesty. There is simply no lever that invisibly pushes the client to contact you.

How to gain customer trust?

In addition to the citation, the age of the site, the number of indexed pages and other attributes of a more experienced and solid business, there are those things that can actively influence the formation of customer confidence. It is not necessary to “wait a couple of years, then come back in”.

The answer to building trust in social proof. Proof has gone down some businesses mistakenly confuse it with dull self-written reviews on the site. Staged reviews, reviews reprinted by editors in the “Reviews” block on the website do not work, this is not a social confirmation.

The client's trust can be earned easier: manage your social networks: Vkontakte / Instagram / Facebook. Show the real life of the team, your office, team, the production process of a product or service. Show that you are real and you exist.

Customer reviews are important, but you need to show them in the form of real screenshots from correspondence in messenger mail, or in private messages (having previously agreed on the fact of posting a screen with your client). Ask for a short 15 second front camera feedback. 5-6 of these reviews will create an all-encompassing trust relationship. From there, the client will return more convinced that everything is ok, you can order.

What other reasons for the lack of sales can be?

Last but not least, the reason for the lack of sales is the site itself. I am sure that there is so much obvious information on the web that the site should be not only desktop, but also mobile. It should be lightweight, should not contain suspicious scripts and clickjacking technologies (which steal the client's personal data in the form of his phone number, mail, social media account). The site can be anything: with a red background and a green buy button. The button can also be yellow. It can be a little smaller, or it can be stretched to the width of the page. This I mean that any site template is acceptable and does not affect the conversion so much.

If your offer (commercial proposal) is relevant to the request and needs of the user, if the user has the right amount of funds and trusts you, then the conversion is inevitable.

I am sure that none of the readers hides the buy button, perhaps it is even duplicated on the page several times in different forms: - a form-modal window under the button; - open lead form for data entry - a button with a call to write to WhatsApp and other instant messengers; - possibly a chat with a live operator in the lower right corner. All these are already standards. I am sure that you comply with them. Just don't stop him from buying.

Structure your content, serve it deliciously, not as vague product properties. Demonstrate the benefits visually with pictures, video demonstrations. And then just give the button and limit the time for making a decision (no need to laugh, I'm not talking about the prehistoric countdown timer, although it works, to be honest).

The last reason is the irrelevance of the proposal.

I think you will agree with me that the key phrase "buy a pipe" can be used by the user in a rather perverse way. If you are a pipe-rolling plant that uses the key "buy a pipe" in its broadest correspondence in a search advertising campaign, without cutting off irrelevant interpretations with negative phrases, then there will be trouble. Musicians who are looking for a musical trumpet and elements from the 90s who use this request to buy a mobile phone will also visit your site along with target customers. I am sure that the conversion to sales from such traffic will not be the most vigorous.

Final word

The task of any business in the context of working on sales on your website is complex work:

  • with content (a lot of media-photo triggers, visualizations and a little text, as it is not very readily read)
  • ( , «», , , , «», )
  • (- , )
  • ( .

It is enough to systematically talk on social networks about the life of the company, about your products, if possible, provide useful extracts, entertainment for subscribers.

And of course, reviews. Real, live videos and screenshots. A couple of recommendations from influencers will also not hurt) - the relevance of traffic (show your ads and invite those who may be interested in the product to the site, do not forget to "minus" key phrases. Such a simple action plan will allow you not to ask a question about the lack of sales on Then you will have questions: “how to control sales managers ?!”, “which CRM to use” and other questions of a more pleasant nature!

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