Moving the server room

In the course of its activity, a company, for one reason or another, may change its location. When changing the location, it is necessary to transport the server room equipment. Practically throughout the entire CIS space, in most cases, it is done "at random", without any well-thought-out plan. And in the process of moving, it turns out that there are not enough patch cords, power outlets are on the other side and the length of the power cords is not enough, the ground loop is not equipped and other little things that take time. Well, money. To do something without a plan is in all cases very expensive.

This article outlines the algorithm for moving a server room from point A to point B, taking into account all the points of this complex but exciting process.

1. Future server room

At this point I will not describe what the server room should be like, where it is better to place it and other details that are described in the TIA-569-C standard.

To prepare a plan, you need the following information:

  • server room plan with dimensions
  • location of power outlets 220V
  • location of power outlets 380V
  • presence of a loop (ground wire)
  • air conditioning / cooling system
  • availability of access control system
  • doorway dimensions

If there is a plan for a future server room with dimensions, it is possible to schematically arrange the server racks, wiring closets and other equipment that is planned to be placed in the server room.

2. Service Providers (ISPs)

Scheduling Internet hopping is one of the most important steps in preparing for a server room move. It is necessary to check in advance the technical feasibility of connecting the channels, agree with the provider on the time and procedure for connecting, lay communication lines in the server room in advance and check their operability.

The time of transfer of fixed IP addresses during the move must be agreed with the telecom provider.

3. Location of server and wiring closets

The location of the server and wiring closets must be planned in advance. The best option is to draw (even by hand) the layout of the server cabinets in the room. Indicate on the diagram:

  • location
  • cabinet dimensions
  • wardrobe door opening scheme
  • location of power outlets
  • the layout of the patch cords if the cabinets are more than 2 meters away.
  • distance between walls and cabinets on each side

When moving, this plan will help you, without wasting time, place the server cabinets in the room and start installing the equipment.

4. Arrangement of equipment in cabinets

Modern visualization programs allow you to display everything on diagrams, including equipment fasteners. In my work I use MS Visio. The equipment layout diagram indicates:

  • cabinet dimensions in units (U)
  • equipment layout
  • switching diagram if necessary

It is very important to consider the size of the equipment during the planning stage. In practice, there was such a case when the UPS (uninterruptible power supply) did not fit into the wiring closet due to size mismatch. The cabinet was 800 mm deep, the UPS was 1000 mm deep.

5. Commutation sheet

One of the most important preparation points. The patch sheet will allow you to significantly reduce the startup time of the server room after the move. Below is a template that we use all the time - when moving server rooms, when tidying up the wiring closet and in our daily activities. Agree that it is convenient to have a cable connection diagram at hand.

6. Risks and ways to reduce them

Of course, moving a server room, or even one server, is always a risk. From static electricity to damage during transportation or handling. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a table of possible risks, ways to reduce them, and a disaster recovery plan. By reducing the risks, first of all, the availability of up-to-date backups and their checking for consistency (integrity) immediately before starting work serves.

7. Time Schedule

Often the time to move the server room is limited. In the planning process, it is necessary to draw up a schedule where the following parameters will be indicated:

  • time for preparatory work
  • time for power outage
  • time to dismantle equipment
  • time for packing and transportation
  • time for equipment installation

It is advisable to describe each item in detail and appoint a person responsible for one or another stage of work. A clear schedule will allow you to reduce unnecessary actions and complete the work beautifully and organically.

8. Dismantling of equipment

Before starting work on dismantling of equipment, it is necessary to instruct all persons involved, including the drivers of vehicles, who will be entrusted with the transportation of equipment, on compliance with safety regulations (safety measures) during work. The main idea that needs to be conveyed to the participants in the process is that there is always time to do the job safely.

After the safety briefing, the responsible person de-energizes the equipment from the power supply. After an additional check for the lack of power supply, dismantling of the equipment begins.

Power cables are disconnected first. After disconnecting all the power cables, it is the turn of the patch cords. There is no need to label patch cords if you have a pre-prepared patch table.

Then the dismantling of the equipment begins. Dismantled equipment is removed outside the server room, so as not to create inconvenience in a confined space.

Server and wiring cabinets are removed last.

9. Packing and transportation

All dismantled equipment is packed with special film and placed in prepared boxes for transportation. Storage systems and servers are packaged more carefully because drives are quite susceptible to vibration and shock.

Communication equipment (routers, switches, wireless access points and their controllers) can be stacked together, after wrapping them with packing film.

The equipment is packed into the car in the order of unloading - according to the principle of the first loaded and the last unloaded. This is how server and wiring closets are loaded first.

After the equipment arrives at the installation site, the equipment is unloaded and placed near the server room in the order of its subsequent installation.

Server and wiring cabinets are installed in a predetermined location and aligned. Cabinets are connected to the ground loop (conductor).

10. Equipment installation

Installation of equipment in server and wiring cabinets is carried out in the reverse order according to the diagram. From practice, the equipment is installed from the bottom up. Installation is done without haste, carefully and carefully.

11. Connection

One of the most difficult stages of installation. Equipment commutation must be carried out according to the prepared commutation sheet. Before starting the patching, it is advisable to prepare the patch cords by grouping them by length. Patch cords should be laid neatly and immediately, without leaving ordering "for later". At least 2 hours are allocated for this stage of work.

After completing the connections, the power cables are connected to the equipment.

12. Launch

Before starting, visually and physically check the connection of the power cables, as a loose contact can cause the equipment or its components to fail. Check the connection of the ground loop / conductor. After checking, the UPS (if available) or the circuit breaker on the switchboard is turned on.

After energizing, the start-up of the equipment is visually checked

13. Check-list

After turning on the power supply and loading the servers and other equipment, the person in charge checks the availability of systems and services, communication channels and other elements of the information system.

It is good practice to have a check-list, which will specify the systems and parameters to check after the equipment is started.

14. Turning on the cooling system

After the final check, do not forget to turn on the cooling system so that you do not go to the office in the middle of the night after notifying the monitoring system about the temperature rise in the server room.

Preparing a clear plan for moving the server room will allow you to complete the work beautifully and without haste, bringing you moral satisfaction from what has been done. The same work without a plan, at random - will bring you a lot of stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction with your bosses. The choice is yours.

Take care of yourself.

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