Soyuz-5 on the way to creating

Vyacheslav Ermolin, November 21, 2020

Throughout 2020, RCC Progress, the developer of the Soyuz missile family based in Samara, continued to build a production line for the new Soyuz 5 medium launch vehicle, also known as the Irtysh, despite some doubts about regarding its technical perspective and commercial competitiveness.

(Based on materials by Anatoly Zak -  russianspaceweb )

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Soyuz-5 launch vehicle infographics.
- «-5».

, - Falcon 9, () ( ) SpaceX. «». «» , .


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— . , «-5» (5 ) 10-15 . Arianespace Ariane 5 ( Ariane 6). Spacex Falcon 9 Vulcan New Glenn. .— .— .


2021 . ( ). - «-5» . «». .

«» «-5» . «-5», .

Early components of the Soyuz-5 rocket.

2020 «» ( ) «-5». .

-1580, «-5».

Welding a longitudinal seam on a segment of the tank of a Soyuz-5 rocket during testing of welding equipment at the Sespel CJSC plant in Cheboksary in early August 2020.
«-5» "" 2020 .

«» № 2233 .

2020 « » 3 . 15 , .

«» 2021 .

Works on laying the foundations of the welding center for the production of the tank part of the Soyuz rocket in workshop No. 2233 of the Progress RCC in early October 2020.
№ 2233 «» 2020 .
Testing of welding equipment for the Soyuz-5 rocket at Sespel CJSC in 2020.
-5 "" 2020 .
Friction welding complex for the manufacture of fuel tanks for the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle at the Progress RCC in Samara.
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The project of the new Soyuz-5 launch vehicle looks quite viable. An average launch vehicle of this class will not be superfluous - modern and its own. Given the American passion for duplicating projects (missiles and ships) and for the Russian military, this missile will be a backup option for the Angara. Suitable for both a manned program (near-earth) and for launching national loads. Perhaps something will "bite off" in the international commercial market.

History.  Launch vehicle "Zenith".
History. Launch vehicle "Zenith".

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