Kubernetes for Developers: 3-Day Intensive


Slurm's speakers are preparing an updated intensive , in which there will be no topics for administrators. We removed the topic about cluster maintenance and focused on the features of software development in Kubernetes. The program contains only what a modern developer really needs on projects with K8s.

Why 3 days intensive?

Slurm has already hosted 14 three-day Kubernetes intensives, and we are sure that this format will give great results. By the evening of the third day, students know what Kubernetes is, what it has and how to work in it. Intensive graduates are free to read and understand the K8s documentation. You can come back and revise the materials when needed. Intensive - the ability to quickly start training a specialist. It is important to remember that such training cannot be combined with work (we study from 10 to 19, you will not be able to get distracted).

A short story of one developer about K8s

Here is what Artem from Gismeteo tells about the training:

backend- Gismeteo. API, CI|/CD Gitlab, Ansible, .

- LXC- Docker. highload, . : . Kubernetes, . , , , . β€” . , , , .

, . k8s, best practices . , . , -, rollback piplin'a Docker-. CI/CD, . CI/CD Kubernetes Helm. helm chart'a.

After the course, I became convinced that Kubernetes is currently the best orchestrator for containers. I continue to improve my qualifications in this direction, now on work tasks. Now I am revising the course material related to helm, since I am now re-compiling all our ci / cd under the diploika through helm. A very handy thing.

Link to review in VK

Artem, like many other developers, took the Basic Kubernetes Intensive . Now it is possible to choose an intensive course depending on the specialization and work tasks.

Kubernetes for developers will take place on March 3-5, 2021, but you can already book a place - until the end of 2020, participation costs 20,000 rubles.

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