How Open-Source is monetized

When we hear the word open-source, something connected with charity and altruism immediately comes to mind: talented programmers write code at night after work to make the world a better place. However, life is more complicated. While open-source does make the world a better place, most open source is written for purely commercial purposes. Some companies use open source products as part of their marketing or hiring strategy. Other companies, however, base their entire business entirely on an open-source core. Examples of such companies: RedHat (bought by IBM for $ 34bn), mongoDB (capitalization - $ 14bn), ElasticSearch ($ 9bn), RedisLabs ($ 1bn), Nginx (the pride of domestic open source, $ 670m).

We at Jitsu have also chosen an open-source strategy. We are building our business on the open core EventNative ( we wrote about it in the previous text ). Before settling on such a model, we researched the market and understood a lot about its structure. In this article, we will share our observations.


The easiest way to study financial issues is at companies that are traded on the stock exchange. These companies release financial statements once a quarter, which show how their business works. Unfortunately, not many open-source companies are traded (yet!) On the exchange. So, several private companies were added to the list, which is on everyone's lips:

List of Open-Source Companies
List of Open-Source Companies


  • Public companies are marked with the "land" symbol, the private companies are marked with the "castle"

  • C

  • 2019- , RedHat ( 2018- ). RedHat IBM 2019- . - ( ).

  • (13- ), . RedHat - IBM. ! "" , . , $1 , $1 . , $1 , , , .

  • — , .

  • .

  • . . : Percona (MySQL support), Altinity (ClickHouse support), Mirantis (OpenStack support). , , .

  • . , - . : , . - Wordpress.

  • (aka Open-Core). . .

, . , .

, . , :

  • Subscription = + ;

  • Professional Services = .

, Professional Services , , . subscription. , , . .

- professional services , Cloudera RedHat. , + . louder' , , .

True open-source

open-source , .

: "true", (, 90%) . , .

true open-source Redis, , , MongoDB. "-" - Sentry. Open-source , ( - ), hosted-. - GitLab.

, (loudera, Mongo, Elastic) "true". louder', Hadoop', , .

  • "" - : Cloudera, Mongo, Elastic. , - (, open-source issue tracker).

  • " " .

  • . - , exit' .

  • ( ) - . , .

, . , : , self-hosted SaaS . , self-hosted "" .

, Docker', K8s .. . DevOps' , . (Digital Ocean, AWS ..).

, Mac Windows (Product- project-). open-source !

. - , , .

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