Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 370 (November 9 - 15)

In this digest, we discuss Apple's awful documentation, running Android Studio on any device, moving to Kotlin (including Multiplatform), building a backend without server developers, the success of Among Us and UX games, and much more.

In the last year or two, I've come to realize that the main obstacle to doing my job is documentation. Or, more specifically, an outright shortage of documentation provided by Apple for its platforms.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+6) CI / CD integration for multiple environments with Jenkins and Fastlane. Part 2

(+5) Difference between @StateObject, @EnvironmentObject and @ObservedObject in SwiftUI

(+5) SPM: modularizing the project to increase build speed

Apple releases macOS Big Sur

Apple showed the first computers on Apple Silicon

iOS 14.3 offers installation of third-party applications during system setup

The new version of TestFlight introduces automatic updates of applications

Many publishers have refused to publish iOS applications in the Mac App Store

On the way to learning SwiftUI

3 approaches to creating blur effect in iOS

SwiftUI versus reactive MVVM architecture

Animated pie chart in SwiftUI 2 using Combine

Porting an existing Xcode project to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Why are the new Macs revolutionizing the game for product designers?

Using Bezier curves in SwiftUI

iPhoneNumberField: phone input field on SwiftUI


Android creeping line

(+19) Netflix "studio" applications on Android and iOS now with Kotlin Multiplatform

(+18) Moving from Java to Kotlin: how take your collections with you

(+9) Jetpack Compose Desktop

(+3) How to fix a bug with Drawable.setTint in API 21 Android SDK

How to run Android Studio on ANY device using JetBrains Projector

Chicago Roboto 2020 Video

Android Broadcast: Jetpack Compose on Desktop

How to Make the Compiler Smarter

Android Application Development: Useful Tools for Developers

Android Navigation with an Existing Backstack

Developer Development: Working on the Android Library

Android RecyclerView: Part 1 - Creating a Simple List

How to Simplify Delegation of Android View Binding

Android TV: Fascinating Application Best Practices

Speeding Up Builds with Dagger Reflect

Data Classes are a Great Way to Store Data

iiVisu: Sound Visualizer for Android

Brackeys IDE: Code Editor for Android

ForgetMeNot: Memorizing with Flashcards


(+24) How to tame Charles Proxy?

(+22) Meta Gameplay Framework, or a backend without server developers

(+13) Additional components for the cross-platform library of material design KivyMD

(+11) The best graduation works of the spring semester of Technoprojects

(+9) Interview for QA: resume, questions for interviews, salary negotiations + useful links

(+8) EventBus - Event system for Unity

(+7) The system "made-measured-learned"

(+7) Improving the interface: how design and product success are related

(+4) We deploy a server for checking In-app purchases in 60 minutes

(+3) html2json

Radio QA # 62: remote conferences.

Podlodka # 189: IoT

• The Ministry of Digital Technologies is preparing a new support package for the IT industry

Manufacturers are asking to postpone the pre-installation of Russian software

Application design: examples for inspiration # 22

6 small projects that will pump your developer resume

In the November TIOBE ranking for the first time Python came out on the 2nd place

How I released my application in the App Store without knowledge of the code

Recommendations for designing a smart watch interface

How to start working on React Native so that it does not hurt excruciatingly

• We disassemble the UX of the popular game Among Us

Impact of mobile app performance on user experience

Practical advice for junior developers

Key lessons learned from working with a 10x developer

Deep linking in Flutter using Branch

Practices that have doubled my productivity as a developer

Attention is my most valuable productivity asset as a developer

Best practices for documenting code for programmers

Best mobile apps for learning programming on the go

React Native in Wix - architecture

Great Code Review - a superpower your team needs

Different ways to use color in design

4 best VS Code extensions in 2020

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+26) Dynamic loot in games: what to consider

(+6) Monetization of advertising traffic in the Huawei mobile ecosystem

(+6) Mislid rollers: why do they work?

(+3) How to localize the game? Step-by-Step Guide

App Annie: What the Mobile Market Holds in 2021

Success Among Us: Exploring the Growth Cycles of the Game That Hit the World

Fortnite May Get a Monthly Subscription

MeowTalk: Cat Translator

Ushur: Communicating Effectively with Customers

6 Common Mobile Launch Mistakes

AI applications , Devices, IoT

(+43) How to program multi-core microcontrollers

(+20) Marketing tricks in the smartphone market. Where is there no progress?

(+11) : 4D Vayyar

(+8) CrossWorks for ARM?

(+8) IoT SCADA Data Governance

Hyundai Motor NVIDIA DRIVE

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