First Psychological Help | Product Weekend

Hello, Khabrovchanin!

This post is a continuation of the "Psychological Emergency | Prototyping Weekend" article . The article tells about the creation of the Online Psychological Ambulance Service within the framework of the hackathon , which was organized by the Prague hackerspace Brmlab . This is my first experience as a product owner and full stack developer.

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- What is Goto Help?

- Emergency psychological assistance service or video hotline with a psychologist, available on any device without installation.

The platform connects a psychologist and a person in need of emergency psychological help "here and now."


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Version 1.0
Version 1.0

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Version 2.0
Version 2.0

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Version 2.0
Version 2.0

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Version 2.0
Version 2.0

2) .

: Google Meet, Google SpreadSheet, Google AppsScript, ChromeExtension, Boostrap 4.

" | Prototyping Weekend".

: Python, Nodejs, Jitsi Meet, AWS, GCP, Boostrap 5, Telegram Bot API.

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Google Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Functions

: Jitsi, [ ], , .

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3) Goto Help .

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GotoHelp, . , .

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Feedback and Bugs
Feedback Bugs

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, . open source - Jitsi , .

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