Systems analyst profession: community development, profession promotion and training

Recently, Alexey Lobzov, the chief systems analyst of Alfa-Bank, technical lead of corporate analysts, spoke on our YouTube channel. Alexey is engaged in the selection, onboarding and development of system analysts. Also, he is known on Habré as alobzov, regularly makes reports, trains system analysts online.

We share the broadcast recording and transcript.

My name is Alexey Lobzov, I am the chief systems analyst at Alfa-Bank. At the same time, I am the technical leader of our bank's corporate analysts.

I want to talk about the system analyst profession and consider three issues: the analyst community, the promotion of the profession and the training of analysts, first of all, without work experience, that is, entry-level analysts.

Is there any official definition of a systems analyst and his area of ​​responsibility?

Is it a role in a project, a product or a company, or a profession / position?

Systems analyst is a profession. On the website of the Ministry of Labor there is a section "Directory of Professions", where you can find the profession of a systems analyst and read what its description is. Also, from this page you can go to the professional standard and find out what functions are expected from a person in this profession.

Although, in practice, there may be deviations. Either way, if you get a job as a systems analyst, then you will have a job description with the responsibilities that the employer expects from you. Deviations from the standard are unlikely to be significant.

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Different understandings of this profession are found everywhere, and different companies may have different requirements for an analyst. One factor here is the size of the company. A small company may not be ready to hire a systems analyst, business analyst, tester, and technical writer at the same time. A number of functional responsibilities of other specialists can affect systems analytics.

If you talked with people who had work experience in a company where a systems analyst was involved in the development of business processes, work with business requirements and the preparation of technical specifications, but did not design the architecture of the future system and develop technical specifications for individual modules, then there may be misunderstanding ...

In practice, there were cases when the owner of the product came to us and asked us to work out the requirements for certain features - for example, write-off for a service plus a notice to the client about the write-off - and the statement contained requirements down to what the text of the notification should be. We refer such examples of tasks to business tasks, and we do not take them into the system analysis. We expect product owners to give us business requirements - show us what needs to be done - and we, as system analysts and development team members, will work with the rest of the team to figure out how best to implement these requirements.

If we talk about conflicts, in my practice it never came to real conflicts, when everyone would quarrel and escalate the situation to the level of leaders. Misunderstandings were resolved in conversation. I admit that in some companies misunderstanding can take on a more violent form.

I want to talk about communities of systems analysts - whether they exist at all, and what they are. Of course, the answer "they exist" is too simple - I'll tell you how I got to know them myself.

This happened relatively recently; that was when I came to Alfa-Bank, in early 2017. Then my team (and 4 more teams of the same kind) was engaged in the creation of an Internet bank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Each team developed its own software product, and the Internet bank in the target picture was to consist of these products. We came to the understanding that it is impossible to develop all these products independently, each in its own way.

For example, the user is faced with the interface first of all, and one product may have a conditionally sandy UI color, while another has a gray color, and the third has some other color; this should not be allowed. We came to understand that we need to develop our five products in a coordinated manner. The teams initially worked according to a methodology close to SCRUM, but with peculiarities imposed by banking specifics. One way or another, we scaled SCRUM by five teams, worked in this mode and released an Internet bank, opened it to users. An interesting experience appeared, which I had never seen before, including in the texts. Therefore, I had the idea to share this experience.

I wanted to share specifically with the analyst community, and my task was to find such a community. I asked my colleagues at Alpha; I was told that there is a popular analyst conference - Analyst Days. It takes place every year, and you can go there and speak, or at least participate, learn some interesting things that can then be applied in work.

I began to analyze the possibility of attending this conference - both as a speaker and as a regular participant; in the end I came to the conclusion that this conference was not for me. There were two reasons for this: firstly, in my understanding, serious people come to the conference with serious topics, and the participants pay to listen to them and ask questions. Second, I was simply not prepared to pay for a member ticket; I had an example - the Moscow Python developer community (Moscow Python Meetup), which holds monthly meetups with free entry. You can come there for free, listen to the speaker, ask a question, chat with pythonists, eat pizza in a pizza break; if you have a topic, then you can sign up on your own, declare the topic in front of the organizing committee, and if the topic is suitable, you are highly likely to be included in the performance plan.So I started looking for something similar to MPP, but for the analyst community.

The search gave me information about the analyst community with the site I got acquainted with the site, I liked everything; even tried going to a few community meetings. Basically, everything was interesting: content, people. I was not satisfied with the regularity of the meetings: compared to the python community, these meetings were held irregularly (or I did not receive information about when the next meeting would be). Plus, I didn't grow well with the analyst community - perhaps there were additional factors. I had to give a talk to Python developers.

As time went; the need for community was recognized not only by me, but also by my colleagues from Alpha. In 2018, an internal initiative was born: to create your own meetups for analysts.

We got together with colleagues and created the AnalyzeIT meetup: the first time it took place on September 20, 2018. There were two more meetups in 2019, we planned to hold them every six months. In the same year, there was a meetup from the Raiffeisenbank analyst community - I learned about it from colleagues from Rife, who invited me to participate as a speaker. I could not refuse; so I learned about a new system analyst community that suited me. Over time, with my growth, with the acquisition of new knowledge, with communication within communities, I began to learn about new and new platforms where I could exchange experience, make contacts, organize projects, even look for a new job. Of these platforms, I can single out the Open Meetup for Analysts: it takes place online, the first meeting was recently held, and the next one is scheduled for November 26.His idea is that, in fact, there are a lot of analyst communities in Russia; if we take a regional breakdown - they are in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Perm, and other cities, and a platform was needed where people from different communities could communicate with each other.

As I said, there will be a second meeting of this community on November 26 - the IT Analyst Online Meetup. If you are interested - register; I think it will be useful.

What should a systems analyst do when he comes to a new project, and there is poor documentation coverage, conflicts between the user interface and the back-end? What is the correct way to start in such a situation?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to such problems. The analyst must understand the current situation and put things in order; how exactly depends on the specific situation. If there is no documentation, it may be worth taking the time to create it. If there are problems between the interface and the back-end, it may be worthwhile to dock with the front and back developers, involve an architect and solve the problem together. It is impossible to immediately answer the question, I think.

I said that there are several meetups for analysts where you can speak freely, ask a question to the speaker, and communicate with community members. In addition to meetups, there are other sites; Telegram groups are very popular now: the same Raiffeisenbank has a group for system analysts, I am a member of it. There, although not so often, questions arise, and the community is happy to offer options for solving problems. The group is called Open SA Community Raiff; if you're interested, come by too. As an example of a question: a girl recently came in and wrote that she was working in systems analysis, but she felt that the knowledge lacked the structure, the general methodology of the analyst. She asked for community input on how to get such a structure; on the one hand, you can go to get a higher education, on the other, there are now many online courses,including systems analysis, and it might be worth going there. Or perhaps you should ask a manager or a lead to be a mentor and help pump your analytics. Various options, possibilities; the community just discussed what might be the best option.

Can you find work at meetups by Jun?

Yes, you can find work at meetups. If we take meetups from Alfa-Bank, there are always HR specialists there, you can get information on vacancies and send them your resume for consideration. If the company has junior positions, then you can apply for them. Alfa now has paid internships; Of course, there are not many of them, but they are available - if there were meetups now, it would be possible to apply for them. I think at any meetup where representatives of the organizing company's HR are present, there is a chance to find a junior position. Therefore, when going to meetups, you need to ask.

I mentioned Raiffeisenbank's telegram group; in fact, there are other groups. In particular, you can find separate groups by city. Recently on Habré I saw an article written by Anna Mikhailova from the Kodeks consortium - the article is devoted to the development of analysts. She mentioned communities, cited links to them; in the comments, readers threw other links to telegram groups from different communities. The article is titled "Developing Analysts." There are a lot of links; everything can hardly be enumerated.

Knowledge exchange is carried out on other Internet resources as well. On the same Habré, in corporate blogs, articles from company analysts are published; also analysts write their own articles, without being tied to companies. It gives me pleasure to read Habr, and from time to time I find useful material.

How does a business analyst differ from a system analyst?

Not an easy question, because there are different companies. Positions in them are called differently, and the responsibilities of systems and business analysts in different companies may overlap in many ways, or even overlap. I already mentioned the professional standard for systems analyst - there is also a professional standard for a business analyst. You can look at these standards and understand how these professions differ from each other. I can also recommend the article by Yaroslav Vartokhov, written this year - it is devoted to the difference between a systems analyst and a business analyst. Everything is described in detail.

In short, the business analyst works more with the business component. This is working with business requirements, creating processes, reengineering existing processes. More processes and business. The systems analyst works more with technology: designing the architecture of the future system, design solutions, writing technical specifications, and close interaction with the development team. In my understanding, a business analyst interacts more with the business, and a system analyst - with the development team. A more formal boundary is drawn in professional standards. But, one way or another, responsibilities will differ from company to company, and this remains a controversial issue.

Are you using EPC, or is UML and BPMN enough?

If we are talking about the department in which I work, then in architectural and technical documents we use all these notations. UML Sequence are probably the most popular ones. We use EPC in architectural documents, when describing functional models of processes. BPMN - I have not personally used it yet, but some colleagues at Alpha use it in describing architectural documents.

If an analyst looks for C # variables in an enum and compares them with the documentation, isn't that too much of a departure from the responsibilities of a systems analyst?

If this is the requirement of the employer - I think this is a departure from the duties of a systems analyst. If this is your own initiative, then by doing so you show that you are interested in what you are doing; as you develop, you want to better understand what your teammates are doing - for example, .NET developers. In this case, this is your advantage. That is, if the analyst understands the code, then it should be on his own initiative, and not at the request from above. This is in my opinion.

I can say that in Alpha, many analysts dive into the code, and even during the analysis of the code, they find logical errors that are not always eliminated at the stage of review by the developers. For example, we have a single service that determines the type of bank client. A code was written that separates organizations and individual entrepreneurs, and an analysis of the TIN was written there (12 characters - IP, 10 characters - organization). But why write your own logic if there is a ready-made service, and all bank systems use it - this is a single entry point. If our logic somehow changes, then we make changes to this service. If there are alternative implementations, then we should be aware of them, and in case of change, change the code not in one place, but in two. Therefore, if the analyst dives into the code, then he can identify inaccuracies in the logic of work and help to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Which is the best to use for high-level system design? Component or deployment diagram?

I can't say because the requirements are different. Even if we talk about setting for development; we have an experienced developer who understands at a glance, and we have an inexperienced developer who needs a detailed specification. Therefore, in this case, the question is for whom this scheme is being developed, who is the consumer; in what form he wants to receive information. The second point: companies should have standards for paperwork and modeling. What standards does your company adhere to? Perhaps you are using a component diagram.

We talked about the analyst communities. To summarize, there are actually a lot of communities. There are conferences - I named one, Analyst Days, but in fact there are many of them, the same "Assemblage point" in St. Petersburg is worth something. In addition to conferences, there are analysts' meetups, telegram groups, resources on the Internet where you can communicate and share experiences.

What if you browsed through many communities but didn't find anything for yourself? You still want to share information with others or find out what colleagues from other professional communities are up to. In this case, you are free to choose a community from another area. For example, you can visit the developer community to see what they are doing. Or a community of testers, or QA engineers - and exchange experiences there. I went to the python community meetups for a long time, I was interested there; I even thought about becoming a Python developer. I also participated in the launch of the QA-engineers community at Dodo Pizza. This was in 2018; the guys were just starting their meetups, one meetup passed and the second one was being prepared in February. They were looking for speakers and invited me to make a presentation - despite the fact thatthat I am not a QA engineer and have an indirect relationship to testing, only from the analyst's point of view.

In case you are invited to another community, or you have a desire to visit another community - do not hesitate, visit, speak. We all work in IT, we have many points of contact and common topics for communication. For example, at the second meetup from Dodo Pizza, I made a presentation, told how I (as an analyst) participate in the QA process, talked about the techniques that analysts use in their work, about testing techniques. I must note that the development of T-competencies is encouraged in our teams. This is when you have the main competence (I have systems analytics) and related competence (development, testing). This helps to better understand what colleagues are doing and sometimes hedge them in doing simple tasks if they are absent. That is, you can pump competencies and, for example,develop several autotests using an existing framework. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and desire to visit other communities, I highly recommend doing this.

I also wanted to mention the organization of my own community. What is the problem: you can walk through existing communities, see communities of related areas, but nothing will suit you; you see a specific niche for yourself and are ready to launch your own community. If you have such a situation, this is a good experience; you can try to go into this story and maybe something will grow out of it. Using Alpha as an example - as I said, we launched our own community, our AnalyzeIT meetups. We only had three meetups. How we launched them: we had a team of analysts who were responsible for content, and a team from the brand development department, which was responsible for organizing the premises, attracting participants and listeners, and organizing a burger party (because what is a meetup without a burger- or pizza- party;a very important component - you can have a snack and chat with colleagues who came to the event). Organizing the first meetup took a lot of time; we carefully prepared, selected several reports and spent 3-4 weeks rehearsing them. There was an insane preparation, then they came out and exhaled. The rest of the meetups were easier because we got experience, but the first one was the most difficult and memorable.

Of course, now there are no meetups due to the epidemic; we haven’t been online yet, but there may be development next year.

I really liked to participate in organizing the community of system analysts from Alfa Bank, and - as a speaker - in the start of the community of analysts from Raiffeisenbank, and in organizing meetups for QA specialists from Dodo Pizza. These are all rewarding experiences.

I want to move on to the next topic - promoting the profession. I, as a systems analyst, would like to popularize our profession. Why is this needed? I have identified for myself two main reasons why it is worth doing this.

The first of them is that there is still an acute misunderstanding by a number of specialists of the essence of what analysts do after all. It occurs for several reasons. First, in different companies, an analyst's job means different things - not drastically, but there are differences.

In some companies, analysts are only concerned with working with requirements and writing the top-level in their technical specifications, in others they climb into the database, make queries and write stored procedures.

Everything is relative and depends on the company itself. If she can afford to have a dedicated technician position, then the analyst will deal with requirements and design rather than describing existing solutions and documenting the system. Different companies have different requirements and expectations for an analyst, so sometimes a misunderstanding arises: what should a “reference” analyst do?

If you read Internet resources - the same Habr - then you can find relatively many publications on the same topic: what types of analysts are and how they differ. I saw such publications both in 2013 and now. It seems that 7 years have passed, but they continue to write about this, which means that misunderstanding persists.

For example, there are no articles on what types of Python developers are and how they differ; it is clear that among them there are those who are engaged in software development, or data analytics using Python for analysis, but I have not seen articles dividing them into types. Probably everything is clear with this specialty-profession, but not with analysts.

Actually, that's why I go and talk about our analysts. I have experience in systems analysis at Alfa-Bank, and therefore I focus on who is a systems analyst at Alfa, what we live for, what we do, how we write documentation, how we assess its quality, do we work with product metrics, how our analysts are developing. I write about all this, but with a note that it happens in Alpha; I cannot give any generalized point of view on who a systems analyst is - for this it is better to use professional standards. The standard is written in them.

A very interesting case related to the popularization of the profession - I called it "a case of how two developers became less." I have two acquaintances - a girl and a boy; the girl graduated from a technical university and was looking for a place for an internship, the guy had a lot of work experience, the last few years he worked in sales, but wanted to change his activity - go to IT.

That is, both were looking for opportunities in the IT field; of course, the first thing that comes to mind in connection with IT is programming, so they looked, among other things, at whether they could enter the information systems developer market, and, if they can, where: front, middle. They had their own preferences and circumstances. And the guys, in fact, did not fully understand what a systems analyst was doing; but after we talked with them, they got interested. Following the conversation, I brought them to the second meetup from Alpha, they talked with our analysts, listened to reports. The girl then got a job on an internship program at Alfa-Bank, completed it and now works in one of the divisions as a systems analyst. The guy went through the school of systems analysis, also with us, got a job in the state and now works in another department.

It is necessary to popularize the profession; this is useful not only in terms of removing uncertainty and clarifying what systems analysts do, but also in terms of attracting personnel to the profession. The guys have been working for over a year, they have positive reviews - that is, they like it; system analytics is for them. Without the popularization of the profession, they could have gone to the wrong place, for example, into development.

The next point is where they come from and where they leave analytics; this intersects with one of the questions from the audience: what is the next step after the system analyst.

If we take directly the Alpha and the background of some guys who now work as analysts, then we can say that analytics usually come from several specific areas. Testing - worked as a tester, gained experience, wants to deal with requirements. Maintenance (in particular, functional maintenance) - “we are tired of supporting your systems, we want to develop new systems ourselves”; the guys want to join the development team, and, due to a good technical background, they can successfully enter the analytics market.

And development: guys who are tired of writing code and who want to do design. All three areas of IT are related, they all have a chance to get into analytics. There is also a large layer of guys who come to us with a resume as candidates. Quite a lot comes from business analysis: they have done business analysis, they want to dive deeper into technology. Also, there are often guys who come to us from managerial positions: project managers and product owners.

In fact, there are no restrictions. You can come to system analysis from any area - as I said, my friend came from sales. But I guess the technical background and IT experience is a plus; more likely to find a job as a systems analyst.

Where do systems analysts go next? If we take the Alpha model, then we can highlight the business and technical areas. Business direction is development towards the product owner; As an analyst, you developed as a member of the development team, but now you want to leave the development team, take responsibility for the product on yourself, you want to be allocated a budget for which you would assemble your own development team and start developing the product you are interested in. The technical direction is the path to becoming a solution architect. Who is it? If you take the Internet bank for legal entities as an example, then, from the client's point of view, this bank is a large unified system; but from the point of view of us (as development teams) it is a collection of software products that are developed by different teams. There are teamswho are engaged in the development of applications for ruble payments, or for deposits, or in other areas. Many applications and many commands. Our analyst is, firstly, a member of the development team, and, secondly, is positioned as an architect within the framework of his software product. A solution architect is responsible for the architecture of the entire Internet bank as a whole, working in a broader context than an analyst. An analyst is an expert in his product, while an architect must understand the entire bank. This is the second path of the analyst's development.working in a broader context than an analyst. An analyst is an expert in his product, while an architect must understand the entire bank. This is the second path of the analyst's development.working in a broader context than an analyst. An analyst is an expert in his product, while an architect must understand the entire bank. This is the second path of the analyst's development.

Naturally, do not forget about the organizational structure. If you have the opportunity, then after an ordinary analyst or a high-level analyst, you can become the head of the direction, the head of the competence center for systems analytics, and then the head of the directorate, and so on, as the structure allows.

How does a senior analyst differ from a facilitator?

Differs in a number of factors. The requirements for a senior and a lead analyst vary from company to company, but globally the differences include work experience, the range of technical skills that they have demonstrated through the tasks, and the set of additional responsibilities an analyst performs in addition to working on a project. These can be responsibilities for conducting technical interviews, for example: an experienced analyst can communicate with candidates and give a balanced assessment of their analytical skills. If we believe that he is capable of doing this, then he is clearly superior to the average senior analyst. Or he may be responsible for an additional block of work. In general, he usually has more responsibilities - corresponding to his higher competence. But the requirements that differentiate one analyst from another differ from company to company.

Tell us about microservice architecture

Yes, Alpha uses a microservice architecture. We have both monolithic and microservice systems. We go to microservice.

The third block of my speech relates to the training of analysts, first of all - to training analysts from scratch, or training people who do not yet have a certain experience in the profession.

At one time we had a need for new specialists: the bank was growing, our division was growing. At some point, we were faced with the realization of the problem: there were not enough people on the market who would satisfy our criterion. This problem arose because in those days we mainly used our local market - that is, the market of those cities where we have offices (for example, Moscow and St. Petersburg). That is, then we watched most of the guys in these cities and did not go to the regions.

And we realized that there were no suitable specialists in “our” cities. The idea arose of independent "growing" of analysts from scratch, bringing them to such a level of competence that they could safely carry out our analytical tasks.

We conducted a pilot in 2018; I met the first candidate - I was offered to conduct onboarding. The girl was put on my team for a trial period; the idea was that by working in a team and interacting with experienced analysts, she would acquire the necessary knowledge for June and then, in the course of work, would develop into a serious analyst. According to the results of 3 months, the girl showed a fairly good result; according to her opinion, she would have gone through the plan that we drew up for 3 months, in 2 weeks, if she were an experienced analyst: that is, she already had an awareness of what skills and knowledge she had acquired during this time.

She felt her height, which is not bad. Then, for some time, we worked together. Then the girl was taken to a separate team, and she became an independent analyst. She is still growing and developing in the bank. Thus, we confirmed the hypothesis that we are able to grow an analyst from scratch on our own.

SOA or monolith?

I can say that the bank has many different systems. If you worked in a bank or came across similar systems, then you can imagine how many there could be. We have SOA, monoliths, and microservices - a complete set.

How to effectively find a job for a beginner systems analyst?

Many factors influence the success of your job search. The desire of the candidate himself to find this job and develop in the field is of no small importance. It happens that a person comes to a course and says: teach me. He finishes it, gets a certificate, then goes to interviews and shows it. But if at the same time he has no desire, no fire in his eyes, then the search will be difficult.

How to effectively find a job for a beginner systems analyst? Upgrade yourself and go to interviews. But not just walking: you need to determine for yourself in which company or in which field you want to work. Not having a clear goal and walking with the desire to get anywhere is not suitable.

You can outline that you want to work in a bank, for example. Find internship programs that the bank provides. If there are none, then maybe the bank is providing training for external specialists with the possibility of employment. Or perhaps the bank has junior vacancies to apply for.

That is, define a company for yourself, see what job opportunities it provides, find employees of this company - you can surely find them in the analyst communities. Such a set of activities can help speed up your job search.

What do they look at when applying for a job, what is the minimum needed?

This is not an easy question, because until recently at Alpha, the starting position was called “senior systems analyst”. She implied that it is not June who comes to the competence center, but an experienced specialist with a certain set of knowledge and skills. We just didn't take Juns. There were internship programs (I already talked about my friend); there was an interview and tasks - in particular, in SQL. I think if you are looking for a junior job, then you should read what is usually asked for junior positions. My familiar knowledge from the institute and preliminary training in SQL turned out to be enough.

For the higher positions that I am interviewing, we did not consider Juns until recently; Juna were more likely to be equated with trainees.

What is the result of the work of a systems business analyst, from your point of view?

From my point of view, taking the experience of my current place of work, 3 areas of work can be distinguished for a systems analyst. Design of information systems, documentation of the developed and analysis of combat errors. If we are talking about design, then the result is an architectural solution plus development specifications. For documentation - documentation on application layers (front, middle, back); often the documentation and the specification overlap - that is, sometimes it's the same document. If we are talking about the analysis of defects, we, as a product team, work for quality and are interested in ensuring that our software product is free from defects. We are trying to eliminate them. Analyst, including participating in the resolution of sales defects.

What good systems analysis teams do you know for June to get the right approach?

In fact, I will recommend my employer. We have a lot of teams, they are different, everywhere have their own characteristics. But it is the process that we have built that attracts me.

What is this feature?

We consider a systems analyst as a mini-architect, he is engaged in architecture design, and he is more of a technical specialist. We deal less with business requirements, creation or reorganization of business processes. Here is a question for an amateur: if you like to communicate with the customer, to understand the nuances of the business, you do not want to come into contact with technology, then my department will not suit you.

If you like to immerse yourself in technology, if you have an interest and are ready to read code, learn to write autotests in order to understand how your QA engineers work and help them on occasion, then Alpha is right for you. Otherwise, you can look at other companies. According to reviews, the system analysis processes are well organized at Kaspersky Lab; Raiffeisenbank also has interesting tasks for analysts. This is a controversial issue, of course: the companies are large, there are many teams, in some teams it may be good, in others it is bad. I have a friend who is engaged in biometrics at Sberbank - she is proud of her team, she says - they are at their best, they are the best. And other people come to us from the same Sberbank and say that the work is boring, releases are rare, you have to wait for months for access. Once upon a time it is not necessary.

I have named several companies; in my opinion, it is probably good to be a systems analyst there. How it will be in reality, I cannot guarantee - many factors influence this.

For Juns, the main thing is hardskills, what would you specifically recommend?

Yes, the main thing for Juns is hardskills in order to perform relatively routine work at first. I would recommend learning how to structure documents, understand the types of services and write performances for them, what they consist of. At the beginning, Jun will have the main flow of tasks associated with describing how the system is implemented, or writing a statement according to known requirements: what needs to be done, what to program to get a technical solution. In interviews, we are asked knowledge of SQL, but skills in designing data structures and information systems are just as important (or more important); if you know this, are well versed and know how to describe it, then, probably, this will be your plus.

What is the right way to study as an analyst and gain experience for changing professions if you work in a non-related field?

I would recommend, first, to see what the companies are offering. Some companies offer analyst training schools from scratch, not even from IT - I told how it was in Alpha; a salesperson friend came and was trained. There are online courses, in the same GeekBrains (the faculty of systems business intelligence), SkillFactory (a course for systems analysts - I'm the author of this course and I'm teaching it) or SkillBox (a course for system analysts from scratch). There is also the School of Systems Analysis - this is a serious project, it started in 2011 and still exists. You can find courses, you can get an education. There are different options here: you can first study, you can gain some experience - and online courses allow you to complete cases and fill a portfolio - and then try to get a job.

I said that I had the experience of training a systems analyst from scratch - this is real. We launched a school in Alpha aimed at training new analysts en masse; our pilot ended in success, as a result of the school we got analysts who we hired. We had 18 students who went through all the selection stages. 6 of them settled in our state, that is, a third; another person was promoted in his company with new skills and knowledge. Therefore, this school bore fruit, and most of the children who came to it had no experience in IT or a related profession.

I named three platforms for online courses: GeekBrains, SkillFactory, SkillBox. I can certainly recommend SkillFactory because I am the author and host of one of the courses, but that would be dishonest on my part; There are a lot of sites, I do not fully know what is happening at other sites and how the educational process is organized there. In my opinion, GeekBrains has a very large program; if you look at the site, the guys offer, among other things, training in data analysis and working in Python. I don't fully understand why a systems analyst needs this. SkillBox has a good program, but judging by indirect indications, they are more focused on training business analysts; if you look at the URL of the resource with the description of the system analyst, it says "business". Therefore, I have questions regarding the technical content of this course,but that's just my guess; I can't say if it's good or bad.

There are also separate online courses with which you can gain knowledge, build a portfolio and then, with knowledge and portfolio, try to get a job in a company. Most of these resources have a career center that helps you write resumes, prepare for interviews, and even offer job opportunities for partner companies. Online schools themselves are interested in their graduates leaving work: if a graduate finds a job and continues to work, it means that the school conducted the course successfully and helped the student achieve the goal. Therefore, if you plan to go to systems analysis, but do not plan to study for a long time (get a second degree), then perhaps online courses are just right for you.

What happened before

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  2. , ML- — , Data Scientist
  3. , EO LastBackend — , 15 .
  4. , Vue.js core team member, GoogleDevExpret — GitLab, Vue Staff-engineer.
  5. , DeviceLock — .
  6. , RUVDS — . 1. 2.
  7. , - . — .
  8. , Senior Digital Analyst McKinsey Digital Labs — Google, .
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  15. , Flipper Zero —
  16. , - Google — Google-
  17. .
  18. Data Science ? Unity
  19. c Revolut
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