Implicit learning is the assimilation of certain complex relationships in the surrounding world without the participation of consciousness, as well as without the intention to memorize something.
Imagine that you need to tell someone how you ride your bike. Or how you identify your favorite scent, how you swim, tie your shoelaces and more. The thing is that there are processes in our thinking that occur without our direct participation, but at the same time are not innate reflexes.
But, as it turned out, we can not only think reflexively, but also learn without the participation of consciousness. Moreover, by connecting consciousness to this process, in certain situations we learn much worse.
Cognitive psychologist Arthur Reber assumed that we can assimilate rather complex volumetric information structures without the participation of consciousness and the intention to learn something. In order to study this phenomenon more deeply, he conducted a series of experiments. He created a small scheme that made it possible to collect grammatical sequences from several characters. A kind of artificial language. Reber invited subjects to his laboratory and explained that they would now participate in experiments aimed at studying memory. They will be presented with meaningless sequences of characters that will need to be memorized and written down as accurately as possible. After they were shown 40-50 sequences in the form of cards, all the entries were removed and Reber informed the subjects that in fact the sequences that they memorized werewere not random sets, but compiled according to certain rules. Artificial grammar rules. In the second stage of the experiment, the subjects were presented with new sequences, some of which corresponded to these rules, and the other part did not, and they had to determine which sequences corresponded to the rules and which did not. Discouraged by the unexpected turn of events, the subjects during the second part of the experiment classified the lines into grammatical or non-grammatical, as it seemed to them, absolutely at random. But, as it turned out from the results of the experiment, most of the lines of these sequences were classified by the subjects correctly.some of which corresponded to these rules, and the other part did not, and they had to determine which sequences corresponded to the rules and which did not. Discouraged by the unexpected turn of events, the subjects during the second part of the experiment classified the lines into grammatical or non-grammatical, as it seemed to them, absolutely at random. But, as it turned out from the results of the experiment, most of the lines of these sequences were classified by the subjects correctly.some of which corresponded to these rules, and the other part did not, and they had to determine which sequences corresponded to the rules and which did not. Discouraged by the unexpected turn of events, the subjects during the second part of the experiment classified the lines into grammatical or non-grammatical, as it seemed to them, absolutely at random. But, as it turned out from the results of the experiment, most of the lines of these sequences were classified by the subjects it turned out from the results of the experiment, most of the lines of these sequences were classified correctly by the it turned out from the results of the experiment, most of the lines of these sequences were classified correctly by the subjects.
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Most people have significant implicit knowledge in the field of commercial art, but are not able to systematize their knowledge and verbalize it. It is necessary to "synchronize" such knowledge between the contractor and the customer. This is achieved in an extremely simple way - several sessions of joint viewing of materials from the field in which you plan to work are required. Without any set goals, in a free format. The only condition is that there should be as many materials as possible.