Comparison of ARMCC, IAR and GCC compilers


I am working on one project that can hardly fit into 64k of microcontroller memory. And I thought it might be time to look at different compilers to choose which one can reduce the program size more aggressively.

I present to your attention a small comparison.

For the test, I made a project in Cube MX that includes USB_DEVICE and Mass Storage Class. These are pretty large libraries for testing.

The resulting main.c looks something like this:

int main() 

Define USBD_DEBUG_LEVEL is set to 0 so that USB stack debug messages do not require printf

Included compilers:

  • IAR EWARM 8.32.1
  • arm-none-eab-gcc 7-2018-q2-update (STM32 Cube IDE 1.4.2)
  • ARMCC v5.06 update 7 (Keil uVision 5.32 environment)
  • ARMCC v6.14.1 (Keil uVision 5.32 environment)

IAR settings:

  • Optimized for size
  • Run-time library NORMAL
  • No low level IO (printf disabled)
  • Linker optimizations enabled: Inline small routines, merge duplicate sections

GCC settings:

  • Reduced runtime library --specs = nano.specs
  • Optimize for size -Os
  • Place functions in their own sections --ffunction-sections
  • Place data in their own sections --ffdata-sections
  • Discard unused sections -Wl, --gc-sections

Armcc5 settings:

  • Use micro lib
  • Use cross module optimization
  • Optimization -O3
  • One ELF section per function --split_sections

Armcc6 settings:

  • Use micro lib
  • Optimization image size -Oz
  • One ELF section per function --split_sections

Gcc armcc5 IAR armcc6
Firmware size 14036 13548 12997 12984


IAR has a multi-file compilation option. If you turn it on, then IAR goes ahead by a significant margin. The firmware is reduced to 12,746 bytes.

As you can see, armcc6 is slightly better than IAR. It is followed by armcc5, 4% behind, and gcc is 8% behind the leader.

It should be noted that the KEIL option "Use cross module optimization" significantly increased the compilation time, but did not nearly reduce the code size.

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