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And right now we offer translation of a useful article.
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, n- . - 1 1. - 2, - 3, 5, 8 . .
, . , , ( n-1 n-2).
// calculates nth term of fibonacci, 1 indexed
Procedure Fib_Naive(int n):
if(n < 3):
return 1;
return Fib_Naive(n-1) + Fib_Naive(n-2)
, , , .
(temp) , , , ( , , ).
// calculates nth term of fibonacci, 1 indexed
Procedure Fib(int n):
if(n < 3): return 1;
int prev = 1;
int cur = 1;
for i = 3...n:
int temp = cur;
cur += prev;
prev = temp;
return cur;
, .
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, 2x1 (a, b). ? , (a + b).
. ? a ((n-1)-) , b .
, n- (0, 1), n- .
, 8- , , 4- , . , 8 .
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public int fib(int N) {
if(N == 0) return 0;
int[] sol = fibHelp(N);
return sol[1];
public int[] fibHelp(int n) {
if(n == 1) {
return new int[] {0,1};
int m = n/2;
int[] temp = fibHelp(m);
int fPrev = temp[0];
int fCur = temp[1];
int prev = (fPrev * fPrev) + (fCur * fCur);
int cur = fCur * (2 * fPrev + fCur);
int next = prev + cur;
if(n % 2 == 0) {
return new int[] {prev, cur};
else {
return new int[] {cur, next};
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