In this part of the article, we will move on to the most interesting - we will disassemble the Dizzy IV music module by cogs and play the melody first on Windows, and then on the Arduino Nano. For details, welcome under cat.
, , , , . , Z80. .
Dizzy 4 David Whittaker - (: 1 2).
, . 1987 , , , ββ, Tatung Einstein ( AY-3-8910) RS-232 . 1989 . , - . -, , . . , Amstrad CPC, .
, 0x4000 ( 16384, , ) . 0xC000 0xC000 0xD300. , , , . , - , .
, , -, , . - .
( , ):
0xC000 - 0xC01B - (init) - , , .
0xC01C - 0xC032 - (play_loop) - . 'halt' 20 , .. 50 . , , . , , , , 20 , . , .
0xC033 - (play_frame) - 50 , . . , , . , , .. - 7. AY-3-8912 3, . , , , .
0xC043 - (init_next_note) - .
0xC051 - (init_next_position) - , .
0xC06C - (init_pattern) - .
0xC082 - (init_next_note_in_current_pattern) - . init_note_in_channel, , , . , . , . , , . , ix iy, Z80 Intel 8080. , this, . iy , , ( ) .
0xC0B4 - (manage_current_note) - 20 , , . manage_current_note_in_channel, , - . , () ().
0xC0F5 - 0xC1E2 - (manage_current_note_in_channel) - . , . , .
0xC1E3 - (ay_out) - .
, :
0xC043 'A' 0x3A. , , . 'A' 0x39?
, 0xC048 (, , 'AND 3Fh') (0xC043), , 'LD A, ...' , - . , 0xC044 , , .
, , , - .
, Windows, . ββ Arduino . Windows ( win-implementation GitHub; Visual Studio 2017) : 1, 2.
, .
, , ATMega. 'uint8_t' 'uint16_t'.
, , python ( extractor GitHub), :
( ),
AY-3-8912 , . , , . , , - . . . , 15 . , AY-3-8912, , . . ββ 16-, 4 . , , 0 3 , 4 9 . , . , , , , - ( ).
Dizzy IV . , xorshift.
, Arduino Nano. , . , STM32, , , STM32 ZX Spectrum, . Raspberry Pi , , .
TIMER2, OC2B PD3 ( D3 Arduino). - 31373 , Arduino - , .
Arduino Nano . , . , - . , , . uart -> usb, .
, , 'get_music_data_1' 'get_music_data_2'. A, - B, .
arduino-sketch Arduino .
, Github.
: , .
P.S. - βColor Linesβ ( , ) , , . . , - TR-DOS , β β.
P.P.S. Unreal Speccy,