We deploy a server for checking In-app purchases in 60 minutes

Hello! Today I will tell you how to deploy a server for checking In-app Purchase and In-app Subscription for iOS and Android (server-server validation).

On HabrΓ© there is an article from 2013 about server check of purchases. The article says that validation is primarily necessary to prevent access to paid content using jailbreak and other software. In my opinion, in 2020 this problem is not so urgent, and first of all, a server with purchase verification is needed to synchronize purchases within one account on several devices.

There is no technical difficulty in checking purchase receipts; in fact, the server simply "proxies" the request and stores the purchase data.

That is, the task of such a server can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Receiving a request with a receipt sent by the app after purchase
  • Request to Apple / Google for check check
  • Saving transaction data
  • Application response

Within the framework of the article, we will omit point 3, because it is purely individual.

Node.js, .

Β«, App Store (App Store receipt)Β», . , (receipt) .

, , https://github.com/denjoygroup/inapppurchase. , , .


Apple Shared Secret – , iTunnes Connect, .


 apple: any = {
    password: process.env.APPLE_SHARED_SECRET, // ,  
    host: 'buy.itunes.apple.com',
    sandbox: 'sandbox.itunes.apple.com',
    path: '/verifyReceipt',
    apiHost: 'api.appstoreconnect.apple.com',
    pathToCheckSales: '/v1/salesReports'

. , , sandbox.itunes.apple.com , buy.itunes.apple.com

* receiptValue - ,  
* sandBox -  
async _verifyReceipt(receiptValue: string, sandBox: boolean) {
    let options = {
        host: sandBox ? this._constants.apple.sandbox : this._constants.apple.host,
        path: this._constants.apple.path,
        method: 'POST'
    let body = {
        'receipt-data': receiptValue,
        'password': this._constants.apple.password
    let result = null;
    let stringResult = await this._handlerService.sendHttp(options, body, 'https');
    result = JSON.parse(stringResult);
    return result;

, Apple status .


21000 – – POST

21002 – ,

21003 – ,

21004 – Shared Secret

21005 – ,

21006 –

21007 – SandBox ( ), prod

21008 – ,

21009 – ,

21010 –

0 –

iTunnes Connect

        "receipt_creation_date":"2020-11-03 20:47:54 Etc/GMT",
        "receipt_creation_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:47:54 America/Los_Angeles",
        "request_date":"2020-11-03 20:48:01 Etc/GMT",
        "request_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:48:01 America/Los_Angeles",
        "original_purchase_date":"2020-10-26 19:24:19 Etc/GMT",
        "original_purchase_date_pst":"2020-10-26 12:24:19 America/Los_Angeles",
                "purchase_date":"2020-11-03 20:47:53 Etc/GMT",
                "purchase_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",
                "original_purchase_date":"2020-11-03 20:47:54 Etc/GMT",
                "original_purchase_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:47:54 America/Los_Angeles",
                "expires_date":"2020-12-03 20:47:53 Etc/GMT",
                "expires_date_pst":"2020-12-03 12:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",
            "purchase_date":"2020-11-03 20:47:53 Etc/GMT",
            "purchase_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",
            "original_purchase_date":"2020-11-03 20:47:54 Etc/GMT",
            "original_purchase_date_pst":"2020-11-03 12:47:54 America/Los_Angeles",
            "expires_date":"2020-12-03 20:47:53 Etc/GMT",
            "expires_date_pst":"2020-12-03 12:47:53 America/Los_Angeles",

id , .

in_app latest_receipt_info, , :

latest_receipt_info .

in_app Non-consumable Non-Auto-Renewable .

latest_receipt_info, product_id , . , , Consumable Purchase. original_transaction_id, , .

* product - id 
* resultFromApple -   Apple,  
* productType -   (,   non-consumable)
* sandBox -    
async parseResponse(product: string, resultFromApple: any, productType: ProductType, sandBox: boolean) {
    let parsedResult: IPurchaseParsedResultFromProvider = {
        validated: false,
        trial: false,
        checked: false,
        productType: productType,
        lastResponseFromProvider: JSON.stringify(resultFromApple)
    switch (resultFromApple.status) {
        case 0: {
            let currentPurchaseFromApple = this.getCurrentPurchaseFromAppleResult(resultFromApple, product!, productType);
            if (!currentPurchaseFromApple) break;

            parsedResult.checked = true;
            parsedResult.originalTransactionId = this.getTransactionIdFromAppleResponse(currentPurchaseFromApple);
            if (productType === ProductType.Subscription) {
                parsedResult.validated = (this.checkDateIsAfter(currentPurchaseFromApple.expires_date_ms)) ? true : false;
                parsedResult.expiredAt = (this.checkDateIsValid(currentPurchaseFromApple.expires_date_ms)) ?
                this.formatDate(currentPurchaseFromApple.expires_date_ms) : undefined;
            } else {
                parsedResult.validated = true;
            parsedResult.trial = !!currentPurchaseFromApple.is_trial_period;
            if (!resultFromApple) console.log('empty result from apple');
            else console.log('incorrect result from apple, status:', resultFromApple.status);
    return parsedResult;

, parsedResult. , , , , parsedResult.validated.

, , iTunnes Connect , . , , , – , .


, OAuth .


google: any = {
    host: 'androidpublisher.googleapis.com',
    path: '/androidpublisher/v3/applications',
    email: process.env.GOOGLE_EMAIL,
    key: process.env.GOOGLE_KEY,
    storeName: process.env.GOOGLE_STORE_NAME


, , :

* product -  
* token - 
* productType –  ,   
async getPurchaseInfoFromGoogle(product: string, token: string, productType: ProductType) {
    try {
        let options = {
            email: this._constants.google.email,
            key: this._constants.google.key,
            scopes: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher'],
        const client = new JWT(options);
        let productOrSubscriptionUrlPart = productType === ProductType.Subscription ? 'subscriptions' : 'products';
        const url = `https://${this._constants.google.host}${this._constants.google.path}/${this._constants.google.storeName}/purchases/${productOrSubscriptionUrlPart}/${product}/tokens/${token}`;
        const res = await client.request({ url });
        return res.data as ResultFromGoogle;
    } catch(e) {
        return e as ErrorFromGoogle;

google-auth-library JWT.


    startTimeMillis: "1603956759767",
    expiryTimeMillis: "1603966728908",
    autoRenewing: false,
    priceCurrencyCode: "RUB",
    priceAmountMicros: "499000000",
    countryCode: "RU",
    developerPayload: {
    cancelReason: 1,
    orderId: "GPA.3335-9310-7555-53285..5",
    purchaseType: 0,
    acknowledgementState: 1,
    kind: "androidpublisher#subscriptionPurchase"

parseResponse(product: string, result: ResultFromGoogle | ErrorFromGoogle, type: ProductType) {
    let parsedResult: IPurchaseParsedResultFromProvider = {
        validated: false,
        trial: false,
        checked: true,
        sandBox: false,
        productType: type,
        lastResponseFromProvider: JSON.stringify(result),
    if (this.isResultFromGoogle(result)) {
        if (this.isSubscriptionResult(result)) {
            parsedResult.expiredAt = moment(result.expiryTimeMillis, 'x').toDate();
            parsedResult.validated = this.checkDateIsAfter(parsedResult.expiredAt);
        } else if (this.isProductResult(result)) {
            parsedResult.validated = true;
    return parsedResult;

. parsedResult, validated – .

2 . https://github.com/denjoygroup/inapppurchase ( )

, , .

, : https://ru.adapty.io/ https://apphud.com/. , -, 3 , -, , .


, , , – . , , iTunnes Connect Google API, .

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