Hello everyone, today I have good news: a beta version of at2k , a project for managing and running acceptance tests for web services, is out. Let's take a look at its main features, which you can also check here .
AT2K is an open source project written in Golang (for the backend language) and Angular (for the client side). The main idea and goal is to allow users (programmers, QA engineers, and possibly managers) to write and run tests in a language close to their subject area.
A couple of examples
Before we start looking at the UI and the various options for customizing tests, let me show you an example of a service that is supposed to be tested and directly tested.
So, the service implementation (node.js):
import express from 'express';
import uuid4 from 'uuid4';
const app = express();
const users = express.Router();
const port = process.env.PORT || 4444;
let usersRepository = [];
app.use('/api/v1/user', users);
function resetRepository() {
usersRepository = [
{hash: uuid4(), name: 'John'},
{hash: uuid4(), name: 'Nick'}
users.get('/:hash', (req, res) => {
const user = usersRepository.find(u => u.hash === req.params.hash);
if (user) {
status: 'ok',
data: user
} else {
status: 'error',
data: 'user-not-found'
users.post('/', (req, res) => {
const { name } = req.body;
const hash = uuid4();
hash, name
res.status(200).send({status: 'ok', hash});
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Stub AT2K is available on localhost:${port}`);
Without further ado, here are a couple of tests:
createUserResponse = CREATE USER {"name": "Joe"}
ASSERT createUserResponse.status EQUALS ok
userResponse = GET USER ${createUserResponse.hash}
ASSERT userResponse.status EQUALS ok
ASSERT userResponse.data.name EQUALS Joe
ASSERT userResponse.data.hash EQUALS ${createUserResponse.hash}
userResponse = GET USER not-exists-hash
ASSERT userResponse.status EQUALS error
ASSERT userResponse.data EQUALS user-not-found
As you can see, everything is pretty simple.
Where to begin
To get started, we need to create an account by following the link and entering the username and password that we want to use.
, ,
- ( ):
, ,
, :
createUserResponse = CREATE USER {"name": "Joe"}
- createUserResponse β ,
- USER β ,
- {"name": "Joe"} β
, -
- ,
, . Create object :
, Create, :
, 2 β GET CREATE. GET. (. ) :
Add command , :
Create ( , .. ).
, :
-. , ngrok.
mkdir at2k-stub && cd at2k-stub
npm init -y
npm i express uuid4
touch index.js
node .
ngrok, - :
ngrok http 4444
, , , . , General settings Base URLs. Base URL http://56dd9be41097.ngrok.io Choose all:
Update .
, 1 β . (, get_create_tests.txt) . , Run tests, Tests file , . Run tests , , :
, .
, , (USER), , .
Any suggestions for improving the project are appreciated - I'm here to get feedback.
If someone decides to study the code in the repository and suggest improvements or comments, I will also be happy (better in the cart - @ilyaWD).