Printable Document Forms for Eloquent in 0 Lines of Code

Recently, in a project on Laravel + Eloquent, I needed to make printable forms of documents - invoices, contracts in Word format. Since there are many different documents in the system, I decided to make it universally so that it could later be used in other projects.

As a result, we got an implementation that requires a minimum cost of integration into the project.

As I used to make printable forms. Used different approaches

  • .
  • .
  • html word.
  • , , .

. Eloquent, , .


composer require mnvx/eloquent-print-form

Eloquent, . , .

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * @property string $number
 * @property string $start_at
 * @property Customer $customer
 * @property ContractAppendix[] $appendixes
class Contract extends Model

    public function customer()
        return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class);

    public function appendixes()
        return $this->hasMany(ContractAppendix::class);

 * @property string $name
 * @property CustomerCategory $category
class Customer extends Model
    public function category()
        return $this->belongsTo(CustomerCategory::class);


 * @property string $number
 * @property string $date
 * @property float $tax
class ContractAppendix extends Model

    public function getTaxAttribute()
        $tax = 0;
        foreach ($this->items as $item) {
            $tax += $item->total_amount * (1 - 100 / (100+($item->taxStatus->vat_rate ?? 0)));
        return $tax;


(Contract), (Customer), . (ContractAppendix).

— . docx

Eloquent. , , , ${}.

, |, ${number|placeholder}. , , ${start_at|date|placeholder}.

  • placeholder — "____",
  • date — 24.12.2020,
  • dateTime — - 24.12.2020 23:11,
  • int — 2`145,
  • decimal — 2`145.07.

. ${entities.#row_number}.

Now that the document is described, it remains to simply start generating the printable

use Mnvx\EloquentPrintForm\PrintFormProcessor;

$entity = Contract::find($id);
$printFormProcessor = new PrintFormProcessor();
$templateFile = resource_path('path_to_print_forms/your_print_form.docx');
$tempFileName = $printFormProcessor->process($templateFile, $entity);

The generated file $tempFileNamewill contain a prepared printable.

In a Laravel project, the controller method responsible for generating the printable might look like this

public function downloadPrintForm(FormRequest $request)
    $id = $request->get('id');
    $entity = Contract::find($id);
    $printFormProcessor = new PrintFormProcessor();
    $templateFile = resource_path('path_to_print_forms/your_print_form.docx');
    $tempFileName = $printFormProcessor->process($templateFile, $entity);
    $filename = 'contract_' . $id;
    return response()
        ->download($tempFileName, $filename . '.docx')

Summing up, I will say that I decently offloaded myself by making this small library in a project with a lot of printable forms. I do not need to write my own unique code for each of them. I just describe the variables as above and get the result very quickly. I will be glad if the package will help you to save time.

Link to the project on github

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