Startup and venture news for the week 02-08.11.

Hello Habr! Once a week I talk about the largest industry events in Russia and the world. Original video  on YouTube, transcript below.

IPO Ozone

The main thing that happened in Russia is that Ozon applied for an IPO. Parsed the numbers in the blog in detail . The most important thing is a classic IPO, huge losses, no path to profitability is in sight. But then there is a huge growth of 70-90% in different years, and it is only accelerating. Ozone will be very large in a few years, and only then will it begin to turn towards profit, at least such plans. The IPO is likely to be successful.

An interesting detail has surfaced in the documents. Most likely, in the summer Sber agreed that he would buy a large chunk of Ozone. Ozone then changed his mind about selling and now, most likely, he will pay a fine of 1 billion rubles for this. The amount is not monstrous for the company, its annual loss will be almost 20 billion rubles - a billion more, a billion less. But nevertheless, a billion for changing your mind.

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