This “portal” allows you to place your hologram in video calls

Tired of constant Zoom calls and missing live chat? As you know, modern problems require modern solutions. American startup PORTL Hologram offers to make remote meetings more alive with a home holographic device. The company has created a machine the size of a telephone booth that can transmit a real-time hologram directly into your living room. While the startup is aiming at massively advancing the technology, currently expanding their customer base is clearly capping the cost at $ 60,000.


Teleport me

The idea behind the startup, TechCrunch reports , is to create a new kind of video call that projects a 3D image of your image, not unlike the Star Wars holograms . The projection uses the same technology as the iconic Tupac hologram at Coachella 2012, but with updates that make the experience much more immersive.

Surround sound

Using a device that resembles a doorway is like creating a portal to another room, hence the name “PORTL”. TechCrunch reports that users can talk to and hear people on the other end of the line using the surround sound feature.

"Magic portal" from the inside

  • PORTL is equipped with a transparent 4K front projection window
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This sounds like a big deal since Zoom and Google video calls are free, but PORTL says it sells dozens of devices to individuals, malls, airports and cinemas.




In an effort to sell dozens of models, the company is now working on a more affordable, miniature version (the size of a computer) that records and transmits holograms without taking up the entire height of a room.



  • Museums (Animal holograms, historical interactive holograms, installations)
  • Sports / Music Areas (Interactive Fan Events with Favorite Athletes or Celebrities)
  • Digital resurrection tours (deceased icons are returned via hologram to posthumously tour the world)
  • Universities / education (the best professors from all over the world simultaneously broadcast in different parts of the world)
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, 60 000 , . ? !


  1. «RORTL Hologram Company» [ ]. URL:
  2. This «portal» lets you beam a hologram of yourself into video calls [ ]. URL:
  3. PORTL Hologram raises $ 3M to put a hologram machine in every home [Electronic resource]. URL:

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