The European Falcon 9 is the reusable Ariane Next rocket. From blog

Daniel Marin, 24 September 2020

Next year will debut Ariane 6, a new European launch vehicle that should guarantee Europe's independent access to space. But it will be a bitter debut. There are more and more critical voices on the new Arian 6 rocket, claiming that it will not be able to compete internationally with SpaceX's Falcon 9 or Blue Origin's future New Glenn.

It is true that Ariane 6 intends to become, first of all, a strategic resource that will allow Europe to not depend on other international players in the delivery of cargo into orbit. But at the same time, we must not forget that Ariane 5 was one of the commercial launch vehicles with the largest market share in the last two decades. While all space agencies and companies believe that the future of space launch vehicles is more or less reusable, Ariane 6 is the pinnacle of traditionalism in a turbulent space industry. For this reason, Europe is developing technology to create a reusable launcher if conditions arise (for example, if politicians give the green light to the project).

The latest development of the European reusable launch vehicle Ariane Next with seven Prometheus engines in the first stage (CNES)
- Ariane Next Prometheus (CNES)

Prometheus («») /, , Vulcain,  Themis («»). «» «» , «» . , (ESA), CNES DLR  Callisto («»), «», . «» , «» .

, «» , , «», , 30 3,5 , «» . «» 130 .

European engine Methalox Prometheus (ArianeGroup).
Methalox Prometheus (ArianeGroup).
Evolution of European Launchers (CNES).
Demonstration sample on liquid hydrogen and oxygen Callisto.  Joint project between France, Germany and Japan (CNES).
Callisto. , (CNES).

«» , CNES , 2022 . «» «» , Ariane 6, 50 % Ariane 5. Ariane Next, , , Ariane 7.

Ariane Next «», , . , Ariane Next . Falcon 9 SpaceX, New Glenn Blue Origin, . , CNES , «» 1200 , , New Glenn ( ). «», Falcon 9, Ariane Next , , .

"Themis".  Demonstrator with 3 "Prometheus" (CNES).
«». 3 «» (CNES).
Themis design (CNES).
«» (CNES).
Themis Test Schedule (CNES).
«» (CNES).

, Ariane Next 70 790 . 4,5 (GTO), 7 GTO (Ariane 62 4,5 GTO, Ariane 64 10,5 ). 2040 , Ariane Ultimate Ariane Next . Ariane Next 2030 , , , .

Even if SpaceX fails to revolutionize the launch space with its Starship, many other companies and agencies are considering implementing partially reusable launchers in the next few years. Will there be a place in the market for Ariane Next when it finally takes off?

Ariane Next and Related Projects (CNES).
Ariane Next and Related Projects (CNES).
Ariane Ultimate, a cheap, reusable heavy launcher for the 2040s (CNES).
Ariane Ultimate, a cheap, reusable heavy launcher for the 2040s (CNES).
Ariane Ultimate (CNES) reusable launcher concept.
Ariane Ultimate (CNES) reusable launcher concept.
Ariane Ultimate (CNES).
Ariane Ultimate (CNES).

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